Universal Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman by Hexage

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Royce, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. nwms8

    nwms8 New Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    One reason I don't really down smash/up slash is that these moves blows enemies away from me and sometimes blows them into a chasm along with the gold they drop (such as the arena where this happens a lot). Whirlwind allows me to be above the enemies, so when the die the gold they drop flies up directly into me and thus prevents money loss and time to flip about collecting money. Otherwise, it is perfectly fine to do it your way too :)
  2. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    Agreed that the up smash is terrible. I mainly Dash, Down Smash, and Spin. I only ever stomp when I need to hit the ground. My goal is to try and get to 34% block, 25% crit chance. That way my down smash always crit hits regardless of execution or backstab. If I can achieve this after maxing block and crit chance and itemizing I'll let everyone know, but that's still a little ways away.
  3. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Smash after Dash seems a bit risky when you're facing lots of enemies. I usually Spin, Stomp and maybe Dash to collect some bouncy coins and stun the next herd.
  4. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    I have max stun chance on dash as well as max distance on dash. Also at 100% block chance with skull attacks. I dash, then turn around and slam, then whirlwind up all the coins from the 5-6 monster smash kill. I just broke 10,000 crit damage on Smash. I'm at 92% crit chance on Smash so it almost always crits for 10k with guaranteed crits on stunned, back facing enemies. Even before I had 100% block chance I had no problems with the strategy I use. I'm averaging 12000-14000 coins every arena run with this strategy. My whirlwind only crits for 1600 damage though as I havent maxed strength yet, which means my down smash has potential for much greater damage as well. I spent more time on utility skills early on for survival.

    Current stats @ 56(93):

    Health 184
    Damage 210
    Armor 171
    Speed 137
    Strength 81
    Endurance 154
    Block Chance 33.8%
    Crit Chance 21.2%
    Crit Damage 750%

    Current Gear:

    Weapon: Forsaken (finally had it spawn for me last night :D)
    Armor: Dark Reaper
    Boots: Dark Stride
    Belt: Dark Streak
    Gloves: God Hands (Been too lazy to upgrade, and starting with max skulls/defence is nice)
    Helm: Dark Sight (too lazy to upgrade)
    Ring: Chroma Lightningbolt
    Amulet: Nightmare Corvus (The flat 9 damage is better than the %damage from the other amulet still)

    Things I want to know:

    Does Feel No Pain +3 on Dark Streak give +3 to the skill for a whopping +30 armor per skull? Or does it simply give +3 armor per skull? Some clarification in the tooltip would be nice as Dark Stride seems to suggest that it gives a flat +1 to the skill fortune. If it gives +3 to the actual skill, than Dark Streak and Dark Stride are definitely the best belt/boot in the game for the utility they provide, raising two of the best skills respectively above their level caps.
  5. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    Ok so I bought a Kronovor weapon (damage 111, crit chance 3%, stun chance 5%) and it put me to 25% crit chance. My down smash crit damage went down from 11k ro 8.5k, however I always crit for 8.5k with it now. dont know if that 8% crit chance is negligible enough to warrant losing 3k damage though.
  6. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    There are that many cards in the game? O.O
  7. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    From my count, assuming vindictive, which has three ranks, is the only missing skill from the cards I've gotten so far, then there is a total of 127 levels worth of cards. Might be a few more though assuming there's another skill or two that I haven't taken yet. Take into account I'm talking a mass total of all skills, as in counting all 15 str cards, all 15 endurance cards, etc.
  8. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Does anyone have any tips on how to defeat the demon god, I'm currently level 37 and my hits are in the hundreds on normal leveled but even with skull rage I'm lucky if I do above 25/30 damage on the demongod.
    Do I need to level up more do you think?
  9. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    purposely dive into all the heat seeking stun balls to get them off the field, then proceed to jump up and normal attack/up smash. up smash when he looks like he's going to use his attack animation and the up smash will counter his attack, preventing it from happening. Once you get him to the top of the screen you can lock him doing this for an easy game. I killed him at lvl 34 doing 11 damage an attack, so you should be able to kill him in half the time.
  10. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Damn you guys are pro. I'm pacing myself so I don't beat campaign too quickly since I love it so much. And I got this game right when it released!

    I actually use the upward slash to stun enemies or to knock them into holes. Yes I knock them into holes on purpose because often I'm flooded with enemies and don't have enough health to compensate for an ambush. The up slash is perfect for KOing enemies into a hole if there is one. And from what I've seen, the big gold chunks don't drop often so I don't feel as if I'm missing out too much. Most enemies I kill drop a couple small nuggets or nothing at all which I would gladly lose instead of dying.

