Ravensword: Shadowlands (Crescent Moon) coming Dec. 20th

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by JoshCM, Mar 12, 2010.

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  1. steelfires

    steelfires Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    Candy Mountain, Charlie!
    #81 steelfires, Mar 16, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2010
    The only problem with that would be the 1st gen people complaining. :D. Man, this looks super awesome. Even more so you're a indie dev. Kinda like the folks who made Jet Car Stunts.
  2. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    is it cool for me to drop some feedback/ideas for RS 2 here?
  3. Unholy3000

    Unholy3000 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Sweet ravensword 2! I'll definatly be following this.

    I hope this one is a much more open world, instead of a big path wich you follow. I wonder how there going to do this. Hoping to see actual classes this time, magic would be great. But Im really hoping for a open world environment such as the ones in morrowind/oblivion. My all time favorite games :)

    Keep of the good work guys, so far models are looking amazing and really liking that last picture, I must agree it looks very Greece like, me being a Greek, I like it!:p
  4. gamecomposer

    gamecomposer Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2009
    Ravensword 2 Music?

    When you are looking for a composer, let me know and I would love to talk with you about the score! You can hear some of my music at: www.seanbeeson.com

    I enjoyed the first game (although I lost my saved games due to having to wipe my iPod clean) and can't wait for the second to come out.
  5. acidshaman

    acidshaman Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    Animations are looking good, I love that Concept Environment Art... good work guys, this game is gonna be awesome, and if someone from Bethesda (my home town too :p) is working on this like I heard then u know its gonna be the shit!
  6. Mdcosta911

    Mdcosta911 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Agreed. The gameplay mechanics of Ravensword I and the inventory organization were atrocious. I honestly regret spending $7 on Ravensword I. Sorry. I really hope Ravensword II hits home with everything I expected and didn't receive from the first game.
  7. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I'm curious: what did you expect from Ravensword that you didn't get (I mean, besides a tidy inventory system)?
  8. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    #88 cubytes, Mar 16, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2010
    Disclaimer: i haven't actually played RS; watched a few gameplay vids tho

    context sensitive inputs in combat?:
    -like when an enemy or opponent is in range or charges you an "engage" icon will appear
    -when you tap this "engage" icon the game will automatically lock onto the enemy/enemies and pan/zoom camera to an ideal position for combat in the location/situation you are in
    -when low on health it will have a potion pop up maybe
    -a dodge pop up perhaps
    -it should be in the same place as all the other context sensitive pop ups; like talk to NPCs, open treasure chests, pick up loot, go into shops ect

    dynamic input schemes.........
    -the control schemes change depending on how your hold your thumbs
    -this is essential for a touch screen and instead of making a control scheme thats an all in one controller you can optimize it by creating multiple control schemes that can be sswitch back and forth to and from seamlessly by simply how you hold the phone

    for example:
    lets say for general navigation you use dual sticks;
    -the one one the left handles movement
    -the one on the right handles the camera rotate to pan
    -tapping/ double tapping on the bottom right stick will attack
    -this is the control scheme for when both thumbs on the sticks at the same time

    now when holding your thumb on the right stick but you lift your thumb off the left stick the perspective and controls will completely change:
    -it can go into first person for example
    -you can tap anywhere on the screen (execpt for the left joystick) and drag your finger around to look around
    -if enemies are in range just tap and hold on them to target them pull your bow and then lift thumb when shot is ready to fire the arrow
    -returning thumb back to the left stick will go back to third person

    now when holding your thumb on the virtual joystick but you lift your right thumb off of the screen
    -you character could for instance start blocking right when you do this
    -you can rotate around with the left VJ or wheel but you cant move (helpful for when you "have" to be facing and enemy to block their attacks)
    -you can tap on an enemy to switch targets in this mode
    -you can use slide gestures like; draw a line from top of the screen to the enemy to do a magic attack you can even draw the line then hold it over the enemy for a brief moment to charge the magic attack then lift to unleash
    -you will also be able to switch from one magic attack to another like be able to toggle between 2
    -if you have party members you can use this mode to switch back and forth from one party member to the next by tapping on them

    and last but not least lift both thumbs off the screen:
    -this is your inventory/item menu
    -pauses the game?
    -you can select and use items
    -returning thumbs to the sticks will immediately hide the quick item use menu
    -there may also need to be an item button top right idk maybe not....

