iPad Red Conquest - (by Cat in a Box Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by wootbean, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Narziss

    Narziss Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2009
  2. helix

    helix Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    Prepress - Variable output specialist - Web interf
    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Ok, I'm in...

    Obviously, this game was well received and I'm very much interested. I'm surprised I didn't come across the two predecessors, so I'm also interested in Blue Attack! and Blue Defense! I wonder if you can help me...

    Should I get one or the other (attack or defence), or both? Are they different enough that I need to get both?

    If I enjoy Blue, I'll end up with Red, so a realistic appraisal would be much appreciated. They look amazing!

  3. Narziss

    Narziss Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    #283 Narziss, Dec 15, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
    Yaay - I just beat two allied Red AI on a team against me (in multiplayer), and I played Blue.

    I really adore Blue, it's my favorite - but I find the units very pricey (in terms of the unit count). I'm not sure how I'd fare against a real player actually playing Red 1v1.

    I really, really, really hope wifi-online multiplayer is made :) :) !!

    I hope the dev adds a manual with details about each unit :)

    Also, why does it say "self-repair capability" under MV in this diagram? - I feel like I've never seen a lone MV repair itself... but I might be mistaken...
  4. vtable

    vtable Member

    #284 vtable, Dec 15, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
    I would recommend both, because they're completely different games. :)

    Edit: Specifically, Blue Defense is a pure arcade title that has you destroying wave after wave of incoming enemies bent on colliding with your planet. Blue Attack is a free-roaming, overhead-perspective shoot-em-up with weapon upgrades and a clear level progression.
  5. sebasterbator

    sebasterbator Well-Known Member

    Yeah it repairs itself, ive seen it happen.
  6. helix

    helix Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    Prepress - Variable output specialist - Web interf
    Vancouver, BC Canada

    Thanks for your reply. Helped a lot!
  7. Mew2468

    Mew2468 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Vancouver, BC
    Yeah, Blue Defense is better for quick pick-up-and-play times, but Blue Attack has more depth.

    Go Vancouver, BC! :D
  8. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hat Salesman
    John you should make an album on your profile with all those awesome wallpapers.
  9. NBM05

    NBM05 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    While I respected the design of Blue Defense and found it a quality game, I personally didn't get too much out of it. It was worth the price, but i didn't play it much.

    Blue Attack on the other hand I found amazing and incredibly enjoyable. The quality of the game is top notch, the design phenomenal, the ballance really well done, and the upgrades brilliant. I've bought probably 100 or so games, and Blue Attack is easily one of the best. Highly recommended.
  10. iamBone

    iamBone Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2009
    I really enjoyed Blue Attack!, if that means anything now that you've bought it. :)

    As for Red Conquest, I haven't tried out the blue units left, but looking forward to it. Really curious about the Moniter, although I saw some comment (or maybe it was on the TA review) that they were hard to use. Still curious.
  11. Ace_97

    Ace_97 Well-Known Member

    Any chance there will be a price increase/decrease in let's say in the next 3 months?
  12. Mew2468

    Mew2468 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Vancouver, BC
    It's hard to build up a few of them, keep them defended, and have other ships serving as vision scouts, but once you do you totally dominate. :p
  13. helix

    helix Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    Prepress - Variable output specialist - Web interf
    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I think I'll get both in that case. Looks like I'll be snowed in anyway!

  14. Tharob

    Tharob Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Heerenveen, The Netherlands
    so true.

    @ jakooistra is it normal that when youre low on resources -164 or something one of the builders (seems to be the foundry) gets priorty and the base for example just stops doing anything? but when my resources are the green again +80 or something the base ship building qeue is still pauzed. looks like a bug or something.
  15. GumGuts

    GumGuts Active Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    Perhaps your builders are paused? If you go into the build menu, there should be an icon at the bottom that's either a big pause symbol, or play symbol. If it's a play symbol, just tap it and it starts right back up again.

    Hope that helps!
  16. Vingdoloras

    Vingdoloras Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    No, at first I thought it was a bug, but it's a feature. The game lets you order more units building tasks then the cap would take. If you reach the unit cap, the foundry continues it's duty, but as soon as the unit currently being built reaches the end of the process, it stops. One little tip for you. If this happens, order more ships, don't remove the stopped ships. If one ship dies, another one will instantly come out of the foundry, if you build over the unit cap. Someone here wanted John to remove this, but John please don't remove it. It can be used for some very nice tactics and adds an element of surprise into multiplayer games, since even humans can't find out if there is something going on inside the foundry. Bots also seem to be unable to detect that (please don't change this, its good as it is).

    I feel the need for a level editor more than ever... also (and I know there is only a very little or no chance that this will happen), an AI-Editor for the map might be cool as well. Building your own AI gives you the possibility to make nice and interesting levels.

    In addition, some multiplayer maps including planets may be nice. Some maps where the planets disappear when killed, and some where they change the owner.

    Can we hope for more than 3 colors? :D

    And could you make some optional AI systems, some defensive ones, some that attack you instantly etc. I've been fighting the current AI very often, some more variety would be awesome.

    (Btw, AI... I played against 2 AIs, I played Blue, they had Red units. I was just collecting resources, had a foundry, two harvesters, two Destroyers... The bots attacked with 5 or more Carriers... In the end, I lost one Destroyer, and the bots managed to rescue one of the carriers. funny :D Having more combat units is worth nothing if the enemy uses superior tactics)
  17. majormauser

    majormauser Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2008
    Do do you know if Apple stock will be above or below $200 in 3 Months?
  18. Tharob

    Tharob Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Heerenveen, The Netherlands
    it isnt paused i checked :p

    also not the unit cap i had like 37/80 or something
  19. onewithchaos

    onewithchaos Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Maybe even though you're at 80+ you dont have the resources to build everything you want to build at the same time. It's by design that when your resources are low that the last thing you build gets priority while everything else gets paused. Try doing one ship base and one ship foundry to see if thats the case. If it doesnt build even with the right amount of resources it might be worth looking into it.

    By the way, did anyone notice that there's now 3 user-review on TA?

    That's pretty neat, I havent seen any game with that many review....maybe at most 2. :)

    I'd like to know how this game is doing in terms of sales, if we can know i guess.
  20. Narziss

    Narziss Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    Thanks for clearing that up for me. Just have to make sure the MV is really, really isolated so that it starts repairing itself and not others.

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