    What's the max level you can go? Anyone know? I'm glad there are plenty of cards. However is there any point where enemies become too easy in campaign or do you always have to go to the Arena to meet your equal?
  11. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    So I got for myself the Ultraviolent and Dark Stride. While the former is all neat, the latter doesn't seem to be raking gold all that noticeably. Anybody can confirm the +1 Fortune worths it? I miss the speed boost of Nightwalker already.

    Btw I encountered a really neat-looking environment yesterday for the 1st time. The narration was strange as well: "Suddenly everything feels like a dream..." o_O


    In case you can't tell, there's some very cool smoke emiting from the ground.

    I believe it's indeed around 120 cards as Handsome Rob has estimated. However it seems the wild enemies you randomly encounter in campaign are always around your level, since I'm finding them to be quite the challenge yet the Arena more of a breeze.
  12. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Thank you thank you, finally killed the critter, I had one more fight to do after him and then I got sent to start menu, does this mean I've finished? I know I can do the torken arena and level up but other than that am I done with the wilderness part? I've never got to the end of anything before lol.
  13. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Did you get the cutscene (well, just one artwork to be precise) after Blacksword killed the Stormers and was freed from the curse? I think that's all, which is a bit underwhelming for an ending so I too was dumbfounded. Even the last boss is fairly easy.

    Kinda reminds me of superhero shows in old days when in the end death flags were always everywhere lol

    AND Y NO NEW GAME+??! What's the point of different choices and tons of cards then? >_>

    That being said I have lots of fun with this game already, so I'll try not to appear ungrateful. If they could just let us replay those ridiculous boss fights like that huge ruinstone Obliterix, the big fat demon inside Juno's house or swarms of hornets/fireflies/specters, the game would keep me coming back to it much more. The Dark Shrine is still too tame.
  14. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout

    Yeah I got the cutscene, I've also had a lot of fun with this and am sad to be finished, I agree it would be great if we could replay old fights, I guess I'll try the dark harvest mode but it's no where near as fun as the quest.
  15. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    It's more challenging, I can tell that much. You can't grind for cards and the store rarely offers high end items. Probably will be more forgiving when that Greed card turns up, but until then, it just gets harder.
  16. Cadenza

    Cadenza Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2013
    Hate these random level up cards or whatever they are. How the hell am I supposed to survive later levels when the only level up options I EVER get are hp up, run speed up, and damage up? None of the neat ones like fortune greed ever shows up.
    The zero gravity coin bounce is more annoying than "challenging". The sole purpose of this is to annoy the player. "Ha a huge gold bar dropped but you can't have it, because apparently the laws of physics don't apply to gold in this game, as it bounces off the screen in like 2 seconds."

    Funny how some people are bashing the people saying this game is too hard. So pathetic. Does it make you feel superior that you excel at a cellphone game? Har har, leave your Internet ego at the door thnx. Some people, as is turns out, aren't platformer junkies, and the fact this game is basically just grind, doesn't go well together. Solution? Add difficulty settings. Problem solved. And add a damn confirmation button when selling something. It's so easy to accidentally sell something because you forget which item is highlighted, and moment "sell " is pressed, the highlighted item is gone forever. Also add a way to conveniently compare equips.
    And FFS remove the damn huge gold bounce and just drop the gold onto the ground.
  17. KiddToKmart

    KiddToKmart Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    I never heard people complaining Snake was too hard of a game... this? lol...
  18. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Hmm, tough luck. Try stacking Block+ or Critical+ items. Take on a few enemies at a time. Moving back and forth locations to find random battles for extra gold and XP. Relax, Fortune waited until around lv35 to show up for me.

    Please, nobody was bashing anybody, and that talk was done weeks ago. Get over it. This one is horizontal scrolling action, not a platformer FYI.

    Good suggestions. Don't fret though, sold items reappear later in the stores. Equipments can already be easily compared, most just consist of about 3 stats, not sure what you find inconvenient.

    The gold bounce is a tricky one. With the presence of Greed and Fortune, gold cannot be obtained in a straightforward manner, or there will be people complaining about how easy the game is anyway, ironically. This mechanics is the dev's gambit, you either love it or hate it. Or just chill. It's a game, made for chilling ;)
  19. imuddy

    imuddy Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    What happen if you get stuck on a mission? Is there a way to quit the mission?
  20. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    I have been playing this on my Note 2, fantastic game crippled by baffling controls. It is neither joystick nor swipe, just a perfect mess caught right in between. Sad, because otherwise it is a very cool game and we NEED games like this.

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