its coming along well. still finishing up the main questline and adding content, which we'll be doing for at least another month or two.
Will this definately be released in 2012 or is it possible to be pushed back to like march 2013 or something???
Didn't you know? There's a new Josh dialect of English! Interpreted from what you write and spoken only by a select few of the Hsoj cult, such as Drkrelic! Unless he has insider information of course, which I doubt... And by insider I mean through the powers of prophecy or something.
Referring to how crimes are treated in the it at all possible to make it so that if you were to commit a crime against a NPC, only some of the other NPCs would come after you? Basically, is it possible to stagger NPC loyalties, so that only the NPCs that are loyal to your victim would retaliate? Also, is there any kind of lock-picking in this game?
You guys going to have any trouble supporting the new iPhone screen from the get-go or will that be in an update?
This was tweeted by Josh 5 days ago: "working on a somewhat official Ravensword 2 trailer with @vernocchi more details to come." Yep. It's official. I just pooped a little in my pants.
Well it would be just because we don't know the answer til it's done. We are shooting for end of November.
The trailer or the game? Oh... and nobody here means what they say, we are just teasing you . Nobody really cares if RS2 will be released 4 months sooner or later. We just want a new Crescent Moon RPG game experience - which we know will be awesome.
Will it have some kind of lock picking system and can you get away with some crimes without everyone somehow knowing what you did and retaliating?