+1. If runners were all about distance travelled, then Indiana Stone is a... Platformer? Auto-running platformer may be the correct subgenre, but personally, i believe anything where you cant stop moving or change direction manually is defined more as a runner than a platformer.
i have it on my ipod touch 8 gb version, it works fine, no lags or other flaws, just buy the game its really good
It's all semantics. But to me also where platforming is one of the biggest components of the experience, it's hard for me to call it a straight runner either. Mario is definately a traditional platformer. But you'd almost have to call the Sonic games runners because you almost never stop and nor do you spend much time going back and forth in direction. But yet people call that a platformer. There are even traditional platformers, like Pizza Boy for instance, that have levels that auto scroll -- forcing you to keep going forward. I'd say it's best to just say it's a runner/platformer hybrid.
it's not an endless runner, but you can't move left right either. It's a level based runner/platformer hybrid just buy it, it's fantastic
Despite ALMOST non-stop running in Sonic games, you still have control to stop him and change direction. So... It's a platformer. Holding the forward button to speedrun in Mario doesnt really make it a runner game.
But wouldn't you agree this has WAY more platforming involved than most of what have been termed runners (a term probably just recently evolved from touch screen games)? That's why think for arguments sake it's easier just to call this a hybrid. I'm a huge runner fan like yourself. I guess I just don't think this falls squarely in either bucket.
If you could run left and right and have control over your character they may as well port over the console version of this game. Which would then jack up the price to $40 or more. But games like league of evil have proved that virtual controls CAN work extremely well so hey, it's not a complete impossibility.
It falls squarely in the same bucket as Polara. I'd put them under the main genre of runners with the sub-genre categories of level-based & platforming. Heck I'd put Granny Smith in the same genre as well with the sub-genre category of racing added.
Yup. Im sure we agree it's an auto-running platformer. I guess this whole shenans started with SoS's point that Psj wont really enjoy this since it is an auto-runner (in addition to being a platformer), since Psj did make it clear he doesnt generally like games that way.
Well the term platformer comes from jumping from platform to platform, which is the main gameplay element of this game.
I wish other devs would take note. Looking at you gaijin games. This game runs smooth on iPad mini just like iPhone 5. Bit.trip run not so much -_-
Yes, you can go left and right, but only in certain situations, and to change directions you have to wall jump... I don't think its a traditional platformer, It just gives me more of a platformer feel than a runner feel.
The whole "shenans" started in the impressions I posted, where I said it feels way more like a platformer than a runner.
Yeah, They aren't very often, but they are full page when they pop up. I've had one or two in an hour and a half or so.
I think it's more like a runner, you think it's more like a platformer.. so we should say it's a runner/platformer hybrid like AWP said and that's it. I just wanted to tell PSJ that this is not the kind of game he is looking for (traditional platformer). He don't like auto running and stuff like that so I said that it's more like a runner.