I have used the wind spell a hundred times from a hundred different angles getting as clos to the stone blocks as I can without dying in the green water to no avail. It is doing absolutely nothing. :/
What I did is kill the globbins many times, start killing two times, go to selling area and sell their shield, then buy a bow or a bether one, when you buy a best cowbow and a best armor you will benable to enter the troll cave.
What do you mean the "ore"? Are you talking about the iron ingots from the goblin quest? Also, since you are on 5.1.1 I assume that you are jailbroken. Is that correct? If not, would you consider upgrading to 6.01? Could you post a screenshot of your quest screen?
OMG thank you to whomever suggested abandoning the Tournament quest to fix the crashing bug. I thought this was a game-killing bug and I'd have to start all over. Couple questions... I just finished the game with 1000 Reputation. Along the way I never did anything "bad". Yet I don't have the Achievements for Legendary, Noble, or Honorable. How do I get my achievements? I remember seeing along the way the messages pop up that I reached those levels... I also didn't get the achievements for "Knight of Carrowen". I'm at 33%. How do I get that?
This didn't work for me. Could you explain what you did exactly? I took the quest, went to the fountain, no one is there, abandon the question, got the quest again. Thanks. [NVM, I figured it out. I have a crossbow, didn't have a bow. I purchased a bow and that worked. One note though. You have to completed this quest right away. If you got the quest and go elsewhere which require loading or left the game, the game will still crash.]
The game was crashing for me every time I tried to leave one of the buildings (it was either my house or the building where you buy decorations for the house). I abandoned the Tournament quest. When I tried to leave the building again it worked (no crash, I was able to leave the building). I haven't tried getting the quest again. I assume it's broken. When there is an update I'll try again.
Quest Help I need help with two quests. 1 - Robbery. Where is the robber? I checked the entire area, no robber. 2 - Sir Robert. Where is he? I have gone through most of the map, Yeti cave, bear cave, even part of Grim Pass. In Yeti cave, there is a corpse but no journal. Thank you!
The robber is already fleeing across the rooftops. You have to chase after him by going through one of the upstairs windows (it will show up as an exit when you're near the right window). I'm not sure about your second question though. Sorry.
Can you help me please, i am looking for the second ravenstone but cant find it? Can you tell me what area it is as i cant see tyreas south on the map, thanks
The general store in South Aven sells Spider Venom and rough fire gem that give your weapon a very good dmg boost. Best of all, the store replenish the stock so you can always buy more.
More notes on Ul-Thok glitch I'm noticing he generally dissapears sometime after I hit him with the ice rune. I'm not sure if this is related to that. I've leveled 2 different character builds now and still have the same problem. My melee build has no range skills whatsoever. so I don't have an option to use anything but my ice rune.
IM having trouble finding the first ravenstone - im in the Ice Giant Lair - killing everything but found some crap in the chest at the back - thats it? Got bored cruisiing around on my horse killing ice giants...what am i missing?
Figured it out. Ok.. I figured it out... If you hit Ul-Thok with the ice rune when he is high in the air, he will just float away. The only thing that will damage him is the ravensword. What worked for me was jumping to the bottom platform quickly, then running to back to the top and fighting him on the edge of that platform. Hit him with the ice if you like when he's at your level and you can finish him off pretty quick at normal difficulty. Pretty easy boss.
I have the same issue - i approached the robber on the rooftops the first time but my weapons were crap - since then im awesome but he is no longer on the roofs?
Grinding / How to easily level-up Hi everyone, I found two ways of how to easily level-up. I'm not a fan of "wasting" hours into this but I guess that some people need to stuff like this to get further with their character. Before you get the second Raven-Stone: Spoiler Before you enter Grim Pass (North-West) there is an Orc Warrior blocking an entrence with his spear. He's not able to hit you if you keep your distance and you can shoot him with your bow / crossbow for ages. When I tried that he received just a tiny little bit of damage because I didn't progress enough in the game to be strong enough. When you have a flying mount: Spoiler You can travel to Tanglewood Marsh (South). Take you mount and fly to the middle next to the citadel. When you land an the mountains / near the trees in the middle you can sniper the huge dinos from top of there with you bow / crossbow without risking to take any damage at all. There are at least 3 huge dinos. You can repeat that as often as you want. Hope that helps!
Sir Robert And his stupid journal - so ive killed all the goblins (which wasnt easy and looted the chest - there is a tiny skeleton there but nothing else to grab no matter what angle i try...the tracking logo thing still tells me in the cave but there is nothing left? I have walked through every rock i can find also for good measure...
Ror-Dan Citadel I got the first key to open the gate. Now I am front of a room that's filled with poison or acid water. How can I get pass this part?
I am also looking for his journal but I think you are searching in the wrong area because you mentioned goblins. Goblin ruin is east of Aven. Lord Carrowen specifically mention that his brother was venturing in Avenshire Hills region. Someone mentioned the journal is in Bear Cave where an Elder Bear lives. I checked that cave and every inch of the ground, nothing. I am not even sure how quest tracking works. It doesn't do anything for me.