Universal Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman by Hexage

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Royce, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Pipsqueal

    Pipsqueal New Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    I can't wait for a sequel, I really want to wrap my fingers around that lousy protectors neck!
  2. Tonk Montana

    Tonk Montana Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    Hey, just writing to bump this game up again. I think the review has done it injustice as it is a great game.

    As for the pay model discussions...I like this pay model. No IAP and no consumables. Thank you Hexage. Stop wanting games for free people. If you want great games, support the developers who deserve it.
  3. Vestid

    Vestid Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    Love threads like this. You guys crack me up. Thanks!
  4. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Oh yeah 3 and a half star is just trolling with readers. This game deserves 4 at least. TA reviews have been very whimsical recently.
  5. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    #185 Royce, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    Yeah pretty disappointing review, star rating is way out of line with the text of the review and a really nice payment model slammed by a reviewer too dense to comprehend it. At least they edited the review and removed all the instances of the word "freemium" which was my biggest complaint with the review. Edit: Nevermind, it still says "freemium" twice. Sigh TA, please get your terminology down. I mean "freemium period"? Silly, silly, it's just a free trial. Not everything free is freemium, and this is the furthest thing from freemium. I'm guessing the reviewer must not be a native English speaker and possibly doesn't understand what words mean...
  6. Johnny1st

    Johnny1st Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    I just realized that if you level up you can select cards on the upper right screen like health up, etc. Now I'm alredy level 10! Anyway level cap. Now I can't choose any cards any more. But I'm going to buy this great game today (Dark Legend Edition).
  7. Johnny1st

    Johnny1st Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    #187 Johnny1st, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    Does anyone knows if the decisions you make have any effects?
    For example, if you demand more money of the old man, will he still give you more quests?
    Things like that. By the way, has someone found a detailed walkthrough yet?
  8. Pepelutin

    Pepelutin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Music teacher
    I've bought the dark legend edition, and i have to say i'm a bit disappointed. I was expecting something different, a bit more complex, more interactivity with the universe, and not only be able to travel with one button, read a little text, and fight and fight again in the same places...

    It deserve at least four stars i think, because it's well polished, and it can be funny for a while. But after a couple of days, it became a bit boring. Maybe i have to go deeper, i'm still at the beginning, but i'm'afraid it will not change a lot, and if i'm not pleased for now, i will not be in the next levels...

    I'll try! :)
  9. Johnny1st

    Johnny1st Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Did you try out the other things in the Dark Legend Edition? I've just bought it and like to hear your review on them.
  10. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    "As for the pay model discussions...I like this pay model. No IAP and no consumables. Thank you Hexage. Stop wanting games for free people. If you want great games, support the developers who deserve it."

    I was not saying I wanted the game for free. Apps can have a price on them, you know.

    I was saying I prefer the full version is not an IAP, instead having you buy the app directly and thus being able to simply put it back on my device if something goes wrong, without needing to restore the purchase (and possibly not being able to...).
    And there can be a separate demo version too.
  11. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Well IAP is there to eliminate the hassle of releasing a seperate demo version. Yeah, it can screw you up if the app is pulled, but can't please everybody. So please, if you don't like this pay model that much just avoid free games from now on, because they are guaranteed to have either ads or IAP.

    I'm a bit disappointed that you can't activate the bonus features on your own. Haven't any luck in finding the Card Reader (or whatever name she has)
  12. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #192 Intendro, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    "Well IAP is there to eliminate the hassle of releasing a seperate demo version. Yeah, it can screw you up if the app is pulled, but can't please everybody."

    I'd think the annoyance of the game possibly no longer existing would be a bigger problem than having to go download the full version if you liked the demo...
    Why does this happen?

    Seriously, why?

    Should not need to connect to the Internet to re-install a game.
    Should not need to connect to the Internet to play a single player game. (This game isn't that stupid.)
    I hate DRM.

    Remember when games let you just play them when you bought them? Like how normal things work? Without unnecessary internet requirement and other idiotic removals of convenience?

    How did people let them think they could do these things?
    How did the game companies think these were good ideas in the first place?
    I should be able to play a game no matter where I am! (Internet does not exist on every single inch of the planet! Internet connections can fail to stay constantly connected! And requiring it still doesn't make sense for SINGLE PLAYER!)
    I should not have an added risk of the game I bought disappearing!

    Video games have changed for worse.

  13. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Intendro, Apple has started rejecting lite versions. They are encouraging devs to do just this instead, make the full version an IAP unlock in the same app, and seriously, apps disappearing is the least of your worries, at least if its an established dev. It's far more likely an app will not be updated and become incompatible with your OS. With Hexage games that is less of a concern. All Hexage's apps recieve updates to keep them compatible. For example all their games, even those released in 2009, are optimize for iPhone 5. How many devs can you say that about?
  14. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #194 Intendro, Oct 2, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2013
    "Apple has started rejecting lite versions. They are encouraging devs to do just this instead"

    Can't... stupid... this much....
    I can't take it anymore. *snaps*
    OF COURSE THEY ARE! Throw in another flaw that can make the game stop functioning! As if that will make people likelier to spend their money on it! As if things that last longer are worth less! As if this makes sense!
    It's too hard to think! Let's wreck the customers' games so they can't keep them as long! Let's fill things full of DRM to tick off the customers while the pirates just hack it out! Let's throw logic out but do something stupid instead!

