Universal RAVENMARK: Mercenaries - (by Witching Hour Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    #441 Crumston, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
    Oh! I went through this with Leon earlier in the morning. The first one is already intended to appear apparently. The second one is a little tricky, but interesting. We don't think it can be implemented as soon as next patch but it's something worth discussing at least.

    Btw, talking about implementing new stuff reminded me about something...

  2. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Nice ... Commander levels above 10.
    Any planning already for when you will set them live?
    Also: Will we get traits for Support type units?

    For the Standarbearer it would be interesting to give him Feral Instinct (allows 3x counterattack instead of the usual 1x) : this would make it more dangerous to rush for the Standard in the early turns.

    For additional fun, how about a trait that gives him the "Volley" ability for a ranged attack?

    They (call the Feral Instinct trait "Last Man Standing" and the Volley trait "Fire at Will" ) could be on the same Commander level, so folks need to make a choice.
  3. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    We'll need to revise that carefully, so definitely not in the upcoming patch :p When is the next patch you say? Hmmm... very soon. Hahaha. In a fortnight's time? Early September perhaps?
  4. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Thanks, he'll likely need a fair bit of practice to get decent. So I'll spar/punch-bag him up to speed!

    I even took a few days break as was busy and just lost the "in the zone" - it's what I like most about R:M is how much concentration and computations you need to make for each round, lol!! :cool:
  5. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
  6. vesp67

    vesp67 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    Think you guys could add 2v2 or 3v3 to the multiplayer?
  7. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    That does sound fun. Our hands are tied though at the moment, so there's no way we can work on that in the immediate future. We'll continue to keep it in our discussions when we decide to move Mercenaries forward. :)
  8. vesp67

    vesp67 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    Alright:) it's been a pleasure playing mercs and I really appreciate all the work you guys have put into this series!
  9. vesp67

    vesp67 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    This is a confusing thing that happened to me today.
    At the end of a multiplayer match my enemy was down to one earthbound swords men with half health and I was left with my standard bearer with 3/4 health and a grey jacket with half health. I used snipe to stun the earthbound and moved my standard bearer to attack but at the end of the battle phase, it said that match ended in a stalemate. How is that a stalemate though? I was clearly about to win....
  10. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    Yipes... tough luck. Was it at the end of the 20th round?
  11. vesp67

    vesp67 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    Yup at the end o the 20th round
  12. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    Matches have a 20 round limit sir. :) It's under the Codex, "Combat Phases" in case you missed it. I understand though, draws can be frustrating, especially if you are so close to winning.
  13. vesp67

    vesp67 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2012
    Lol I did miss that, and I can understand why there's a limit. But I was just so close lol
  14. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    I just had a forced stalemate after 5 rounds. Considering the state of my troops, it really wasn't fair to my opponent either ;) What mechanic am I overlooking in this case?
  15. Gilgilad

    Gilgilad Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2013
    There is a 24 hour time limit on making your move (countdown timers are shown on the overview when looking at your matches). I know if you make your move and your opponent doesn't in 24 hours, then you will automatically be the victor. I have never had it where both players did not make a move in 24 hours but I imagine it would end in a draw. Is this what happened?
  16. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    Eh? In the case of a 24 hour expiry period, the player that moved last will win.
  17. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    One day that would be cool.

    Another idea, is tournaments seem really cool, but also campaigns for players to battle over with results that tide over to the next battles creating a sort of meta-story out of the results and players have decision where to send forces. Idk, it would be a cool way for various player factions or 2 players to have perpetual battles building upwards.

    That said, current format will keep me happy and busy for a long time. Just like ideas as this game is like a lot of TT mini battles.


    Been busy recently got to get some battles back on!
  18. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    #458 Crumston, Sep 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
    Hello everybahdy!

    Hey guys,

    It's definitely been a while since I posted anything up here. First off, I am aware that the latest major patch was due early September, but it seems Apple seems to be having some issues with their servers since September 2nd.

    The major patch will be in as soon as we can upload it, and we apologise if there has been any frustration from the wait (we're just as frustrated). In the meantime, I thought that it'd perhaps be best if I put up the patch notes so folks know what to expect. Here you go folks, and sorry for the wait!


    Release Build v1.05


    - A client update to v1.05 from all previous versions of the game is required to play Mercenaries.

    Gameplay Changes

    - Brigades may be added into multiple Divisions. Brigade locking has been done away with to promote more games.

    Border Skirmishes
    - The difficulty and rewards of Border Skirmishes have been tweaked to be more rewarding to the player.
    - A larger repertoire of AI Border Defenders has been introduced. Tougher Brigades will start showing up as players progress during the week.
    - The "Hardened" buff is now only introduced after 24 Border Skirmishes victories.

