a4 have a very dated GPU and only 256mb RAM. It's not like they don't want to support it, there just aren't enough resources in the device.
... Youre talking specifically about the iPod touch here. iPhone 4 also has the a4 chipset but has 512 mb RAM. So to answer this: It should run on iPhone 4, it wont run on iPod touch 4.
Who cares about the iPod? Is there any chance for the 3Gs? Please developer, please, you got to do everything to save it!
If the ipad 2, 3 and 4 are toned down because of the iPods... I might not buy this no matter how good it is.
Actually the iPad 2, iPhone 4s and iPod 5 are looking to be the lowest end devices needed to run the game, except the iPhone 4. If anything they should abandon support for A5 devices and just focus on Skyrim level graphics for A6 devices /sarcasm
The 3GS is worse than the iPod 4,to my understanding,so that won't happen,it doesn't even run the A4 so my guess is that wont happen xD
To me it depends on how the graphics are, I know everyone's gonna say its not just about the graphics.