I created a FB group for everybody to share their GC nicknames: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Real-Racing-3-Game-Center-nickname-exchange/415489835204194 When RR3 hits AppStores worldwide, there's going to be hundreds of thousands of users... The more "friends" you have, the more money to make... Already making $25k on some races!!!
I don't have RR3 yet waiting for release, but I want to get my friend list built up before then. Add my GC: JasonJLX Put #TSMTA on the comment so I know you're from here.
Hi guys/gals... Just bought the i5 last Tuesday in anticipation of RR3. Not keen on the wait timers at all, but at least they are still tweaking. I'll save my impressions until the worldwide launch... GC: -K0N3- As others have mentioned please use #TSMTA for invites, so I know where you're from...
Just want to remind everyone. If you post your GC username here please have the courtesy to add those who've posted theirs before you. Its a two way thing.