    how awesome would that be? :)
  9. ejjib

    ejjib Active Member

    Feb 25, 2010
    why is asking to beta test against the rules??:confused:
  10. minorpane

    minorpane Well-Known Member

    Outdoor cells? Don't count on it.
  11. caterpi

    caterpi Active Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Is there a female character in ravensword 1? If yes, I'm buying it.
    Please include one in 2!!
  12. mjonesgraphics

    mjonesgraphics Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    Washington DC area
    I'm working on multiple female heads. Might be for NPCs,might be for something else. ;)

    Ask Josh. :)

  13. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    With Rule:

    TA total posts: 12345678

    Without Rule:

    TA total posts: 123456789 (+111.111.111 = ALOT!)

    of course those aren't the real post numbers, but that's what might happen^^! ;)

    OnT: I can't wait to see how the (game-)world looks like! (and I don't mean as concept art)
  14. NBM05

    NBM05 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    #94 NBM05, Mar 16, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2010
    Depth of gameplay. The combat was terrible and boring and had no strategy. The armor and weapons options were exceedingly limited (two sets of armor and what, like six weapons?) and each had one difinitive item that was the best. I had the best armor and weapon in less than an hour. And the story was not very involving or immersive at all. The graphics were pretty good, but some animations weren't. The lack of magic was dissapointing as well. As was the lack of human and humanoid enemies.

    I liked the open world idea, and mimicking Oblivion on an iPhone is a great idea, but the gameplay just wasn't enjoyable and the story didn't pull me in at all. It all felt too small and limited. I honestly never bothered to finish the game.

    If the combat was fun in the game, it could make up for a lot of the other defects, but it just wasn't. At all. Throw in a lack of items and lack of story and the whole thing was pretty bland to me.

    Hopefully the second one is a fuller game and a better experience. I won't be a first day buy this time, though. I'd need to see some detailed reviews listing improvements first. That said, good luck to the developer.
  15. Lazuli

    Lazuli Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Just throwing a few ideas into the ring. Also hi, I'm new ^^

    some kind of marker indicating where you're being hit from, similar to an FPS would be useful, being whacked by something that you're having difficulty seeing is kinda irritating.
    If you're going down the whole Greek route, some kind of mediterranian port would be awesome. Maybe fishing, boats etc.
    If the resources allow it, some form of multiplayer perhaps? 2 player co-op (perhaps similar to fable) would be win.
  16. galoobethgames

    galoobethgames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    I too would love to see a co-op mode. Nothing beats monster bashing with friends. I know it would be tough to do on a 1st or 2nd gen device, having highly-detailed character models, but it would add an awesome element to the gameplay.
  17. Jarek

    Jarek Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    FISHLABS Moderator
    Końskie, Poland
    I am for it.

    Grinding in cooperation would make the game extremaly more attractive.
    To solve problem with hi-res textures and performance on the older iDevices You could implement a scrollbar setting graphic quality to keep ultimate MMO features and smooth gameplay with cost of downgrading quality.
  18. SirSim

    SirSim Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Wow! Can't wait for this!! Please make this game a hit :)
    My wishes (after playing the first one)
    -more quests and sub quests
    -every terrain should have a "great ending" (and none "empty" regions without quests like the ice region)
    -I will see Open gl 2.0 features on my 3GS :)
    -the horse should be a gameplay feature and not only a minigame

    thanks and will look forward to this
  19. iPhondTouch3G

    iPhondTouch3G Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    I hope not. If it does, that really sucks. 1st/2nd gen people need to stop complaining about optimized games and get new ipods. i've owned every gen of ipod touch, for their capabilities. If it works on old devices, then i might as well throw my ipod away. i've been waiting for a 3rd gen game for a looong time.
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  20. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    I would also Like an only 3rd gen hardware game, altho as so many people still have old devices this is currently not a good idea for the developer (profit wise, not so many people will (be able to) but it)

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