Universal Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman by Hexage

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Royce, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Cadenza

    Cadenza Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2013
    #281 Cadenza, Oct 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2013
    This can qualify as one of the most disappointing and frustrating games ever created for iOS.
    How the hell are you supposed to beat some levels when:
    1. Can't skip the level. Forces you to finish before going to another mission
    2. bullet hell wizards EVERYWHERE on screen. You can barely dodge these in airplane shooters. The fact that each bullet does like 3-4 Dmg means you'll be killed in a a matter of seconds.
    3. Completely random skill cards. Someone who managed to max out greed and fortune will have a cakewalk with this game. On the other hand if you're unlucky enough to keep drawing hp+ and str+ cards, you're pretty much screwed, just delete it. This is completely unbalanced
    4 why the hell would the character choose to land on environment hazards? When you jump near them? What are the chances that you'll land on a stack of spears?
    5 die at the last enemy of a level? Too bad, restart the entire damn level without any reward. Yes all picked up gold are to gone.
  2. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    #282 squashy, Oct 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2013
    Ok first of all chill.
    Yep, you are not the only one pissed by that.
    But this is not a shmup now is this? ;) we have Block+ items, Dash move that can interupt their spell casting and potentially stun them. With some items to rack up Skulls you can rip those spammers apart - in a matter of seconds. The trick is to realize their pattern: they always stay at one side of the ground and spam orbs. The easiest way to get rid of them is to jump over there and uppercut them since there's usually a pit there.
    NOT completely random. I'm fairly sure Greed and Fortune do not show up until you've reached a certain level. Same goes with high-tier items.
    Not that much. I'm aware of where my character is landing on. Usually just a Dash or a Stomp will ensure safe descent.
    Quite the norm in most level based games. Look, don't get nitpicking just because something irritates you.
    There's no such thing as perfect softwares nor perfect game concept. Every week new games come out on the App Store, a lot even cheaper than Reaper. Find new joys :)

    Probably a bit too soon for that. Around lv20, maybe.
  3. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    Greed showed up for me at lv20. I didn't get it and I totally regret that. I had to wait till around lv40 (or 35?) to pick up level 1 greed.
  4. MagusDiablo

    MagusDiablo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2012
    English Teacher
    I've reached endgame, killed the Demigod and now I need to pay 1k for EVERY mission? Does this change?
  5. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    The gold isn't difficult to collect. Once you figure out how much health the chests actually have, slash it down until it's at a sliver, then double jump above it and then whirlwind, so that as you're falling you whirlwind into the chest. The chest will break and you will collect almost all the gold as you're spinning over the chest.
  6. nomwich

    nomwich New Member

    Nov 8, 2013
    Does anyone know how to get certain destiny and dark items to spawn? All I need is the "God" breastplate and sword, but have yet to see either. Also, what triggers the "Forsaken" sword to spawn?

    I hope Hexage is working on an update. There needs to be a way to replay the boss. And respeccing would be nice, just for the fun of playing around with the skills.

    FYI, use the Torken Arena instead of the dark shrine repeatable quest. From the three times I tried the dark shrine quest, it did nothing for me. You pay $1,000 gold for the orders to clear an area, earn 300 experience, rinse, repeat. With the gold you get from the area, and any random fight along the way, you're lucky if you make the money back. As for the exp boost, 300 isn't high enough (even with +31% exp boost) to justify grinding it out. Better to do Torken Arena. Get 3/3 Wall of Blades ASAP, and get block as close to 33.3% as possible. Then lawl spin through three rounds.
  7. sophisticated.gamer.

    Nov 1, 2012
    Hi there, new to forum,
    Currently, I am level 40 or 30 something, I have stupidly not bought the god and dark items, and only have 2, i finished the game killing the god and now, I'm digging into dark harvest... Anyone know how to get these items ? They should do a shop where u get to choose from anything... And the controls and graphics or amazing, and missions arent impossible if u have the skills...
  8. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Is there any way to restore your purchases? I bought the full game on my iPhone 5, but when I got my iPad mini with retina display I deleted it off my iPhone assuming I could restore my purchases on my iPad, but I can't figure out how. Please help!
  9. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Options -> Restore Purchases (press the star)
  10. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Thank a million!!!
  11. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    Don't know how I missed this one, but just picked it up and am enjoying the complexity of combat, the treasure hunting, and the RPG aspect.