    Brigade Cooldown
    - Border Skirmishes and Multiplayer games no longer induce brigade cooldown.
    - Minor Contracts (and select Major Contract assignments) now induce a cooldown of 20 hours on the assigned Brigade. This cooldown only affects the Minor Contract eligibility of the brigade.

    Minor Contracts
    - The veterancy of a Brigade now increases the completion chance of Minor Contracts by 3% per level.

    *NEW* Stonewater Arena
    - The Stonewater Arena has been opened to Commanders eager to draw blood!
    - Arena rounds are limited to 15 minutes per turn. A countdown timer is shown above the Round Counter - be sure to make your turns swiftly.
    - To enter the Arena, a wager of 500 silver is required. Victory earns you your opponent's wager… after Stonewater's cut.
    - Players gain Renown based on an ELO rating system. This rating system matches players with similar Renown.
    - The Arena Leaderboard ranks players according to their Renown. Tap the "Leaderboard" button in the Stonewater Arena page to display leaderboard rankings.

    *NEW* Multiplayer ELO
    - A hidden ELO rating now exists to facilitate matchmaking of Random multiplayer games.

    *NEW* Herald
    - The Herald allows players to quickly access on-going arena and multiplayer games.
    - A summary of the player's recent activity is shown in Reports.
    - Announcements and news items are shown in the News section.
    - A catalogue of gameplay hints is accessible from the Herald.

    *NEW* Major Contract
    - A Major Contract continuing Makkre's tale may now be obtained on the Contracts map.
    - Completing the enclosed series of missions unlocks the "Dies Irae" Brigade.
    - Once completed, the contract will reset to its initial state, allowing players to replay the content.

    *NEW* Traits
    - 3 new set of Traits have been added. To accommodate these new traits, the commander level cap has been raised to 15.
    - The new traits are:
    Level 11: "Strategic" - Increases the damage of Support Elements by 5%.
    Level 11: "Resolute" - Increases the HP of Infantry by 5.
    Level 13: "Fleet-footed" - Increases the Initiative of Ranged Elements by 1.
    Level 13: "Intrepid" - Increases the Movement Points of Infantry by 2.
    Level 15: "Venerable" - Increases the HP of your Standard Bearer by 10.
    - The level requirement for the level 10 Traits "Regimented" and "Strong Willed" have been lowered to require level 9. Players who have already picked these traits will not be required to respec.
    - The level 3 trait "Cunning Demeanour" has been redesigned. It now increases the completion chance of Minor Contracts by 5% instead of reducing Brigade cooldown.

    *NEW* Brigades
    - The brigade "Il Panello" can now be recruited via the Hiring Grounds.
    - The brigade "Cat's Pyjamas" can now be recruited via the Hiring Grounds.
    - The brigade "Wretched Sons" can now be recruited via the Hiring Grounds.
    - The brigade "Baintreacha Fir" can now be recruited via the Hiring Grounds.
    - The brigade "Dies Irae" can be obtained by completing the Major Contract "Chasing Shadows".
    - The brigade "Hanson & Sons" will be awarded to players who have obtained all 153 Medals in Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion.

    *NEW* Elements
    Nil Athair Grenadiers
    - Elite Sotran Infantry able to burst their way through enemy lines. They are able to fling grenades to damage and nullify the Armour Rating of their targets.
    - A Support Element, the Runecasters' abilities are designed to disrupt defensive strategies.
    Mortar Battery
    - A support Element, the Mortar Battery is able to shell enemies across a long distance with their "Mortar Volley". This ability may only be used after 2 Rounds have elapsed.
    Jackdaw Sapper
    - A support Element, the Jackdaw Sapper is able to erect Tellion Towers on the battlefield. The "Build Tower" ability may only be used after 2 Rounds have elapsed.

    Balance Changes

    - All Infantry Elements gain the ability "Assault". Element gains a 10% critical hit chance if it moves on its turn.
    - Braccian Elders HP reduced to 80, from 90.
    - Braccian Elders have gained the ability "Lockdown".
    - Foxglove Skullslingers have regained 1 movement point, from 7 to 8.
    - Foxglove Skullslingers now have 35 Ranged Skill, down from 50.
    - Ulfsark Warband now have 10% Critical Hit Chance, down from 20%.
    - The Earthshield Veterans have gained the "Shield Advance" ability. This ability is only usable in formation.
    - Gralo now has the "Unbreakable" ability.
    - The ability "Windwall" now has a Brace effect on top of its current effect.
    - Tremithus Stavros has gained the aura "The Gilded Path".
    - Javier B'Elros has gained the "Punt" ability.
    - Casca Argentus has gained the "Shield Bash" ability.
    - The Veteran medal now adds 4 hp, down from 6.
    - The Survivor medal now adds 2 hp, down from 3.
    - Assault and Defence medals now add 6 Attack Skill and Armour Rating respectively, up from 5.
    - The Combat medal now adds 8 Attack Skill and Armour Rating, up from 5.

