Great, thanks! This worked (I anyway still have to get my bow skills up before being ready for the tournament ;- )
Thanks Josh -- you're probably in a thankless position right now, hearing more about people's complaints than anything else, but you guys really did an outstanding job with this game. It sets a new high mark for adventure RPGs for iOS. I'll be taking my sweet time with this. (Between this and Baldur's Gate, GTA: Vice City, Arc Squadron, and now Bastion is only $0.99, there's an incredible amount of great content available right now... but Ravensword is getting the most playtime, no doubt.) Not sure if you're allowed to answer this, but if I'm one of those players that likes to complete every quest and side quest in the game, approximately how many total hours of content is there?
i know this isn't exactly "help" but how are you guys handling the camera? im playing on the iphone 5 and its terrible...especially going up and down the camera is so slow! anybody having success with the camera?
ugh please help somebody, what is the point of tracking a quest? i cant tell where i am going tracked or untracked ... secondly i cant even get past one troll in the troll caves and its the only quest i have (i already did the quest with the iron and dunner the blacksmith) PLEASE HELP
Anyone know where I can find a flying mount? I have completed all the quests and have not found one yet.
What to do with Ravenstones I am nearing the end of the game, and have all 3 Ravenstones but not sure what to do with them in Aven. Anyone else at this point yet?? Nevermind. I found what to do with them and am in the Shadowlands.
You can get a flying mount from the lady in the waterfall. In the area south of the city. After you get the quest from the guy in the cabin by the lake, to help the woman in the castle, complete that and to back to him, he gives you a golden scroll with a short poem on it. Go to the waterfall near him, swim to it in the water and the lady will emerge and ask you a question. When you answer based on the poem in the scroll, she will give you a horn to summon a falcon you can ride. What I need help with, where I'm stuck, is in the temple with the green poison water. I got the key which opens the door where you run down to find a corridor with green water covering the floor... I cannot figure out how to get past it. Anyone? Thanks
This may sound like a stupid question but... I'm level 20 something, have just about every talent I want, and can one sneak kill almost everything with my crossbow. But I have NO clue on how to get to the entire southern part of the map. Seriously, I've wall hugged every area that supposedly borders it and still haven't found the entrance. Do I have to do more of the main quest or something? I'm on the part where I have to find the first Ravenstone.
what did u do with em i am stuck at this point too T_T ..... please give me some advise thanks editted : found out wat to do with em now after looking at the map in menu.....south arven..... editted 2 : completed the game 15mins after that....the way the game end was lolz awful nothing after the boss fight no end theme nth just some text lolz
u knw the terraces map have a cabin? try look to the left while facing the cabing u will see a slope witch u can climb on follow the path and u will reach the next map. hope this help
use the wind magic to draw the stone on the floor to make a path for u to jump over the green water. then use the same matter again but this time its to put the stone on a trap switch locate on floor to clear the sealed door on the next room. hope this help