    My thanks to the developer for not offering microtransactions. I put my money where my mouth is and ponied up for the full version and am glad I did. A premium game worth a premium price.
  12. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    Ok, I'm about halfway through and have found it very well balanced and am enjoying the complete lack of freemium currency that usually comes with these types of games.


    I am stuck on the quest to slay the bear (the "Rite of Passage" quest with one bear, one wolf, and about a bazillion slimes). Any suggestions?
  13. bhornburg

    bhornburg Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Yowser, I remember that one. I tried to build my rage up pounding the slimes and used my power attacks on the bear and wolf. The stages in this game always have the same layouts and enemies, so try different strategies and see what gets you the furthest and build on that. I played that level 50 times before I beat it. ;)
  14. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    Anyone else app name changed to asian characters?
  15. epedemix

    epedemix Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    I really love this game, and everything about it. The visuals, controls, music.. everything is spot on. About a month ago I dropped my iPod 5th gen, and shattered the screen. It costs about the same to repair the device as it does to buy a new one. Luckily I have my iPhone which I now use primarily for iGaming, where as my iPod is used for Audible, and Music.

    I was on level 50 or just passed it, and I had gotten pretty lucky being able to max out 1:1 gold to health ratio. I have tried to level up on my iPhone, but I can not seem to get the heal talent to spawn. I have restarted progress 4 or 5 times, and each time level up to 25.

    My question really is this; Can I some how transfer my progress from iPod to iPhone using iCloud? :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Also, I have not noticed if the developers visit this thread or not, but if they do I would like to ask if there has been any thoughts as to making an endless mode. The jumping, sprinting, dashing, it is all set up for an endless slashing & running mode. Everything would exist in that single run. You could periodically have the store randomly generate, and the talent cards too. Or there could be some sort of milestone checkpoints based on distance, kills, gold, etc. I know this is similar to the arena, but the difference would be that when you die you start over, not just losing XP for that level.

    Thanks in advance if anyone could offer assistance on transferring progress between devices.
  16. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    My game seemlessoy transfers through iCloud.

    I jump back and forth between iPhone and iPad continuing progress with no issue.

    Recheck, make sure your AppleID and Gamecenter are all configured the same on each device.

    Open up the Gamecenter menu in-game and insure iCloud sync is on.
  17. epedemix

    epedemix Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    Excellent, thank you kindly for your input. I will do just this when I get home. Hopefully I can get this straightened out. I appreciate your help.
  18. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #298 Intendro, Jan 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
    I just updated and came here to comment on that!

    The "Welcome back, username" Game Center message is in the wrong language too. (My username was in English.)

    And I got some Game Center messages in that foreign language, which I assume are "achievement unlocked" messages that hadn't shown up because I was offline before... The game's name and achievements show up in English in the Game Center app, fortunately.

    The text in the game is still English.
  19. epedemix

    epedemix Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    I dont generally use Gamecenter, unless it is something that is automatically taken care via the game. I selected Gamecenter and there was the iCloud turned off. I turned it on, and now everything works perfectly on my iPhone. Thank you again sir.

    Also, my game has been renamed to something in Korean or Chinese. It doesnt affect the gameplay or the in game lettering. It is still a bit annoying, but oh well.
  20. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    So I was really enjoying this game right up until the last fight. I read in this thread that I should buff my blocking skill so I zig-zagged across the wilderness for 45 minutes to trigger fights to refresh the stock in the stores. Nada with block so I went ahead and triggered the boss fight.

    Bad idea.

    I can't beat him and I can't leave the fight to level and gear up so I'm pretty much done here I guess.

    such a disappointing end to an otherwise fun game.

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