There is a race in Supercar Masters Series that pays out $20K for first place but I can't remember the fame payout and I believe it was not an easy win. Can't find it now but it was a 5 lap race. It's not my go-to right now for bonus because I still have to finish the V10 Showdown and need the Audi. Once I've beaten that series I'll find it again and race it till I know I can win it.
Prices for new cars : McLaren P1 - 1,300,000 (roughly) Lamborghini Veneno - 900 gold which equates to £62.99? That cannot be right... I feel sorry for people who want the Veneno ... Ps. Has anyone noticed how unbalanced RR3 is compared to other freemiums. EA's own game Tapped Out gives 2400 donuts for £69.99 which is enough to get most premium buildings. But if you spend that much in RR3 then you could only get 2 cars, assuming you would want the most expensive cars
Yep the prices are truly rediculously. Multiplayer is up to four cars only, and seems to operate as a tournament. I haven't had a chance to properly delve yet though
Online Multiplayer is quite good. 1st place in the tournament will net you 500 coins :O Its only 4 player but everyone starts on the same line. You can play with friends or just find randoms.
Its going be a battle for that 1st place. For me though its just great fun racing with 3 other people and your ratings turns into cash in the end which is always nice.
It doesn't matter how expensive the new cars are. They are locked behind the most difficult series to complete so I'll never be able to use them anyway. Thanks for nothing EA. I do appreciate moving one the Ferrari series out from behind that Zenith series. But is still need to fully upgrade the dumb LFA to unlock it. On the other hand the multiplayer is quite a lot of fun. That is my new favorite way to play. Let's try to get some of us together to race.
Add me if you haven't already. I don't hack and I'm always "A" rating in tournaments without max upgrades.
After updating to 2.0, I noticed that the daily race bonus didn't show up when I raced this morning. Could it have been removed?