Does this sync between devices? For anyone in Australia having a problem finding the game in the non-mobile version, here's the link:
Then why all the posts about 6 hour waits after 1 race? Is it from people who don't understand the mechanic?
I actually think you're 100% on that one. (The balance testing, not the timid Canuck part I've seen some ice hockey games)
Nah, not one race. I'd say about 4-5 races. Still, that nets you around 20 minutes of solid playtime only.
It's possible to rag the engine and oil and such that certain races eat through your "consumables" quick. Result is that it's quite possible to face a 6 hour wait after a given race. Joy.
This is not a postbabout how crap or good this game is but is just an observation. I don't understand even if they had to implement the IAP without choice why make it in repairs and things. When it comes to competitive racing arent racing teams trained to be able to perform repairs in mere seconds and the time consuming parts of racing comes with setup and organisation. With a game with the name "real racing" this method is a strange design decision. But then I don't go to real races so I could be wrong about that.
it's just me or does this look way more awfull and jaggies all over the place compare to most wanted? at least on the 4S
This game is STUNNING! I'm amazed how great it looks and plays on iphone5. I'm not a massive racing game player, but anyone who owns an iOS device really needs to see this to believe it. The controls are tight, as mentioned it looks like a game playing on a high end pc. Congratulations to the devs for showing what the platform can do. Pretty much the only game which justifies the extra horsepower I have in my phone
Wait - I'm confused. One is saying not so, and the other is saying so. Would optimal driving be able to extend that beyond Matthew-13's 4-5 races? In which case my point about the system being backwards still stands. I've been told by another bigger publisher that devs should aim to limit the player to short sessions, giving them a 3-5x longer break then they spent playing to prevent 'boredom' and 'over-playing' (whatever that means). So 5 races at 5 minutes each should have a 1:15 - 2:00 break. I'd expect that's where they land in the end. Possibly giving you a 6 hour break once per day.
It's *everywhere*. Much like CSR racing. Pretty much any activity that's key to either racing or improving your car has a timer hooked to it. In Real Racing's case, instead of the asinine "Gas" mechanic in CSR, you're instead forced to repair your car every so often, triggering a wait which... interestingly, balances out at roughly the same speed you'd be getting gas back in CSR! Upgrades take time to deliver, bigger upgrades = more time. Ditto for cars. Everything is time gated, just like CSR. If anything had they USED the gas mechanic I'd be hard pressed to spot the difference.
They also spend full days/weeks repairing and upgrading a car in between each race. Now that would be a horrible game mechanic!
Driving like a complete nutter -will- wear the car down quicker, confirmed. It also means *actual* repairs ON TOP OF the oil / tyre / brakepad changes. In effect it further penalises you, though there's a basic consumption rate which seems in line with CSR's gas mechanic (i.e. for every race you participate in you can assume a minimum of 8 imaginary minutes tacked on that at some point you will need to "pay" either through waiting or currency).
Ok thanks for replying! Makes sence that parts still have to be delivered and such, I don't really drive IRL any way so it's an interesting post to read for me at least.
Ok - waiting is a given. So the casual crowd *will* be paying more [money/time] per run by default, even if they manage not to smash into walls. Which seems counter-intuitive.
Game Impressions So, just a gameplay relevant question. The game looks and runs fine on iPhone 5. Anyone played a bit on iPad 2 or mini? While the performance on my iPad mini is fine, I really find it both ugly & annoying that the car models are extremely scaled down in quality if they leave the visibility area directly next of you own car. Am I the only one, who really think that this needs to be changed? They either have to lower the overall car quality on those devices or lower this effect. It's really killing the experience for me in this way. When you get close to another car, the full quality models just suddenly pops up, before that the car model is really on low quality and with black windows and no reflections at all. I really hope they'll change this until the worldwide release.
Driving well seems to result in a "baseline" wear and tear, oil generally requires replacing every 3-5 races (depending on race length, interestingly bigger races cause consumables to get munched QUICK). Tyres last about double the length of oil. With brakepads wearing at a slightly slower rate than tyres. Suspension and Engine seem to hold up the best but you'll be re-doing them every 15 races or so, and those feature 90 min and for the engine, a 3 hour re-do time. All of these in addition to time act as a constant and low level drain on your racebucks. Ultimately, it's a gas mechanic from CSR, just slightly better disguised.