Universal Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman by Hexage

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Royce, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    It is not related to the premium upgrade. Someone else has reported the issue. Are you on iOS 7?
  2. kioshi

    kioshi Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
    Haven't seen the fortune teller yet. I'm level 25 but taking my time (doing all side quests).

    Torken arena recently showed up for me, it's a stage in which you earn money and have a chance to triple it by doing another round or losin it all. Haven't played much arena because the enemies are the Torken, meaning bullet hell wizards and stuff and they annoy me.
  3. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    A couple of thoughts after playing some more: I actually wish the movement controls also used a swipe motion on the left side of screen, (invisible joystick/slider) if only as an option. This would feel more in line with what your right thumb is doing. I have, in fact, on occasion found myself intuitively swiping the left side of the screen to move, momentarily forgetting it doesn't work that way.

    It would be great if monsters had a chance to drop some loot. As it is, certain levels can start to feel like a chore to finish with nothing but the end goal in sight. Loot would greatly spice up the process.
  4. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    I hate fighting Torken especially fights with runestones too. Dang just thinking about it is making me rage. Can't wait to unlock that though. I wanna max out the cards already!

    Does anyone know if slaying NPCs or asking for more money has any effect on the story or items and whatever?
  5. Vestid

    Vestid Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    I still can't upgrade. Am I doing it wrong?
  6. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Really good game!

    It took 3 hours playing, but I finally get used to the control. That's not to say it's flawless though, dragging my thumb on the left corner to change directions is quite tiring. Turns out you are more likely to jump around - either dodging or chasing gold nuggets :D - than pull off some special moves since there is auto-attack, so your right thumb will be mainly just for tapping.
    Pretty much what's in my mind.

    Graphics are simply beautiful. From the vibrant colors of the backgrounds to the variety of distinct-looking enemies: tribal people and their will-o-the-wisps, soldiers with steampunk machines and wacky animals. But who could forget the main swordman! To be honest, I'm in love with the icon! I can't help looking at it all the time :D

    We also have a slight sense of rpg. There are all kinds of items to buy, a pity only the sword and the armor show changes. The story is very interesting as well as hilarious, the devs put some real efforts into details. I love how uncaring and sarcastic Blacksword is (or rather, how I can choose him to be :p).
    I too wonder. I've killed the dying Imperial general, dunno how that will turn out lol

    Overall, so far, so fun!
  7. kioshi

    kioshi Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
    Not really. The downward swipe is really good as it hits more than one enemy. Plus, after level ups, you can choose more power for your special moves and later even the spinning one is really good for dealing with tons of flying enemies because it'll be doing significant damage.

    The upward swipe is great for stunning enemies (again after upgrading the moves) and throwing them in pits. The air downward swipe can have its reach increased as well as stun capabilities. The special moves are fundamental in your killing speed and even survival in later levels.

    I only found the side swipe (charging attack) a bit useless but I haven't chosen any upgrade for it so far.
  8. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    One other thing... Why doesn't the downward air swipe attack hit everything on your way down like in most other games such as Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Dragon's Crown, God of War, Dragon's Dogma, Metal Gear Rising, Mega Man X (as Zero) and Muramasa Rebirth?

    Side swipe, I mainly use just to cover ground or dodge (block chance is multiplied when doing an action with my traits). It also juggles everything along the way. Could be useful in making those enemies attack at the same time instead of one by one.

    Up is good for tossing mobs into pits so you don't have to burn down entire health bars.
  9. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Well that effective spinning attack is 2 taps, so basically I tap all the time.
  10. Hexage

    Hexage Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    Thank you for playing Reaper!

    We've submitted a new update for approval yesterday. The new update will bring the latest changes, improvements, and bug fixes (including the fix for missing keyboard when editing the profile).

    The in-app purchasing should work by now. Sometimes the app is live on Apple servers sooner than its in-app items (even though both are approved at the same time), which makes them unavailable for a period of time.

    Extra content in premium editions:

    • • Torken Arena lets you earn up to 6000 gold repeatedly, however you need to win a sequence of 3 increasingly difficult battles. Available around level 25.

      • Fortuneteller sells skill cards for 20 000 gold a piece. You can find her near the Ochori Tribe at around level 17.

      • Destiny & Dark items come in full sets - 8 items each. Destiny set is more offensive and available earlier. Dark Item Set emphasizes survivability, and becomes available after level 30 - designed mainly with the Dark Harvest mode in mind.

