Properly impressed by this. Decided to give it five mins before bed at 22:00. 1.5 hours later... Really lovely gameplay and dynamics. Basic - but we'll put together - menu of options for assorted sites. Not sure this'll keep me going forever, but it's a darned good little effort. Lovely snippets of storytelling / game choices, too. Am yet to have my fingers burnt too badly but, tbh, have only just founded city hall (and established my communist theocracy), so will have to see how things pan out...
Should I feel proud or guilty? But yeah, Rebuild 3 has traded the zombies for the other factions as primary antagonists. The hordes of the clichéd dead are now more like Civ's barbarians (albeit ever-present, but rarely, if ever, more than a minor threat). They remain a narrative element, but one relegated to their proper place (Well, except you can't anchor them to recycled ferris wheels, tie a badly sketched picture of a brain on a stick, and use them to produce unlimited amounts of clean energy.) Identical, save for the tick of the click replaced by the snap of the tap. Yes, any game that makes zombies irrelevant shall be raised aloft for all others who follow to bask in the warmth of the former's radiance
Game is great but I have 1 request: I'm playing in turn based mode so I like to setup a few survivors across the map to do different things in 1 turn. When I assign a job to someone like farming or reclaiming once I have pressed the end turn button a few times and they have completed the action, the characters have jumped back to their previous place/building thus making it confusing to know where I had assigned them to. If they could stay where their last action was made it would help so much. UPDATE: I can track where they were by tapping on the log messages in the top right. Also 2 more general questions: What do the yellow, red and green highlighted buildings mean? If I have an iPhone 6 Plus do I want to turn off the light graphics and light animation options in options? Thanks in advance, Game is so immersing!
Hey TA, when I open the original rebuild thread and click the screenshot thumbs, it pulls up screens from this version. FYI accessing via TA mobile App.
I've been playing the Rebuild 3 beta for a while and really been enjoying it; it's a nice update of the original with familiar gameplay but more polish and a bit faster pacing. It'll keep you busy for a long time too.
After beta testing this bad boy for about 20 days or so, I immediately pressed the buy button when it was released today. Usually after playing a game that long I'll lose interest in it, but not with Rebuild 3. I see this game being a permanent install on both my iPad and iPhone. There's nothing quite like it on iOS, except the original Rebuild of course. Though Sarah Northway seems to have injected steroids into this sequel, it's beefed up and better in every way possible.
Very happy with this, feels like everything a sequel should be. I maybe just learning the game, but I feel like difficulty is pumped up in this sequel, that's not bad though. This is one of those games that ends up sucking my time away. The game really immerses me, I love how simple it is to "control" the game, although this one is a bit more complicated then part 2, I think, its still very manageable. I didn't even complete my first game, after a couple hours I wanna start over. I feel like I already got my money's worth and will be playing this one some more for sure.
The color of the icon lets you know how dangerous the mission is. Right now, I don't think it's possible to change the graphics on the 6 Plus. She was getting consistent crashes on it with full graphics enabled during beta testing, so she locked the graphic options for this particular device. She said that she is working on a patch, but didn't want to hold up the release any longer. This info is about a week old so I will apologize in advance if it's no longer accurate...
Also, if you turned on the overlays yoi can see where you haven't scouted yet and where you can still scavenge. The color of the building shows how many zombies are in it. I think the higher amount of zombies are in a building the higher the chance a mob apears.
How you turn on overlays? Also I left a character chopping wood... But nothing seems to happen, I don't get any materials from it
Awesome game though! I haven't played any of the previous ones... Wasn't too sure if to get this, but after reading all the good stuff, I jumped straight in. Put it on last night about 10... 2am suddenly! And I had to pull myself away from it
Hi vovin lol But on my ip6... The tiny textures are turned off, surely it be better if turned on? Also light graphics and light animations are turned on.... Do I need to to turn them off? Or do these options relate to the actual light source and not a light (lower) graphics/animation setting
Tiny Textures means "lower resolution/less demanding" - on the iphone6 you want them OFF because you have the horsepower to handle high res textures. Light Graphics and Animations means "higher detail light source graphics." You want them ON because again you have the horsepower for max visuals...
I asked the developer about the various settings during the beta, and this was her answer: Tiny: lowest quality map and units, light: medium quality map and units plus no gradients on buttons and some other stuff to save memory and stop crashing, low quality: actually something completely different, makes lots of graphics have jagged edges, doesn't affect memory but might make it run faster.
The game can be set for real time gameplay or turn-based. Regarding depth, I'd say it's a bit lighter than Civ 2 in that there are no armies or buildings to construct, but, in spite of this, it somehow feels very similar because of that "just one more turn" quality it possesses and the constant pull to search for special resources and equipment.