Universal Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman by Hexage

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Royce, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Weeeheeee managed to finish the battle I was in, I reckon it's taken me about 8 hours to beat it. First thing I did was head straight to the orange shop for sword and armour. I can see the difference as my previous sword only had 18 or so damage and the new one has 58. Boy does that help. It's still challenging but it doesn't feel like I'm fighting a losing battle any longer.

    Still can't believe I've been going to the wrong shop all this time lol!
  2. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Haha congrats. Be the smart consumer next time.

    Right, the Dark Legend sword has 50% Execution and I have no idea how that will play out.
  3. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    Yeah, I agree. Little disappointing. Maybe they'll add those controls soon! Not counting on it, though, so deleting it for now.
  4. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Yeah I wouldn't since the majority of people find the controls spot on ;)
  5. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    #225 Handsome Rob, Oct 11, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
    So has anyone figured out what the +55% awareness is yet? I'm level 49 with 66 levels worth of skills. Facerolling everything with high crit stun build critting for over 6000 with the down smash using the ultraviolent sword as it has better stats (108 damage 99 crit damage 118% str)than the dark sword. Dark Armor is still the best armor available to me, however I really want to know what awareness does but have yet to have said skill appear in the cards. And to everyone playing a tip: when greed and fortune become available forgo all other skills in favor of them. Those skills are your sustain in tough battles in the way of health from collecting gold coins. And just in case all were curious my stats currently are:

    Health 184
    Damage 176
    Armor 146
    Speed 125
    Strength 53
    Endurance 154
    Block Chance 17.7%
    Crit Chance 13.4%
    Crit Damage 509%

    I'm using a mixture of Dark and God items with the ultraviolent sword mentioned above.

    As for strategy, I focused on getting 3 points into speed as quickly as possible and then focused on maxing stun first, than crit chance and damage. I also focused heavily on Mighty Slam and Skull Splitter early to make myself always crit with mighty slam. Bloodlust is also a very important skill to keep the skulls flowing as well as feel no pain to gain massive amounts of armor early on in the game. I put a bit into block along the way and just tried to stay balanced. I only have 3 points into endurance and str, hence the low numbers. My damage im sure will skyrocket as i max out my crit damage and str. At this point im invincible, just grinding torken arena to max out my skills. Havent really played the dark sidequest at all as the payoff from torken arena is so much better. I average 10000 gold an arena run, so every 2 full three round arena wins nets me another card :D

    And as for the grind, there were a lot of tough battles along the way, and the only way I won many of them was by clearing out one half of the map and then pulling single enemies to the clear side of the map one by one to kill them safely. I mainly had to use this strategy against imperial humans and flying demon monsters. So consider this as a strategy for some of the tougher combats. I had a few battles that came down to the skin of my teeth with 1-3 health left even with a point in greed.

    EDIT: I'm playing on a surface rt tablet.
  6. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Yep, pretty much the same deal here too :D enter the Arena with Fortune, and you earn heaps!

    I'm enjoying Dark Harvest at the moment, but good stuff rarely turn up in the store of this mode. Unability to grind for stats really forces you to stay careful all the time.
  7. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    What does stars on equipment mean?

    And where is Destiny Item set??

    Attached Files:

  8. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    #228 Handsome Rob, Oct 11, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
    Equipmented marked with a star denotes premium purchase pieces. The "God" piece that you bought in shop is a destiny item piece. The easiest way to get more star pieces is to walk between the blacksmith and jeweler until you get in an encounter. Once you defeat the encounter the items in shop will reset.
  9. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    Yeah I havent been focusing on Dark Harvest mode at all. I'll mess with that once I max my wilderness character (I really want to complete beast mode him). What i'm unsure of though, is if the +1 fortune on Dark Boots will raise the skill above it's capped level as I have fortune at level 2 now. I'll have to test and see if it makes a difference in gold drops, else the bonus damage from the god boots would make them the better choice for footwear once fortune is maxed.
  10. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Do report back :D
  11. SumoSplash

    SumoSplash Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Playing iOS games, duh.
    Pennsylvania, U.S.

    LOL. Sorry, couldn't resist :p
  12. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Wow this game's dialogue is hilarious.

