I thought we could use a thread for help and tips to share with each other concerning the game. Hope you guys have fun! Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Guide Ah sweet, was going to start this myself. Thanks Crex! First off - I'm going to go over the controls because there seems to be some confusion about what you can and can't do. HUD Movement: Hold left thumb down to start running, move it left, right, or back to change direction. Double tap on the ground to run in the direction in front of you. Attacking: Use the sword button. Magic: A magic button will come up with you have a magical rune equipped. Blocking: Hold the sword button down, you will lift your shield to block, or hold your sword up to parry. First person view: To switch to first person, tap the eye button on the top right. Stealth: Hold down the eye button. Mini Map: Tap the compass icon. Your quest marker will show your quest destination when it is within range on your map. View: Look around by swiping the screen Items: You can tap on an item on the ground or on a table to pick it up if the hand icon is showing where the reticule was. If the hand is red, this means you would be stealing the item. You can decide not to steal when the dialog comes up. If you are caught stealing, beware of guards! Inventory: Tap the inventory icon Toolbar: Swipe up to bring the toolbar into view, swipe down to hide it. Inventory Tap on weapons to show their stats and display them in a larger size. Hit 'equip' to equip them. If you drop a weapon, it will fall from your body onto the ground. You can pick it up again by tapping on it. To only show one type of item, such as weapons, just tap on the weapons tab at the bottom of the inventory. The enhance button allows you to enchant weapons or armor with gems. If you have collected a gem or venom, you can use this button. Gems are found in chests, or given to you on quests or side quests. World map - The world map will show a marker of which area you are in. You can fast travel to other areas if they have already been discovered, simply by tapping on that location. Skills - your skills increase the more you use your weapons, magic, and stealth. Stats - you can upgrade your physical attributes when you level up and earn points. Talents - same as stats, but these have different levels. For instance, you can level up your acrobatics 5 times - 1/5, 2/5 etc - with earned points Tool Bar - To assign a weapon or potion to your toolbar, hit 'quick' when having tapped on the item in the inventory Menu - You can bring up the options menu here, save your game, see your achievements, or go to the main menu. In game stuff: Pick pocketing You must be in stealth (by holding down the eye button in the HUD) and get close enough to tap on an NPC (you'll see a hand icon replace the reticule) Looting Simply tap on a dead enemy when you see a green particle system rising from a corpse, it will bring up the items they may have hidden. If they just dissolve, that means they weren't carrying anything. Lock picking To lock pick a chest or a door lock, use one finger to move around the lock pick, and the other to turn the lock. The more you practice, the more your skills for lock picking increase (same with all of your weapons) Quests Tap on an NPC to talk to them, follow the dialog by tapping on the text. Breakables Barrels and crates almost always contain money bags, so destroy as many as you can. More soon as I think of them!
I have a tip that should be applicable: during boss fights (if any), it's always helpful to hide behind the red barrels. Works wonders for me at least
Thanks for the guide Josh. Personally I think I'll ignore fast travel and play my game hardcore style where I use just my feet or the mounts to travel. I guess it should help me grind my skills with this method and it should increase playtime of the main quest.
Another quick tip, in South Aven, if you want an extra weapon, you can get a weak gun if you pick the lock in Silas' house. However if you take everything, dont discard or sell the letter. You'll need it later
One tip I'd like to include on this is to make sure that you keep one finger ON the lockpick while using another finger to turn the lock left to right. As you're turning the lock be sure to also be rocking the lockpick ever so slightly, but never lifting your finger from it. You'll be able to tell when the lock is going to open because it will start to turn easily. Using this method I was able to break into Silas's house AND chest without breaking a single lockpick. Hope this helps!!
Trolls are hard. Damn. Gonna have to grind a little. Bought the crossbow, it's pretty handy. Pro tip: jump on a rock where the enemies can't touch you and fire away. It's hilarious that they can't jump two feet with you and just stand there or keep running into the rock while you fire away And ANYONE ELSE with an iPhone 5/iPad 4 getting blob shadows instead of realtime ones??? I ain't no graphic whore, but was looking forward to the eye candy...
One thing I can't work out - how do you eat consumables like break? It's probably obvious but I can't see how to do it...
Help - I'm stuck with a repeatable crash of the game. Just started the quest "Family Conflict", re-entered South Aven, now standing in front of the gate to North Aven. When I proceed throught the gate, the loading screen with the green progress bar appears, and shortly before the progress bar is complete, the game crashes. "Continue" starts with "You entered South Aven", i.e. standing in front of the gate. Restart of the iPad didn't help, and no info is added in "LatestCrash.plist" Any help or suggestions would be appreaciated! In the meantime, I might go hog hunting... ;-)
Having the exact same issue, Rave. I can't enter North Aven by any means, the game keeps crashing. I've tried rebooting my iPad mini, closing every other program, and even loading the save beforehand... I'm completely locked out of the city and I'm pretty frustrated. Suggestion for your Family Heirloom quest -- I'm in the same 'boat' -- the guild member said to look for a shipwreck to the south... I went south of the city, to the Cabin... from there, I went straight West, and I found a ship wrecked ashore with a few crabs around it. I haven't found any way into this ship, so I'm not sure if this is the right shipwreck I'm looking for to find the Heirloom. Anyone else having any luck with it?
Stuck at part 15 of the main quest! I entered the citadel, killed the skeletons and received the red temple key (it's in my inventory) from the snake statue, but now those 2 doors in the middle of the citadel (guarded by 2 giant spiders) wont open!! Is this also a bug? Ive tried to abandon the quest and start it over but you can't abandon main quests... Anybody else has this problem and or a solution?
Family Conflict/ Family Heirloom Those are entirely different quests. The conflict is to meet Leah at an inn and pay her $500. I can't see how the Bow Tourny quest would be relevant but it does fix the family heirloom quest. Thanks for mentioning that one. I was stuck for a few hours. Apparently a LOT of people are having these quest issues and it prevents us from moving on. Seems like there's some bugs to work out because it's seeming like if we don't keep questing in a linear timeline we can't get back in the North part of town. Until they fix this I copied my saved files over to my PC using DiskAid. I'm keeping saves for every few hours now. I wish the game didn't auto save over our 10 save slots! They should have just made one autosave slot and left the rest alone.
thanks, I actually jumped up on the rocks next to ship, scaled that cliff and jumped down onto the deck of the ship. --- anyone found Sir Robert's journal yet? The tracking is so confusing in this game, I can't figure out what it's trying to tell me. I found a cave with an Elder Bear in it... he was guarding a chest with some treasure, but Robert's journal wasn't in it. I left the cave to search around and I think the Quest Tracking is telling me to go back in that cave since there's a little weird cursor over the entrance... but there's really nothing left in that cave. Anyone else find it?