Universal RAVENMARK: Mercenaries - (by Witching Hour Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. witchinghourSG

    witchinghourSG Well-Known Member

    Hey there, did you use the same WHS Account that you created when you played Scourge of Estellion and purchased the limited-time Deepwood Dragoons IAP? If you did, let us know the email address you used to register for Mercenaries (and your Commander Name will be helpful too). We'll check up on it first thing when we hit the office tomorrow.
  2. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    I am purchasing the elite collectors when I get home.

    Commander name is: Orlando
  3. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    Nice. Thanks for your support dude! May the fortunes favour you on the fields of battle!
  4. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    PM'd you the details.
  5. Uberskooper

    Uberskooper Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2012
    I already bought the collector's edition, but now I really want that elite collector's edition. Ugh. I just want all the brigades and banner options.
  6. Maythius

    Maythius Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    Incredible job on this game. I'm thouroughly impressed; I just have to beat the first game :rolleyes:
  7. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    And downloading ... Elite collection, here I come ;)
  8. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Already bought mine, but dl the update. ULTIMATE POWER IS MINE!
  9. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    #149 Sheinfell, Jul 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
    Just got the big pack, too ;)

    And already have a - minor - complaint:
    Nettlesong: They are the most expensive Brigade, and I understand that they had to be toned down a bit.
    But add another Pain Harvester, so they have a Trine. If really needed, remove the other Crowbeak as well.
  10. Twenty One

    Twenty One Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    Oil & Gas Engineer
    Oklahoma City, USA
    Outstanding job by the Devs (again).....really impressed so far with the little time I have spent with the tutorial and the menu/UI, etc...

    Thanks to Witching Hour for the hard work and the great multiplayer game!

    Looking forward to battling you guys online!
  11. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Bear Cavalry - u r screwed

  12. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    YESSSSS! The day I come back from my Internet-deprived vacation this comes out worldwide. :D

    Time to aim for that elite collector's edition!

    To anyone still on the fence about Ravenmark: SOE, at half price it is an absolute steal. Do yourself and iOS gaming a favor and pick it up, because the bonus brigades that you get in Mercs alone should warrant the price, let alone the hours of quality content that you'll find yourself immersed in.
  13. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    ^Agreed. The Aconite Maulers are absolutely terrifying. 80 Melee Skill plus Charge plus increased crit chance PLUS reducing opponent's melee armor by 10 per attack is frightening lol. Just give me Helram and three of these and I'm all set.
  14. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    I've been eyeing both of these games for a while. And am torn. I really don't have space for either game (thank you very much Deus Ex ;) ). I'm not sure how much I'd get into the multiplayer so the (larger) SOE is probably more of what I'd like. Even though there isn't a "storyline", does the single player in Mercenaries at least give you a good introduction to the gameplay?

    Thinking of downloading this since it's smaller than either the freemium or paid versions of SOE to see if I'd enjoy it.
  15. Uberskooper

    Uberskooper Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2012
    Well, I caved and bought the elite edition. So many customizations!
  16. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    Mechanically it's essentially the same game. If you're just looking for an intro to the series then Mercs is probably a good starting point. It provides a very detailed tutorial (as does SOE) and has skirmish maps against the AI with increasing difficulty which will let you test your skill. You can also choose the units you send in battle which isn't available in SOE, but at the same time you lose the scale of the epic battles in SOE.
  17. Bischi777

    Bischi777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    I see that this must be a really great multiplayer game (it has a nice a tabletop wargame flair) but honestly, i was intimidated after the first hour. As much as i would love to get my head around this game, my backlog of games is just to big to start another timesink. But great work anyway. I dropped a dollar for support and deleted it.
  18. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    As somewhat of a Ravenmark expert I would say that playing the original Ravenmark will give you a better idea of the mythology of the world and of many of the characters and incidents that lead to Mercineries

    If story is more of your thing then get the original as it contains more of that plus it has the battle scenes when you ingage enemies

    This new offering focuses more on the multiplayer aspects of controlling these awesome brigades against people around the world. There is some story here but more will come later on

    Trust me the first time you incounter some of the different factions that occupy this world you'll understand our excitement over finally getting to control them yourself.

    Also the original will be on sale tomorrow

    May the blessing of Kayes guide you
  19. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    #159 Sheinfell, Jul 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
    Yes, it is a timesink ;) pretty much everything else is on the backburner for now.
    But it is worth it for sure.
    And no need to rush things. If you want to take it slow, do a few Minor Contracts a day (only takes a few minutes for 5-6 of those), and play against the AI when you feel like it. Helps getting a feel for the game, and some XP for your troops.
    And you can always send me - and many others, I am sure - an invite for a practice match.

    Yes, the Maulers are tough cookies. But from Beta I remember a few games where they got torn to pieces easily, both on my side and my opponent's.
    I mainly asked for the Trine of Pain Harvesters because it looks more "complete" to me: Having only a Deuce of units where the full complement is a Trine looks odd to me.

    Anyways, quite happy we are fully live now.

    Kayes, hmph. For Esotre, for Science! And for the Goggles! :p )
    -> We need mottos that we can show somewhere ingame, like a battlecry.
  20. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    Go for it :)

    Haha! Have fun dude, and cheers!

    We'll look into it again, and consider it during the next round of balancing. The Nettlesong were my favourite brigade to use too, but yeah... crazy strong. Also, Bear Cavalry ftw.

    Cheers dude, we did put a lot of effort into the whole User Experience. Glad you like it!

    Kind words sir. Very heartwarming to see how much you guys are into the whole saga. It's always awesome to hear. But yes, go for it! We rarely ever go on sale! It's a great chance to immerse yourself into the world :)

    Hmm, well Mercs is free so you might want to try that out first and see how it goes. Mess around with Mercs for a bit. The sale for SOE will last a week, so you have until then to decide. If anything, you'd want to grab a commander name before someone else does. :p

    On the other hand, if you start with SOE and finish it, you do get unique brigades in Mercs. SOE will also familiarize you with the world and lore. It's worth 30 hours of brutal, tactical gameplay, so prepare yourself!

    Hahaha, thanks dude! Yeah, I'm still not done fiddling with all the customizations myself. Roflmao

    Thanks dude. Pity you won't be joining us .:( But hey, whenever you're free you're welcome to come back and give it a go!

    Hear hear! I heartily agree.

    Also, just to add to the user experience, we've decided to pretty up the websites with a new layout and more artwork. Do check it out here at http://www.ravenmark-saga.com/


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