    I just did the "race me" mission and I was laughing out loud just by reading the text. That guy has a lot of funny jokes and a lot of balls. Took all my will power to not slay him though I do wonder if it makes a difference!
  13. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Lol I couldn't walk way before giving him a big red paintjob for all of his smartassary :D Please do post if sparing him give you any bonus, just wanna know what I could have missed.
  14. EscBros

    EscBros Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    Game Developer
    San Diego County
    Sweet. This game looks awesome. And I love the music!
  15. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    lol you couldn't resist eh? Well he was hilarious so I'll let him live so he can be a future comedian.

    I remember getting 1000XP. Did you get the same amount? When I replay after beating the game I will try and kill everyone and force them to give me all the gold haha
  16. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Weirdly, whenever I play this game, which is a lot at the moment, one line from raise your glass by pink gets stuck in my head, no idea why as I don't think its sounds anything like pinks song. I'm annoying myself by constantly humming one line over and over lol.
  17. nwms8

    nwms8 New Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    #237 nwms8, Oct 12, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2013
    So I've beaten the game, and I decided to write a small guide on stuff I found out.

    Skill cards and related item bonuses:
    Awareness: (1 upgrade) Pitfalls and traps cause 1/3 damage
    Adrenaline Rush: (1 upgrade) Gets 2x more rage when under 20% health
    Feel No Pain: (2 upgrades) Gets +6 armor (at lvl 1) or +12 armor (at lvl 2) for each unspent Skull of Rage.
    Execution: (2 upgrades) Doubles / Triples critical hit chance against stunned foes.
    Fortune (2 upgrades): Unseen forces lay riches in your path. Find much more gold.
    Vindictive (3 upgrades): Enemy attacks fuel your rage. +1 Skull of rage per 32 damage suffered. I only lvled this to lvl 1, so I have no idea what the upgrades do.

    Here is the stats for the Dark Item Set:
    Necklace 12,000g- Dark Smile: Damage Boost 116%, Resurrection +5%
    Helm 13,000g- Dark Sight: Armor 3, health 116%, Damage +3, Skulls of Rage +3
    Ring 13,000g- Dark Sign: Health +12, Damage +12, Block Chance +1%
    Body 25,000g- Dark Reaper: Armor 100, Health +5, Block Chance 115%, Awareness 55%
    Sword 22,000g- Dark Shine: Damage 100, Strength 115%, Stun Chance +5%, Execution +50%
    Gloves 10,000g Dark Smite: Armor 15, Strength +5, Stun Chance +5%
    Boots 16,000g- Dark Stride: Armor 30, Speed +9, Fortune +1
    Belt 13,000g- Dark Streak: Armor 5, Armor Fitting 115%, Resurrection +5%, Feel no Pain +3

    Here is my final item set, sorta replacing some of the dark items:
    Necklace 9000g- Jinxing Venomskull: Damage Boost 104%, Critical Chance 125%
    Helm 8000g- Outward Chroma Coif: Damage +12, Skulls of Rage +2
    Ring 13,000g- Chroma Lightningbolt: Damage +2, Critical Chance +2%, Block Chance +2%, Experience +6%
    Body 27,500g- Golden Citadel: Armor 116, Health +16, Block Chance 116%
    Sword 22,000g- Forsaken: Damage 115, Critical Damage +150%
    Gloves 8000g- Blood Grip: Armor 7, Strength +5, Block Chance +3%

    The boots I don't replace, the +1 fortune bonus is too good. I haven't bothered looking for a better belt. When I rather gain exp quickly, I wear + exp necklace and + exp ring:
    Necklace 13,000g - Mirthbones: +25% experience
    Ring 13,000g- Midnight Sun: +2% Block chance, +18% experience

    Final Stats:
    Block Chance 34.8%
    Critical Chance 21.2%
    Critical Damage 750% (my crits hit for 2,204)

    With that said, I replaced the Dark Item set rather quickly. I found that I like block chance and crit. My block chance is 34%, so with the skill Wall of Blades that gives me 3x Block chance while performing skull rage attacks, I have 100% block. With the skill Focused Fury, I get another 25% crit chance for a 46.2% crit chance. Nothing can stop me while I whirlwind my way to victory. You can't whirlwind 2x in a row, so you have to touch the ground before you can whirlwind again. To overcome this, I usually whirlwind until I stop spinning and then stomp to get the the floor, then I go and whirlwind again. Whirlwind, stomp, whirlwind, stomp - chaining these two skills keeps from my avatar from bouncing around not using a skill. and keeps you at 100% block and 46% crit. Everything dies in 1 - 3 seconds, and you can clear every stage at nearly 100% health. Sometimes I fall down the pit to collect that gold coin and lose some health.

