Universal RAVENMARK: Mercenaries - (by Witching Hour Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @estupendo: what Gilgilad said. Hop by at the forums, say hello and ask for matches.
    Feel free to send me an invite for a match. If you want to practice something specific, best let me know beforehand.
  2. Living Legend

    Living Legend Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2013
    I like tournaments except. I'm not that good.
  3. Living Legend

    Living Legend Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2013
    Crud. I failed 50% AGAIN.
  4. Gilgilad

    Gilgilad Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2013
    WHS has stated that the higher level your brigade is, the better chance they will succeed at the minor contracts. The lower silver contracts are easier to win than the high silver ones as well. Because of this, my strategy is to use my 2 or 3 highest level brigades to do all the minor contracts and then I use other brigades to do minor skirmishes so than I can level them up too. With level 3 and 4 brigades I average about a 80% win rate on minor contracts.
  5. Gilgilad

    Gilgilad Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2013
    Edit: double post, sorry.
  6. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    That's awesome. Hmm, I feel I'm getting nearer honing my skills... but there's so much to learn!!!

    I'm currently trying out some new units AND refining my favored units combinations as well as tactics. Then you factor in how different maps influence things. My preferred style of play is plenty of mobility but some opponents are too good at digging in so need to find an adaptable approach...

    I'll definitely sign up for a tournie when it's rescheduled, just need to work out what my A-game is! :)

    Thanks for the info.

    @Nullzone: That's cool, I'll add you to my list of WHS friends. Thanks.
  7. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Always welcome ;)
    And as someone who prefers a mobile aggressive playstyle, let me give some advise:
    Always bring a backup brigade that is less mobile but can lay down more hurt. Helps quite nicely with people who play castle. Then you can choose if you want to go all mobile, or mixed.
  8. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    I was sending out 2 brigade divisions until the recent onslaught of turtling. Which pisses me off to no extent! That is the only play style I do very crummy against.

    I just recently started seeing banner carrier rushes too. Love that I still have barely scratched the surface of things. I have all my divisions empty for when I get home tonight and re work some strats.
  9. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #409 Nullzone, Aug 7, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2013
    That is still one of my favorites. But many people know how to spot the telltale signs (e.g. Marshrunners) of a typical rush, and how to defend against it.
  10. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Ah, I'll dig into the codex, some more... that's a good plan oc! I really need units that can perhaps "bombard" turtlers to lure them out?! :D


    Just got me a new division to combo with The Braccians and testing them together right now in a Border Skirmish. I think this is good trying different approaches, sheds light on "Plan A"!
  11. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Well that worked very well: Braccians destroyed those marsh elves in a border skirmish, by Round 6, with plenty of surviving units. Impressed the AI knew to block it's flank, at the beginning however with the pole-arms. ;)
  12. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    If you know that you are up against a turtle, and want bombardment, Blacksteel & Fellwall is quite fun. 2 Platforms with Barrage, plus Healing; and 3 highly mobile units, one of which can heal itself. Biggest problem is the low amount of units. If your opponent manages to focus fire on one unit, you are in real trouble. A Wockie can die in one round from that.
  13. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Excellent-excellent *steeples hands*: I've not even looked at those, as there's so many to check, my plan has been to work steadily through all units (individual elements and brigades) and experiment then expand my choices once I'm familiar with a small selection: That way I get to find my way around - and reward my labors with the odd purchase! ;) I'll check out their stats and Abilities.

    The Braccians + Tremithus' Truths have a v fine balance. 2 powerful Trines (usually a reliable choice), cavalry and ranged. Just a short on pole-arms but you can't have it all. Also love the consistency in theme of 2 brigades from the same nation.

    Currently working out how best to use Skirmishers in Estallion Brigades: Any tips there?!
  14. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Added Braccian&Tremithus to my list of combos to try ;)

    Tellion Skirmishers: that would be the Jackdaws in the 4th Tellions, for example.
    Keep them out of harm's way. Despite the 33% damage ignore, they cannot take much. And it is a percentage roll, so you cannot rely on it ("ignores every third hit" would be reliable and plannable) . I'm pretty sure Skirmisher stacks; so for taking out a single unit quickly, have them all attack the same target, then followup with whatever to take it down. Pairing them with Sotrans yields less, because their Crit damage from Cyclefire ignores armor anyways.

