You'll need a lot more. 1 - 1 and a half hours of waiting cost about 10 coins wich is 2$. And you'll have to wait that long every few races, so yeah...
Ahh I see, it seems that everywhere I look it says "released" in Canada. Wasn't sure if the laws of gradual global time-release applied to soft launches or not. Well, time to fidget for 12 hours I guess.
I'm not making a fuss... my pictures were the ones with the pretty AA enabled. Framerate is decent too, but not perfect. Still very playable.
Actually i did not think it look that good on my ipad 2. looked like it needed more mip mapping on the textures and was bit choppy during cut scenes
Last few iPad 3 screens from me, to aid the graphics debate: Start grid Indianapolis Brands Hatch Funky angles
This is so true, and I hate it. I'll stick to the GT and Forza games on consoles for my racing fix. :/ ...Or Real Racing 2.
Looks better on the ipad 3 for sure. far to grainy on the ipad 2, need more AA. Will give it ago on my ipad 3 tonight
Try telling that to the millions of casual games who live on Temple Run and the likes of it. Or to EA/Firemonkeys.
I think there are a lot of gameplay elements that make this game appeal to a hardcore crowd, so the freemium model does seem a little at odds, but at the same time once you get more cars under your belt, you will be able to play for longer periods of time. Just how long and how enjoyable it'll be remains to be seen. I just don't like that we're put in this position of micromanaging as a means of taking money from us, rather than because it could be fun in its own right if it were implemented as some kind of actual race team management gameplay.
I don't think there is any, not with the whole damage and wear waiting bars getting in the way of every single thing you do. There is not even an arcade mode.
Well, just hit a 6-hour wait time. I think I got about 15 minutes worth of racing done... maybe a little less. Can't afford a new car yet either so I'm stuck. Advance warning: Services cost the same regardless of condition. Unfortunately for me the game only displayed this tip after I'd spent a ton of cash fixing every insignificant problem I could see.
Was just looking at the prices of all cars and..... There's a koenigsegg agera r that costs 800 gold coins (cannot be bought with ingame money) so that's roughly $100 real money for 1 freaking car!! Are you kidding me
Well dudes, I wake up this morning, go about my business, check TA and BOOM. RR3 release thread is up. So how bad is it? I don't want to go through 30 pages.