      • Dark Shrine side-quest is like an endless 'quest' generator - it appears after the story ends so you can keep playing with your character indefinitely. (The Wilderness story ends at around level 37, however if you take it slow, you can level up much higher).

      • Dark Harvest mode lets you develop a separate character, test variety of builds and equipment up to level 60.
  11. Avantyr

    Avantyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    #91 Avantyr, Sep 23, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
    My suggestions:
    1) alternate control schemes (2 v sticks or 1 stick and an atk button)

    2) Actively dodging/ blocking (buttons or moves or making dash a dodge), every fight I lose like half my hp from dashing into proyectiles... Gets worse with the tracking ones, only way to dodge is to jump around them...

    3) gold magnet trait (if not already ingame) or having gold not bounce off the map.

    4) more knockback to attacks

    5) more range on the auto-attack, or a button, half the time I'm close enough to hit, but the auto-attack doesn't get activated...

    6) magic/proyectile attacks for the player

    7) RAGE mode: filling the rage bar makes the Reaper fill with energy, making him invulnerable or deal 2x dmg. for 10 seconds...

    8) healing potions

    9) special weapon effects like poison, immolation, freezing, electrocuting, etc.

    10) stomping/bouncing on an enemy stuns them or deals some damage...

    11) enemies are hurt by environmental hazards or proyectiles, jumping on thorn/braziers hurts me, but throwing enemies on to them doesn't...

    12) item crafting

    13) hunting missions-> give crafting ingredients

    Thanks or the game, the art is great, but the gameplay could use some tweaking; nonetheless, it is fun. ;)
    I agree that the controls are less than ideal, specially when attempting to survive bullet hell style barrages...and monster drops would also be cool.
  12. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Just a couple of comments on these two suggestions.

    2) There is blocking in the game. It shows up on gear. Also, there are cards that you can get from leveling up that add 2.4% chance to block (I think you can get up to 15 of these). There is also a card that doubles your block chance while performing rage attacks (I don't know if you can get more of these or not. If not, then there will be some other upgrade to blocking to go in this card's stack).

    7) I'm not sure what else there is in addition to this (either more of the same to stack up, or something different, but of similar function), but there is a card that gives you 8 armor for each unused skull you have. If this is a stackable card (like the cards for health, speed, strength, blocking, etc.), then I could imagine a full stack of these on top of a high armor fitting % from gear would make you pretty close to invincible with full skulls.
  13. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    That with the Greed card makes failing missions at LVL20 hard to do.

    More I play this, the more I like it.
  14. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 8, 2013
    Wireless Sales
    Happy Daddy
    #94 ScotDamn, Sep 23, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
    Game Impressions

    So this is a pretty decent action RPG. The artwork is good, and I firmly believe the controls work extremely well. Very intuitive and non obstructive. I love the auto attack, leaving you with manual skilled attacks to perform by gesture. The leveling up is nice, albeit random. You get a respectable amount of coin in levels and the gear is also pretty nice, adding stat bonuses. I also love the pay model, allowing the user 10 levels before deciding to buy at a very reasonable $2. Overall a recommended action rpg here. :)

    I see a lot of suggestions however a lot of them are changing the way this game was designed. The levels are meant to be played in a single setting without potions which increases skill and makes you think how you will attack the level. You can't just go in attacking everything head on. Use your speed against the enemies! They react slower than you do.
  15. Avantyr

    Avantyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    2- i meant actively blocking, like tapping a button or something, not having it activate randomly.

    7- I mean it as a transformation.

    Suggestions stand...
  16. TREE_exorcist

    TREE_exorcist Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    Fun, But the controls make it terrible at the same time.
  17. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Ah, I gotcha.

    I wasn't trying to shoot down your suggestions, btw. Just sharing some info I thought you might not have been completely familiar with, based on those two suggestions. :)
  18. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    On the contrary, I think the controls make the game.
  19. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Holy sheep just notice this game is 30MB! THIRTY MAGNIFICANT MEGABYTES!!! How did they do that?! I own an iPad2, but from the look of it, it probably has Retina. And it's this small.
  20. chickdigger802

    chickdigger802 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Atlanta GA
    yeah, i wish there were more defensive moves have some like hold top right to guard, and if you let go right after you get hit, you get some sort of parry.

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