Man! I suck with Blue.............. OH! @John - I thought you said this app would be titled "Conquer!" in the springboard. Why the change?
yeah the problem is that even after i have enough resources again it still wont build again even if i cancel the current builds and select new ones
It was originally rejected due to name inconsistencies so he put it as R. Conquest! just to get it approved. He said he'll try to change it in an update might definitely be a bug then. It's ok John reads this thread
Sorry to belabor the point...but I really hope we get wifi-online multiplayer at some point >.< ! This game would be PERFECT with that.
i've mentioned a couple of times that myself, a server costs money and i dont know how hard it is to implement a p2p multiplayer this way you can even play on 3g, which i absolutely need due to being away from home a lot To John: just making sure, but....with each chapter we get more challenge missions right? do we also get more multiplayer maps?
to go along with his other games. Blue Attack: Attack! Blue Defense: Defend! Red Conquest: Conquer! See?
I LOL'd at that one! They'd be pancakes with those grumpy faces on them! Strawberries vs Blueberries! Powdered sugar vs syrup! Coffee or tea! Beware the dreaded bacon attack!
I dont know about that last comment bout the promo codes but I'm sure John's working on a better tutorial already. I think most formations are fine I'd just prefer groups myself. I cant imagine how it will implemented though, maybe part of a sub-menu ? ....that makes sense actually It does bother me slightly that i dont know how much each harvester contributes either. maybe when you click on them you see how much they're collecting. WHen you click on resources you can tell how many there are. I think the maps are beautiful but a lil variaton would help also. I have a feeling John's already working on this though. Anywho great suggestions
Cores Love the game so far, although I haven't had as much time to devote to it as I'd like. Remember in Blue Attack how the Red ships could be destroyed if you took out their cores? Does the same principle apply in Red Conquest (i.e. you have to protect the core or else your ship blows up)? Thanks!
I'll look into the resource thing, the sticky pause seems like a bug. Also, maybe I'll add a little numerical indicator showing how well each resource gatherer is doing, that's a good idea. I'm also thinking of separating the +/- indicators at the top, because when you're at 0 resources it's a bit confusing. about the price - there are no specific plans to change the price, as in we don't know if we'll go up or down at all. If we do change the price, it will be when the first major conten. Update hits (episode 2!).
Is it too early to already be anticipating Episode 2? (Yes, I know it is slotted for a March release)
kind of - if you kill a squad, it's fighter escorts go with it. If you want, just befor a squad dies, you can manually transfer fighters to other ships. It's not quite the same, but the idea is from the same place.
Speaking of escorts... do they actively protect/defend the ship they are launched from. That is, do they absorb damage that would otherwise hurt the ship they belong to?
er..what exactly are escorts? still learning here..trying to get familiar with everything in the advanced tutorial, don't think I'm ready for a campaign mission yet
Internet Multiplayer For those asking about Internet multiplayer, we're working on it. We wanted to get it done for the initial release, but the timing was really bad for us. The only guarantees that I can make are that it will be ready before Episode 2, and it will be a free update.
They are the little ships that orbit your bigger ships, then zoom out and attack enemy ships during combat. For Red, they are the little snakie things, for blue they are the little squad of three ships.
The fighter ships fight for and protect any vessel to which they're assigned, so yes, the vessel itself receives a bonus to attack and defence. They protect the ship they launch from by default, but you can transfer them to other ships. Wootbean, escorts == fighters, those little guys that orbit around your ships. We called them escorts for most of the development process, but changed their name to fighters because technically any ship you use to defend any other ship is considered an escort.