Universal RAVENMARK: Mercenaries - (by Witching Hour Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    Thanks for explaining. My usual response to anything that asks me to make an account before trying, is something along the lines of delete, one-star, mutter obscenities. (Not necessarily in that order.) In this particular instance I had a feeling benefit of the doubt was more in order. Still really don't like this approach, but will give it a go. Thanks.
  2. KevinM

    KevinM Active Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Co-Founder, Witching Hour Studios
    I hear you dude. Our game client is a "thin" client and most of the processing is done on our server end (mainly to prevent cheating/ exploits) so it would be difficult to let you play without an account.

    thanks for giving it a shot though! you can challenge me if you feel like it!
  3. Quintus

    Quintus Member

    Jun 23, 2013

    Man, this is the most under-publicized gems of the genre.The space for making your own strategies and brilliant art really makes it stand out against practically every other IOS strategy game there is.I followed Mercenaries via SOE and I have to say it was the storyline that got me wanting more, to find out what happened to Livia and Estellion.
    Mercenaries certainly did well with its hook, revealing half(or perhaps a quarter)of what happened well enough to make me crave for the rest of the bits.I highly recommend anyone to try out SOE first before diving in, as I felt that Mercenaries really offered only the barest of a crash course and a manual on the game play, which is really different from experiencing it on the field firsthand beforehand.

    Game play-wise, what happened to the "Rest" option as a standing order for your troops?I thought it would be an interesting add-on as it provides commanders an incentive to save troops on the brink of death and even stall the battle to be able to heal tide-turning troops.

    Anyhow, will be spreading the love for this game in the meantime
  4. KevinM

    KevinM Active Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Co-Founder, Witching Hour Studios
    why thank you, good sir! :D also, rest was removed as it lengthened game times during our alpha testing.. however, certain commanders retained healing abilities of sorts ;)
  5. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    The codex mentions that positive favor with a faction reduces the cost of hiring brigades from the faction. Is this decrease in cost static, or does it decrease more the more favor you have with that faction? Just wondering if its worth getting the level 3 commander trait to increase favor by 1 vs the 10% silver gain.
  6. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    A couple of beginner questions, if somebody wouldn't mind indulging me:

    Is it possible to change your commander's name? (And, is your commander's name essentially your account name? i.e. the name other online players know you by?)

    Why don't my troops automatically attack somebody within their range? Do I need to toggle something for them to do this?
  7. Tebius

    Tebius Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Creative Lead//Witching Hour Studios
    Cost is reduced by 1% for every 5 favour points. So max favour gets you a 20% discount for that faction.

    1) Unfortunately not, since it's your identity.
    2) That's really odd. If something is in range, it should always attack. Even with pursue on, the'll attack anything in range at the time. Which element are you using?
  8. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    Sorry, not sure what you mean by "element?" I've literally only just played through 3 or 4 skirmishes for the first time. I could have sworn there were a number if instances where my archers simply stood there even with targets well in range unless I set them to "pursue" a particular one. Likewise short range units didn't appear to initiate attacks unless they were either attacked first or set to "pursue". And again, if a "pursued" target has been destroyed, my units didn't appear to automatically choose a different target to attack. There is every chance I might be confused though, but this is how it appeared...

    As a suggestion, might be a good idea to make it clearer that your commander name will actually be used to identify your account. I had assumed "commander" meant one of my main characters in the game or something.
  9. Tebius

    Tebius Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Creative Lead//Witching Hour Studios
    1) We refer to each tile of men as an Element, it's synonymous with unit. Right now, elements should revert to stand ground (attack anything in range) when they can't get to their pursued target. What words float over their head when it's their turn?

    2) Sure, that's a good idea, thanks. =)
  10. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    Hmm, I'll have to keep an eye on that next time I play. I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding something by the sound of it; just need to figure out what it is.
  11. Tebius

    Tebius Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
    Creative Lead//Witching Hour Studios
    Keep me posted! I'll help where I can. =)
  12. Quintus

    Quintus Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    Does "help" include in-game advice too? :p

    I'm having trouble playing no-archer brigades like Los Quenados(So shiny but how do I use it)

    My tactics mostly center around Tellion archers and chokepoints ._. So I rarely use Los Quenados for skirmishes, but rather, reserve them for minor contracts.
  13. Gilgilad

    Gilgilad Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2013
    I played the original game in 2011 and really enjoyed it. In anticipation of Mercenaries I redownloaded the original to replay it and much to my surprise there are quite a few more campaigns added for free, in fact the game is more than double in length! I originally paid 2.99 for the full game which was just a couple of the campaigns and now they have given me all the new campaigns for free! The full game now with all campaigns is 9.99 which it is worth every penny. Really impressed with these Developers, one of the best strategy games on iOS and one of the best stories and game world. I can make assurances I will be rewarding them with my money on this next game in thanks.
  14. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    There part of my main team I'd say any group with horsemen is a good team plus these horsemen can Charge and Stun
  15. Sheinfell

    Sheinfell Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Europe, CET timezone
    No archers are more difficult to play, because most maps aren't open enough for a real cavalry battle. @WHS: *nudgenudge* more cav maps, pretty please?

    If you want to practice, send me an invite, username is Nullzone. We can use PMs here if you want to play a specific setup, to arrange things.
  16. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    I actually find it quite frustrating to use archers because they tend to get rushed by enemy cavalry with higher initiative, and most of the time I can't rally a good defense in time. I love using my own cavalry because huge movement range + charge makes for a great way to get rid of enemy standard bearers.
  17. KevinM

    KevinM Active Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Co-Founder, Witching Hour Studios
    i always try to keep a spearman or two with my archers. keep them at the back, make sure they are in formation for the volley bonus.

    though dreadnok bum rushed me the other day and taught me a lesson or two

    (and yes, he beat me overwhelmingly) lol... i'll get you next time QJ!
  18. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Damn I finally saved up some silver for my Jabberwockys :)..... Forgot that they took away the charge ability :mad: now the horsemen kick my butt when I attack them.

    Guess it off to saving up for my bear rider

    Kevin ..... Puny arrowmen no match for the dreadnoks :D
  19. Quintus

    Quintus Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    Are those Cainlaw brigades(Ravensbane,Sin Incognis) worth their silver?I've saved up enough to buy anything <Ravensbane in terms of price.Or are they more versatile brigades out there?

    (Damn I'm down to -39 with Varishah)
  20. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009

    I am almost positive with everything now. But by the time I get enough rep to matter, this will hit state side and I am just gonna hunker down for the leet collectors edition. Turning in for the evening but if anyone wants to send a challenge to 'Orlando' for tomorrow I am game.

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