    I sometimes use Albus Accipitres & Aura Secunda as flavor combo. It's a gamble: Can work incredibly well when you get lots of ignore damage; or can go horrible wrong when it just does not want to activate. And 5 Jackdaws pumped by Cordelia's Inspiration skill are a nasty surprise.
  15. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Whoosh! Info download!! Awesome.

    Well, I took them into "live" vs matches and the first battle, I messed up positioning due to the map, so was easily mopped up (map with the big tower in the middle towards far edge of the map. Second match faired much better, but up against those Golden "Sun" Knights and their spears - who - are complete monsters! I played really tight and gave a good scrap, but was overwhelmed eventually.

    Thanks for the tips on the Jackdaw scouts - One battle my scouts got wasted as I learnt the "dodge" is on a roll and the "dice" turned up 1s more than 6s. That's a great idea to team them up and pick on a solo element!

    Well lost 2 but last one was my tactically most astute battle! :D

    Upwards and onwards! /helps rewarding with a new brigade "Mallico's Madmen". I'll get the Bombardment brigade when I've trialled more of my current collection and get to know them better. ;)

  16. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Did my usual procedure: Trialed my new/latest brigade, Mallico's Madmen, vs the AI on a contract and came up against those Soltrans (gun/tech faction): They worked v well. Getting early shots in as well as luring into my trine. V susceptible to normal Cavalry but sapping the enemy early and then pulling back behind reinforcements (lol) is sweet. Time for live test. :cool:
  17. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    #417 Estupendo1, Aug 9, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
    Great implementation of Free To WIN!

    Just want to kudos to the devs for their brilliant implementation of FREE TO WIN!

    Reading this article: PA Report: Reviewing free-to-play games is turning me into a nervous wreck

    Most F2P games are either Pay To Win or Coercive Monetization and ruin the gameplay experience.

    Ravenmark: Mercenaries you get everything you need to play the game and can earn for free in game by simple AI battles or simulations of.

    Then each Brigade ADDS more gameplay options. I'd argue this pricing model is better than P2P and obviously much better than the cynical smurf berries above.

    Great article on this subject and the "Tricks used": The Top F2P Monetization Tricks

    The keys to this great model imo:

    1. NEVER interrupt entertainment with asking for payment
    2. ONLY ask for payment for extra/new gameplay space and optional extras such as art/customization.
    3. Ensure NEW gameplay space adds to existing options so all options become more interesting.

    Could add more, but the above 3 are fairly awesome - and think Ravenmark achieves them with flying colours!
  18. Estupendo1

    Estupendo1 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    #418 Estupendo1, Aug 10, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
    After a test run in a border skirmish against the AI, I took the Blacksteel out for a battle... I feel sorry for the opponent: I decimated them and they surrended after 3 rounds! :eek:

    Managed to get the Jabbawokky either side and use molten lava as well as hit the spearmen over 2 rounds for a total of 4 hits vs x2 spearmen (1 per J'woky) and 6 molten lava hits with no retaliation from the trine sandwiched inbetween on round 2: Total 10 hits and crippled Trine, and spearmen hanging on!!! Holy mother of. :D

    Had only just got the Blacksteel into "bombardment range" by then...
  19. Crumston

    Crumston Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2013
    Junior Producer
    @Estupendo1 Thanks for the props! We do try to enhance the user experience as much as possible, although balancing that with being a sustainable business is sometimes like walking a rather precarious tight-rope.

    Also, I'm rather fond of the blacksteel myself recently. Their decent initiative and HP allows them to be effective skirmishers, going in and smashing behind enemy lines. I like to pair them with the Barn av Lik, allowing me to effectively take out key elements in the enemy formation... Although that does leave me with the Raft Platform as my only decent tank. *shrugs*

    Can't win em' all. Hahaha.
  20. Hound16

    Hound16 Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
    So after a recent patch it seems the fellwall few got a bit... fewer.

    Any word on an eta for arena mode? I'd love having a bit more pressure on some important matches :)

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