Universal Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman by Hexage

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Royce, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    It looks and plays great on the ipad2. My 8 year old daughter loves it, it's the only game to have taken her away from minecraft in the last few months. She thinks I am famous because I got to fifth in the game centre leader boards yesterday on the dark mode lol. I'm letting her think that it's my skill and not because the game is new and people are just starting to upgrade. #
  2. Looks nice on ipad 3.
  3. Rejera

    Rejera Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    Loving the game so far. Gestures feel great my only preference would be to have a normal attack button ( for just the little attacks, guestures work great for dashing, uppercuts and other "rage" attacks). Auto attack is good, and works well, but an attack button is my personal preference. It's a great ARPG and I definitely recommend it.
  4. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    #104 Echoen, Sep 23, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
    Thanks for creating this awesome game! I'm really digging the art style in Reaper and I've been enjoying the gameplay. :D I just reached level 30 in the Wilderness and had enough to buy the Dark Reaper chest piece! I never saw the Destiny set though. Is it the all the items with the God affix? Looking forward to that update!

    I've got a few suggestions here:

    1. Card reset. Perhaps for a fee or better yet... free? :) Toss in a repeatable quest if you have to but it would be nice at any level, especially for Dark Harvest.

    2. Dark Harvest: Be able to open the last shop available (I accidentally close it by tapping just outside the window)

    3. Thorny plants should have more contrast with the background. (i.e. some stages have black on black or orange on orange)

    4. Stomping enemies should lower flying enemies all the way to the ground consistently and keep them about as low for at least 2 auto attacks. As it is now, They usually only go down to just above your head, sometimes beside you and stay there to die, and other times are just pushed away and most will recover/gain height immediately.

    5. Charge: give it an innate block chance that stacks with your own block rate. This should go up to 100% block chance with max Wall of Blades (innate 20-25%?).
  5. Vestid

    Vestid Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012

    I'm on ios7 and still can't get the iap to work. It says requesting purchase and the just goes to the upgrades menu again. Anyone have any ideas?
  6. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I expected this to be good, but it blew me away to find out that this is THAT good.

    A fine ARPG to add to any iOS gamer's library.

    Only thing i could think of that could enhance the experience is actual platforms during combat which could add a lot more possibilities and combinations with your moves, enemy types and whatever hazards they can add in.
  7. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    I haven't gotten any game unlocks yet, but are there any more environmental hazards besides spiky thorns? Also how is the enemy variety later on?
  8. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    I surprised by the opinions of the controls. I usually prefer buttons over swipe but I feel that the devs really did a great a job of making the swipe controls feel precise and smooth. Not once have I died because of the controls. And I feel that the swiping complements the agile movements and evasion focused combat.

    I do wish that maybe in an update, that weapons could have special effects like the ice sword making ice spikes on a downward slam or ice blasts with an uppercut. You know, just to make the weapons feel more unique and add some strategy to the combat
  9. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    The enemy types are maybe 20-30 or so (didn't really count), each with varying ranks (simple trash up to elite tier). The higher the rank, the crazier their bullet attacks become. Lower tiers will fire 1 bullet at you while a higher one might shoot out a nice Contra-like spread attack or multiple clusters. It'll rain bullets like in a real bullet hell game ;)
    Melee dudes hurt more, run faster and knock you around. :D Some even block your attacks. There are tanks and things that look like hover drones that fire rockets or bouncing bombs.

    The real threat is when you face multiple enemy types with different projectile attacks coupled with jumping enemies like SCREAMERS.

    Traps are the pits, thorns, ash, fences, and all other sharp objects. Definitely worth getting the trait that reduces damage from those. Do get the skill that heals you when you get coins! I didn't get it and I'm raging at how hard it is without it.
  10. Ramaz1234

    Ramaz1234 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    Wow just wow.. I saw this like 2 days ago but passed on it but then I read more reviews about it and was like well it's free I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it and 30 minutes or so of playing it later in hooked! Amazing freaking game I am m totally getting a Bastion vibe from it such a great game. Game of the year nominee anyone! :D
  11. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Totally agree. Would add a bit of variety to the battles.
  12. chickdigger802

    chickdigger802 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Atlanta GA
    so where do i get the premium sets that come with the higher tier iap?
  13. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    They randomly become available in the shops. They're marked with a star
  14. Rejera

    Rejera Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    Ok, good. I was thinking about getting the full version, but didn't like the thought that I'd get the best armor in the game by buying the full game. Glad to see it doesn't ruin character progression.
  15. BillyOceansBlues

    BillyOceansBlues Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    one of the highest quality games ive ever seen on the app store. everything works great, looks great, and reads great. i was actually suspicious because games with this amount of polish are usually just really sophistcated microtransaction traps. not so here. and so, ironically, i happily went for the top upgrade haha. well done, devs.
  16. CarbonELiTE

    CarbonELiTE Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    #116 CarbonELiTE, Sep 25, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2013
    I'm level 29 so I'm not sure, but I'm guessing the god set is just for purchasing the full game thus it's 1 star. I assume the destiny and dark sets will have 2 and 3 stars when they start appearing at merchant shops for me to buy. is anyone farther along than me that can back that up?

    and I have 6/8 of the god set, they're pretty easy to get. I'd like to know how much stronger I need to be to get past the 4th stage of the torken arena. I can only get past the first 3 -_-
  17. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    Dark set also has 1 star. 25k for the chest piece
  18. CarbonELiTE

    CarbonELiTE Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    oh what level are you?
  19. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bought the best edition. A little sad icloud doesn't seem to be working for me though :/
  20. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    It works for me but it frequently asks me if I want to replace my current save with an older cloud save, which is a bit disconcerting.

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