I can see this game not lasting long for me if it just continues to make me wait and wait to be able to play.
If you think that's bad, you have to wait 2 days and 3 hours for the koenigsegg. An oil change is 1 day I think.
I wish they would have included the regular multiplayer. But I do think how they take player data for the cars in single player as you get better is very clever. Seems like its built on TSM, though, but it isn't too bad. The times for upgrading, oil, etc are a bit iffy.
I'd like to think the IAP problem in games like this will solve itself. That is, players will stop paying, causing developers and publishers to take a different sales route for the next game. However, many of us will end up pumping $5-10 into this game and others like it just to see if there is a paywall and where it is. 99% of the time, there is a wall. It might take 30 minutes to hit, it might take 20 hours. But, rest assured, it's there. While working towards this discovery, we end up giving EA $5-10 dollars for a tech demo, which only became apparent in retrospect. It's too late though. EA has gotten enough from our pockets to make perpetuating this stupid IAP model worth it.
Definitely. EA will be lying if they say these are just ghosts. They are genetically-enhanced ghost AI that drive you off the road and into the walls, even off-line. Which resounds with their claims of having made "RR3 freemium from the ground up".
This is what happens when a company invests a lot of money into a title and they need to be profitable, F2P. It's a cashcow, instead of a one time payment of said dollar amount, they( EA- or whoever goes F2P) get a revenue stream in theory of one title. For whatever reason the mass tends to stay away from 15.00 + games even if they are top notch quality.
Thing is, why did they not make it optional? I only realized you vs "real" times after a while, and even after turning off WiFi, all the new tracks seemed to already have TSM times. Very shady from EA.
Game isn't good, period. No sense of immersion. And this doesn't even factor in two carnal sins: 1) Timers and 2) Time-shifted "human" AI
I have to agree with everyone. The IAP system is ridiculous. 8 Hours of waiting for repairs?! 2:00 mins for a car to be shipped? EA needs to back away from the FTP method.
Whether we, the people of TA choose to not download the otherwise is inconsequential. Millions would do just that.
They really do suck at racing. The controls are pretty good. The time shift AI is really bad,drive you of the road or into a wall. But you can tell they are not racers indeed.
sooo is this gaming coming out in the us tonight? as it says in the OP post... or do i need to make a NZ account to dl this?
The game has only been released in Australia and NZ as far as i'm concerned. Should be released in Canada soon (if not already). The rest of the world will have to wait until the 28th.
Clever? Yes, in a really cunning way. See, the problem with taking the players data via TSM is that there could be gamers who have the best cars in each cup and fully upgraded them. They use this in the very first races, and you have NO CHANCE to win the races. How does that feel? I feel really cheated.
Ok guys, serious talk here. This has NOTHING to do with the timers and instead with the actual gameplay itself. The game model works on Time-Shifted multiplayer. Say you have got 15 competitors in a race, all of them will be real-life people. You race against their ghosts (enhanced with crash happy AI of course). You are not told about this, and afaik as long as you start the game on WiFi the times for all events are downloaded to your device. The problem with this (and it is much bigger than the timers) is that you do not race against proper AI. A very important thing in a career based sim racer. Much larger than that is the fact that someone could just buy up the best car in a championship and fully upgrade it. His time gets into your event, and you're screwed. Imagine if out of 21 competitors, 10 were like this. So 11 is the best you can get w/o spending on instant IAPs to buy the best car and fully upgrade it. It is not clear how EA is matching the TSM times to gamers, but the fact that the mainstream media never picked up on this makes me think they are bigger seellouts than Firemonkeys. PS: I have tried very hard but it looks like there is no way to play against computer AI.