Universal Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman by Hexage

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Royce, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    I felt the same way at first. But, after a short while, I found the controls
    to be bang on.
  2. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Yeah you will feel the controls after giving the game about 2 hours playing. If at that point you still can't deal with it it'll probably never work for you though.

    I haven't tried myself but maybe you can by killing the app then reopening it.

    Now when are they going to add New Game +?? I need an incentive, I still have got tons of cards to hoard :p c'mon Hexage, just repeat the story and add a skip button! (if it's not already there).
  3. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Yeah I'd love to play again with all the cool stuff I already have instead of having to reset it all
  4. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    I don't think it's possible, at least I couldn't find a way, I was stuck on the same mission for days, closing down the app didn't help so I just had to keep trying. Good luck.
  5. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    I really want to like this game but there's so many small inconveniences I just don't understand. Why in the name of God would you ever make it so that gold drops bounce around wildly and you don't get it if you don't pick it up? You may end up opening a chest and only receiving half the total gold because the two halves shoot off in opposite direction at maximum speed. I don't understand how anyone could think this was an acceptable idea.

    It also bugs me that you have no defensive options in gameplay, the dash gives you no invincibility frames making it useless for dodging through attacks and the regular jump can only do so much. You can't even grind reliably! You're stuck with infrequent random encounters when moving around the map that generally have very poor payouts. Add to that you can't get out of any battle. If there's a battle you can't win there doesn't seem to be any way to get out of the battle. Given that gold is so hard to come by reliably and you can't re-select your skills (I got the Dark Legend edition but I've been playing the game for a few hours and haven't come across wilderness-related items described in any of the editions, kinda feels like a ripoff if you're paying for stuff you won't see until a long way into the game) it feels like it's too easy to get so stuck in the game that the only thing you can do is restart.

    I'm down for some balls-hard games, I love NG+'ing Dark Souls etc. But this game feels needlessly hard because of design oversights, which is a shame because the combat is otherwise good.
  6. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    As I said in the last page, sooner or later you'll come across the "Greed" skill card that lets you heal when you pick up gold and "Fortune" which makes nuggets pour from the sky. When you obtain them, you'd be too godly if you could pick up gold in an easy manner.
    Here's a tip for you: you can catch gold with your sword swings. Simply use the Whirlwind move to break chests and pots, your spinning blade will finish the job.
    That's what +Block items and said "Greed"+"Fortune" are for.
    Aside the heal-from-gold combination mentioned, since you purchased Dark Legend, half way through the campaign you will get the Torken Arena which pays heaps if you've got skills.
    Yeah this annoys me too. Not anymore though since my character is very strong now.
    Even if you can view them as you're now you won't be able to purchased them anyway since they cost like 10-20 thousand each piece XD oh don't fret though when you see them you should be able to afford those. Just remember to pick "Greed" and "Fortune" the first time you see them.
  7. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    Sounds good, but they keyword there is "when". Until I get that skill I'm stuck with struggling to get by and grinding. It's not good design to have such importance placed in one or two skills that come up randomly.

    Yeah I know that. Doesn't help much when gold goes flying in both directions at maximum horizontal speed and straight into bottomless pits. I feel that this is just a really odd design choice. Gold dropped from enemies should be the feel-good stimulus of a game like this, but instead it's repeated frustration when you kill a flying enemy and every nugget of gold it drops goes straight into a bottomless pit which is too risky to try and recover.

    Which again relies on luck in hoping they're in the store and you have enough gold for them. If not, back to the grind.

    Which sounds great, but putting the IAP content half-way through the game probably wasn't the best choice and that's what was criticized in the TA review. You don't really know what you're getting until you're really far into the game.

    It sounds like there are some skills and things that unlock late in the game that suddenly make the game much more manageable. The problem is that the start of the game ends up being the most frustrating and the place where you're likely to get so stuck you're forced to restart. That's a big turn-off for new players and a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place.

    The changes I would recommend is to simply don't make dropped gold move horizontally, just make them bounce up and down. There have been so many times where half the gold flies away so quickly to the left or right I can't even swing my sword to catch it, and can't dash to catch up with it. It's ridiculous and seems to only exist to annoy players.

    That, and have some way to cancel combat encounters and reload from some checkpoint. I've never gotten truly stuck, but it seems really easy to get into a situation where your current gear and skills make it almost impossible to win a battle.
  8. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    To me, the game seems finely balanced around a good chunk of gold escaping you. If they allowed you to easily pick up all the gold, they'd have to just give you less at a time. So I really don't see what difference it would make.
  9. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    It's about game feel. It feels frustrating to see all that gold fly away from you and be lost, you've been cheated out of your reward because it literally ran away from you.