    Small FAQ:
    I found in the beginning of the game, I died a lot. So I put points into +18 health. Though this helped, I had a really tough time with the arena, last boss and a lot of fights where the enemies homing missiles kept hitting me. +18 health doesn't help much when they fire 5 missiles each hitting you for 8 damage. I continued the game but began to focus on building different skills. I highly recommend building these cards first, with this priority:

    1. Fortune 2/2: Unseen forces lay riches in your path. Find much more gold. (doubles, sometimes tripling the amount of gold you get from monsters and money pots can be found on stages more often)
    2. Greed 2/2: Heal 1 point for each gold piece collected. (only heals you get)
    3. Bloodlust 2/2: Every kill increases your rage. More than +1 Skull of Rage per kill. (Turns you into a rage using, killing machine)
    4. Focused Fury 1/1: Rage Attacks score critical hits 25% more often.
    5. Wall of Blades 3/3: 3x Block Chance while performing whirlwind, charge, slam, stomp and uppercut Rage Attacks
    6. Thousand Cuts 5/5: Whirlwind Rage Attacks deal 105% damage
    7. Vicious Critical 5/5: Your critical hits cause 600% damage
    8. Block 10/10: +2,4% Block chance
    9. Critical Hit 10/10: +1,4% chance to cause massive damage with any strike
    10. Resurrection 3/3: 33% chance to resurrect after death with 66% health.
    11. Endurance: +18 health or Strength: +8 strength. I would probably get enough health to feel comfortable early on, maybe 3 - 5 points in Endurance before I put points in strength. A lot of my early deaths involved me falling into pits because I had not mastered double jump yet.

    Speed, stuns, +%damage for the other skills are not important and should only be leveled up if you are done with everything else.

    For example, if you see Endurance, Bloodlust and Fortune in the same lvl up skill, grab Fortune first. Fortune really dramatically increases the amount of gold you get. For example, during the arena last stage I used to get 700g for completing the stage from monster drops. After getting fortune, I get on average 2,000g. This means I get an extra 250 gold coins on average (a mix of +5 and +25 coins), meaning I have an extra 250 health from gold coin heals and +1,300g in my pocket.

    To jump across those really long chasms, tap the jump button and tap it again before you begin falling. This will allow you to jump higher and if you dash during the second jump while you are still going up, you dash forward and up. You can usually get in 2 more dashes this way. Use this skill to jump long chasms.

    Well hoped my giant wall of text can be of some help for anyone, good luck.
  18. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Thanks nwms8, that's most informative :) oh, you're a blockhead just like me ^^

    I have just maxed my Fortune and Greed, now guess I can ignore the blood+ items for a while. It seems you find the Path of Fortune boots helpful, I'll try grabbing them then.

    Hmm, that Orlando Lord Protector is an ass. I'm gonna miss Colonel Hugo, nice guy.

    And what's up with every character calling me souless, I rarely charge extra gold anymore ( ̄ー ̄")
  19. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Great tips and thank you nwms.

    How many hours would you say it took you to complete?
  20. Handsome Rob

    Handsome Rob Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    @ nwms8:

    Your criticals seem rather low.. I have yet to max block or crit, but I maxed out stuns on all but the ground stomp skill. I've maxed out the down smash for 600% damage and all its complementary skills (execution, back stab, and the 2x crit chance skill specifically for the down smash). I took a different approach in that I dash stun and then immediately turn around and down smash for guaranteed 7200 criticals. I whirlwind through air units after down smashing since im both killing air units and collecting mass amounts of gold from the dead ground units.

    EDIT: I'm currently lvl 51(76) as in level 51 actual with 76 levels worth of skills.

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