    Brigade Changes

    - The Cardani Sunsouls in "Nisshonen" have been moved to the rear of the brigade.
    - "Mallico's Madmen" now have an Earthbound Windswept in place of one of its Ravenborne Light Cavalry.
    - "Nettlesong Lurkers" now have an additional Primrose Pain Harvester.
    - The core brigades "3rd Tellions", "1st Varish", "3rd Varish", "3rd Sotrans" have been updated.

    Gameplay Fixes

    - Cainlaw Pikes now require Deuce Formation to activate "Schiltron".
    - Braccian Phalanx no longer require to be in Deuce formation to activate "Unbreakable".
    - The Wheeling command is now considered a move and deactivates "Schiltron".
    - The abilities "Unbreakable" and "Zealot's Will" now grant immunity to the "Lob Skulls" Morale Broken effect.
    - Ensnaring an already ensnared Element now refreshes the "Ensnared" status effect.
    - Updated incorrect buff and debuff icons.
    - An issue causing the miscalculation of initiative rolls on Round 1 of each mission has been resolved.
    - Zone of Control is now correctly removed from a Formation that Wheels.
    - A bug preventing Trines moving into a valid position has been resolved
    - Crashes caused by abilities such as Acid Volley, Fix It Now, Battle Remedy and Molten Spray have been fixed.

    Misc Improvements

    - A countdown timer for random multiplayer games is displayed above the Round Counter.
    - Destination markers are now shown on the battlefield when an Element that has been issued a movement command is selected.
    - Abilities that inflict damage on tiles now display markers on the battlefield.
    - When a formation is given the Break/Join formation command, it will now clearly show that Zone of Control is removed.
    - The Codex has been updated with the latest gameplay changes. Screenshots have been added to better explain each gameplay section.
    - Fixed an issue where the player is sometimes unable to close the codex.
    - Updated several ability and buff icon and descriptions.
    - Tutorial Slides have been updated to reflect new changes.
    - Fixed errors in the Codex and other pages.
    - Fixed a number of memory leaks and crashes.
    - Everyplay now works on iOS7.

    *EDITED* Looks like there was a minor mix-up with the numbers a little earlier. Edited as per what Tebius mentioned. Sorry for the mix-up!
  19. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 8, 2013
    Wireless Sales
    Happy Daddy
    Oh wow, That is one massive update I'm looking forward too.
  20. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #460 Nullzone, Sep 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
    Impressive list, really looking forward to the good stuff in the update.

    Like this:
    The brigade "Hanson & Sons" will be awarded to players who have obtained all 153 Medals in Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion.
    Back to completing all triple medals...

    A hidden ELO rating now exists to facilitate matchmaking of Random multiplayer games.
    Any special reason to not make it visible? I would like to see my rating. And that of others as well.

    Now, on to the bad stuff:
    Level 13: "Fleet-footed" - Increases the Initiative of Ranged Elements by 1.
    Ranged already is a dominant strategy. Was it really neccessary to boost it further? Throw that one out.

    The Cardani Sunsouls in "Nisshonen" have been moved to the rear of the brigade.
    Don't think that was neccessary. Premature in any case, for the same reasons as for Mallico.

    "Mallico's Madmen" now have an Earthbound Windswept in place of one of its Ravenborne Light Cavalry.
    A bit premature. While people were complaining about them, it wasn't shown yet that they are a real balance problem, and not just a perceived one. Also, the brigades loses its unique flavour.

    Assault and Defence medals now add 3 Attack Skill and Armour Rating respectively, down from 5.
    That is the worst of the bunch. Those medals were pretty worthless already, and not picked often. While lowering the HP bonus is not too bad (but Veteran medal down from 6 to 2 seems slightly overzealous, down to 3 or 4 would have been enough), it also diminishes the value of these boni. Like 1hp is nothing, then you can just leave it out completely.
    Aside from +initiative, all of them look quite worthless now. Then you can do away them completely, sorry.
    I hope we will at least get free respecs.

    That was just too much again in one go. *Please* take it slower with the rebalancing.
    You risk ruining the game with all the frequent changes, alienating your players, and so on.

    My harsh but honest advise:
    Pull the update, throw all the above stuff out, and release it without that.
    In German we say "well intended is the opposite of well done", and that is the impression I get here :(

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