    Should only have to re-install the game to re-install it! That makes sense!

    I say again: ARGH!!!
    Games made sense before. Buy it and that's it.
    And now...

    I. Hate. DRM.

    Okay, that's it, I'm done ranting.

    "apps disappearing is the least of your worries, at least if its an established dev. It's far more likely an app will not be updated and become incompatible with your OS. With Hexage games that is less of a concern. All Hexage's apps recieve updates to keep them compatible."

    So then, not so much worry over losing the game.
    As I said before, I want this game, so... buying it soon... I'm half-tempted to see how impossible being stuck at Level 10 would be. :p

    Why can't things make more sense like they used to?
    Okay, I'm done.
  15. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure I follow you. One, Reaper has no other IAP besides the game unlocks. No stupid timers or crappy dual currency system or any of the freemium crap that I absolutely hate. For all intents and purposes, what you download is a demo and the game is premium for 2.99. You can even get the other content almost like DLC adds-on but they're absolutely not essential to complete the game

    And here's a list of IOS games that are premium or free to try with a premium game unlock or have totally nonessential IAP that's only for impatient gamers:
    Boson X
    Shadow Vamp
    Line Bound
    Draw Rider Plus
    Stickman Downhill
    Worm Run
    Kid Tripp
    Maze Mirage
    Anything by Foursaken
    Anything by Radiangames
    and many more

    There are many many quality games by developers that don't want to cheat us and just want to develop polished games for real gamers
  16. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    Highly infuriating I'd say. :p things will blow you up good if you get any further. Go get it already. You pay more for a bad movie you wish you never went to.
  17. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Finally! Next time vent your frustration in some support group gathering please.

    I do have to wonder how protective you are to your physical belongings when you are this obsessed with the fear of losing virtual stuff.

    So anyway, got to met the Fortune Teller! Gosh, her service doesn't come cheap. Gonna have to hop around grinding hard to afford her cards (=___=")

    I just massacred a bunch of elves in order to supposedly save humankind and got rewarded 4000 coins. Love that crazy guy over the artist tribe XD
  18. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #198 Intendro, Oct 3, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
    I'm saying I'd rather just buy the game, instead of download it and then buy an IAP...

    An IAP has to be restored online if the app is deleted. Or if it somehow gets messed up.

    If the app is no longer available for whatever reason, the IAP of the full version can't be restored. If the app is deleted or messed up afterward, it is completely gone.
    But if the app is already the full version, then I have it backed up in iTunes on my computer and can put it back.

    That's why I prefer to get the full version from paying for the app itself.
    Less to worry about. Sure it's unlikely, but that's what backups are for, in case something goes wrong.

    For example, as I said earlier, Ghost Trick's full version IAP vanished for me when I updated to iOS 7 and it's not letting me get the full version back... I'm still waiting for the update to fix it.
    Ignoring possible compatibility issues, if it was just the full version then it could still work. My point is that the IAP isn't working. Maybe if that was the only major issue, and this issue did not exist, it could work.

    That's what I've been saying.

    Speaking of other IAP, I hate them too. :p

    I don't see what's so obsessive about wanting to actually keep something I buy, without the thing's container having a hole put in it that many others don't have. Since I bought it, virtual or not, it's supposed to be mine "forever."

    That being said...
    I did say I was done ranting, but responding to responses to my ranting doesn't count. :p

    Well, um...
    Sorry about the whole argument.
    At least it wasn't completely pointless. I learned that this company and their apps are likely to stick around. And to expect no separate demo versions anymore...
  19. squashy

    squashy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2013
    The Garden of Sinners
    Unless it's about emulators, copyright infringement or sensitive themes, the most crappy apps can still be kept on the App Store just about long enough for people to forget about it. And demo versions are still being made, take a look at Big Fish or G5.

    It's just that IAP is more favored nowadays. Especially things like coin packs which are unrestorable *sigh* which is why premium unlockers like the kind used in Reaper are the rare good cases, hence our reaction to you complaining about it.

    The Stormers are just insane. Especially their dozers, they are too bloody fast! Kind of strange how Imperials prefer hiring Blacksword to them.
  20. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Yup but Apple has started rejecting lite versions none the less. They're just a little unclear about what makes one okay and what makes one rejectable. I've heard they don't want any apps that are "feature limited" so lite versions have to somehow be full featured, whatever that means.

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