Yeah it's pretty costly to upgrade, I hear you there. I just recently upgraded from a 3G touch to a 4S. hoping this game runs well on the 4s and not specified for 5g if it's released, but I'm sure it'll run on my phone. Btw how much ram does a 4s have?
The colors and contrasts look perfect to me. CM was going for a realistic graphic style and not a cartoony one.
It looks really pretty! I can only hope that the lore and plot are good enough to sustain the game world.
I will be very disappointed if there will be no dancing goblin and the man-without-the-arm in Ravensword 2. I hope RS2 will be playable in first person view, unlike RS1 and Aralon.
I'm fairly sure you could play the first Ravensword in first person view. Besides, the last screenshot shows the first person view. Anyway, game looks lovely. My only concern is animations and draw distance. Can't wait to see the game in motion.
YYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! i cant wait after putting at least 500 hours into skryim it kinda got boring, this looks epic!!!
-_- I think he means that they were so unplayable in first person view, and he's hoping that they fixed the issues with the first person so that it's enjoyable... -_-
Still hoping to play a female character. That screenie of a pterodactyl mount, looks like dinosaurs are really part of the game's lore. Hope this'll be released before Diablo 3 does, else D3 will probably suck my gaming time like a starving vampire LOL
The pictures were remove because they no longer accurately represent the game. Perhaps Josh will update that first post with more current screenshots.
The presence of dinosaurs and pterosaurs alone is enough to make me very excited, but having what appears to be a functioning 1st person view as shown in the screenshot is even better. Hopefully I'll have an iPad or something by the time this thing is released.
great..i hope there will be not so much distance pop ups like in Aralon (IPAD2). and please translate the game in different languages . well i have stopp play Order &Chaos now (lvl 60 -> Amazing Game ) and wait for this brilliant new Titel.... thx for the great wallpapers save the Yeti!