    If the game is balanced around a chunk of gold escaping, I would MUCH rather they just give less gold but made sure you picked up ALL of it. It's how the game feels to play more than the actual effect it has in the long run.
  10. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Aside the gold thing, the Arena and the Card Reader are going to be there when you've progressed enough. You can't just start playing for 2 hours or so and expect to lay waste on a stage full of Torken mace wielders, orb spammers and runestones. Nor can you afford a card from the Card Reader, she demands 20.000 a card.

    And don't just start grinding and get frustrated. Learn the controls, play through the campaign normally, chase some gold and focus on getting items which boost particular stats: for example I go for Block+, Dam+ and XP+. It's until much later that I start boosting my Critical Chance+, Critical Dam+ and Stun+.

    The missions pay pretty well, so I never felt like grinding until the Arena showed up and I have been gold frenzy ever since. And there's no point grinding when the stores get refreshed every time you finish a fight.
  11. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    #271 Jenohart, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2013
    I'm fine with the controls and I actually am laying waste to Torken mace wielders, orb spammers and runestones (it's the bottomless pits that gets me). The problem I have isn't with the difficulty, it's with these really weird design choices that end up making the early experience seem more frustrating than it needs to be.

    It sounds like it has a weird difficulty curve since everyone is saying it gets easier as you go on. That's fine, but if you hadn't all told me that I would've already shelved the game since it just seems like nothing ever really changes. It's the Dragon's Dogma problem, there's a point where the game suddenly gets way better but it's so far in that some players would just tire of the early experience and give up.
  12. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    I should have been more precise, the stores refresh after you complete a mission, the number of fights can varies. In the case of random encounter it's one fight.
    Well good news for you buddy you will face mace wielders, orb spammers, runestones and bottomless pits all at the same time in overwhelming number in the Arena. Did I mention that after some die they are reborn as specters? :p

    I'm not trying to scare you off or anything though. Torken spammers are much tamer than those from Orchori, and 4 runestones will appear at best, though sometimes all at once. The arena is pretty small so you're bound to hit something when enemies are left and right.

    The difficulty progression is a bit off indeed.

    Difficulty for missions seems pre-programmed, so at one point it can feel impossible for your level (I once got stuck in a fight with Stormers, it was pretty nightmarish) but later it seems you own everything the campaign throw at you if you are well-equipped (one of the last fights did get me kiled though, I was rather excited that there's still something challenging).

    On the other hand, difficulty in random fights follows your level, at least that's how I feel. The Torken Arena has become a breeze, but those unexpected encounters are what I like to spar with.
  13. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    #273 L.Lawliet, Oct 29, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2013
    Sorry guys I did the stupidest thing. I passed up greed because I thought it was useless. After I passed it I facepalmed....

    I'm level 27 now and I haven't seen it again for the last 5 levels :( CRAP. That's probably one of the most useful if not the most useful cards. I even paid 20K to that lady hoping to get it (all my money btw) and alas, no luck there either.

    Imo, the game is awesome. BUT I admittedly have gotten frustrated with some levels. Like defeating the mega runestone was a bizzatch. That thing has like the ultimate attack that burns through my armor like butter. AND the entire stage is just pits and flying enemies. I think that's probably the hardest combination in the game. Add ALL spikey objects on the ground and it's the perfect death.
  14. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Yes the Obliterix, a worthy name for a giant floating stone uncontrollably pouring poisonous purple wee-wee everywhere :p
  15. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    The harmful objects is also something that just seems odd. Bad enough that some arenas will be full of bouncy objects meaning you have to use the ground stomp to get to the ground, they deal damage to you too. The burning objects are just annoying, taking damage just from standing near them.

    I still don't understand why there isn't any defensive options in combat. The block skill is all random, you can't rely on it. I really expected the dash to be a defensive move with invincibility frames but no, it's just for movement.
  16. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    It's sort of like platformers no? Move around, attack things, avoid traps, given 3 lives... Actually Reaper has a lot of similarities with platformer now that I think about it.

    At one point you can rely on Block. With my 34% Block chance and maxed Wall of Blades I just have to keep moving around with Whirlwind and most projectiles miss me.
  17. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    ^ This guy is a pro :D

    I try dodging millions of projectiles with my super amazing 5.5% block chance!
  18. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    I'm no pro, I just invest some quality time :D proud to call myself a blockhead ^^
  19. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    The only part I found slightly frustrating was not being able to disengage from battles, some took me days, but it wasn't too bad as I still had fun, I found using the whirlwind attack to open chests etc stopped the gold from going off all over and I collected most of it.
  20. witedahlia

    witedahlia Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2012
    Even though I sometimes get frustrated with the controls, I still love the game and the more I play the better I get at them. Seems like once you reach a certain point everything just clicks and you become a badass sword wielder. I'm so adddicted to this game now, my thumbs haven't hurt this much since I first started playing Tekken. I agree about the dash; I kind of wish it did something other than travel. But that's my only gripe and it's no big thing.

    Question: I'm only at level 12, any idea when I might see Greed?

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