Can someone please post the download link for the Australian store? It's not coming up for me and I've tried going in by developer.
Real Racing 3 will be the defining moment in the history of mobile gaming. Two things could happen: 1) The game meets widespread success. They manage to get people to spend a ton on the game and the total revenue exceeds $10 million in 6 months. Every other game company follows this model (except first and second time indie devs). 2) The game is widespreadly panned. The hardcore gamers don't like it, and the casual gamers find it too overwhelming. EA doesn't make as much as they should. A good game ruined to the hilt by IAPs. And they make a premium version of RR3 sometime down the road (ouch). Edit: The second instance would lead to companies sticking with a premium business model where possible.
Childish hysterics now pushed aside, the IAP model does seem unbalanced on this. The mechanics and underlying game are clearly great, but they may need to do some quick tweaking because it seems like you already hit substantial wait times with your first car, let alone buying other cars. Part of the initial hook for good freemium games is giving you an hour or two of quick progression, like in Pixel People, so by the time the real waiting starts you're already hooked. Having your car last a while longer without repairs would go a long way towards making the IAP more manageable. I could imagine feeling satisfied with maybe thirty to forty minutes of racing with little interruption, and being tempted afterward to hurry the timers so I could play some more. AT 10 minutes I imagine I will just feel frustrated. I think that might, if anything, hurt the game more than the actual asking prices. People love to spend money needlessly, but such a slow start to a complicated and challenging racing game will prevent the money train from starting. That and the fact that this isn't a casual game at its core. I honestly will be surprised if this makes a lot of money, but stranger things have happened.
Oh no I did not actually. I've made a few posts on here about how IAP could work and freemium could work but no outrage at least, I can see some though. But still I do think this game is a big step too far in the milking direction. I was about to say I wish I saw that thread but actually I think I prefer that I didn't lol.
Yeah, but it'll take longer than the usual grind because you'll be cooking dinner while you wait for the timer to count down instead of playing.
I'm sure updates will fix prices on iap like sale of the day/week (hopefully) and also its funny that people love clash of clans and can spend hundreds on iap but just start cussing at the sight of this. Just download the following games NFS:MW Real racing Real racing 2 Reckless racing Reckless racing 2 Vs racing Vs racing 2 And the one from playrise
On a side note, is anyone else finding the download time on the Aus store loooong? I have been downloading since 5.15am and its not even a quarter along the blue line.
Yes and yes. ALL content is available for free. It is just gonna be a slog and after every 2-3 races, you will need to wait out for 6 hours.
I'm convinced the soft launch is to balance out the IAP's and timers before it actually hits in the US. Us Canucks are supposed to be timid and mild... Firemonkeys big mistake (besides getting sold to EA) was releasing it to AUS and NZ
From what I am hearing I will pass on this game. I don't care how good it looks. When I want to play a game, I want to be able to play it when I want. Not be forced to play when it says I can play it. I don't have time to schedule my day around its requirements. I would have rather paid premium price for the game than deal with this crap. I'll stick with Need for Speed Most Wanted and Asphalt 7 than. Both look and play excellent, no problem unlocking things in game without further purchase.
Up to* If I understand the [more coherent] front page comment correctly, there's a varying amount of time that you have to wait depending on how abusive to your car you are. Which seems imbalanced to me, because the casual players will get longer timers and get frustrated faster than the hard-core players, and since they are aiming more for the casual crowd with the freemium model that seems completely backwards.
yeap this isn the official release,firemonkeys release this on cansda/australia/new zeland only for others games. the official release date is february 28.
I think 15 hours is the worst I've seen. More than an hour is normal. 15 minutes for an oil change, which is mandatory every few races. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Wrong. Everyone needs to service their cars every so often, no matter how abusive or otherwise you drive. And doing all of em together (all the 5 different services that is) will easily take you 6 hours. Repairing damage is usually done in 15 mins.