Just to get a sense: how many folks out there are interested in recording gameplay in their apps? A few friends and I are working on a free SDK for for cocos2d and Unity that allows you to capture video and audio from mobile games with very minimal impact on performance (FPS). After completing a level, users can watch a replay and share it to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and via email. Here is an example video: http://kamcord.com/v/aWEnTEQftxI/ Here is a blog post on the cocos2d site with more info: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/archives/1942 Would love to hear your feedback. And if you're interested, you can sign up here: http://kamcord.com/signup/
Currently, we only support cocos2d v1.0.1 and v2.0, but cocos2d-x is definitely on our roadmap. Is PowerUp built on cocos2d-x?
@readysetretro Awesome, so great to hear it! What game(s) are you planning on using Kamcord in? Drop us a note at hello (at) kamcord (dot) com to let us know how things are going.
I'm hoping to use it for gameplay video and trailers, but it seems like a great feature for a platforming game I've been working on
That's awesome. We're currently live in a platform game called Platform Hell. Here is a video from the game recorded using Kamcord: http://kamcord.com/v/58zhkktjbu2/
Yes it is however it will be released before end of November. Have no idea how much time you will need to port Kamcord to cocos2d-x but I guess this is way too early. I do most of my dev using cocos2d-x so I'm interested even if it comes much later and I'm open to early/beta testing as well
Great! We'll definitely keep the community apprised on when we can release that port (and yes, unfortunately, it won't be before the end of the month). Also, if you wouldn't mind, please sign up at http://kamcord.com/signup/ so we can keep track of your games and use it as motivation to work on our cocos2d-x implementation!