Heya C.Hannum! Lemme try to address your concerns. =) 1) Yes, yes they are. We'll be overhauling how it works with the next major update. Also, we'll be adding some storyline contracts as well. 2) That's generally what the Arena is for, but I hear you. We have a fix in mind that would mitigate this problem and won't mess with the long timer, which is necessary for a game that allows you play with people on the other side of the world. 3) Said fix in (2) should also solve this problem, we're hoping. 4) I'm not certain on what we decided, but I -think- there'll be a non-ranked/invisible ELO system for multiplayer as well. This should match people of similar skill without creating the stress of maintaining your rank. But like I said, I'm not certain on this yet. Will keep you posted. 5) Agreed. Will look into solving this issue. 6) Hum. We've been skirting around this for a while. Gonna have to force everyone into a room and solidify a solution that can be implemented with what resources we have. If you're looking for responsible players to pit yourself against, might I suggest here?
I have 3 jobs and I am taking classes online. 24 hours is needed. But at least there is a timer now - I know Nullzone and I both had games that just sat collecting dust for a while.
Love this post and love the reply even more. Honestly why not have a currency/experience reward that you gain in multiplayer and friendly only matches. Kinda like a PVP currency or level, like certain MMOs have. So no matter how much single player you have, you'll NEED to play PVP of some kind to get this currency, it can reward abilities or buffs. Nothing too game breaking, but more to add different strategies. Maybe even PVP specific abilities that can be locked in at the levels that currently don't have abilities. (Level 4, 6, etc.)
Good to hear. Have nothing against the long timer in and of itself, it's just frustrating to be rapidly playing right until the moment you essentially have a checkmate and instead of them surrendering, or at least soldiering onward, they just disappear. Does seem to be a new stance about every 12 hours on the official forums, must be hard to keep track of in the office Brilliant. Yes, no need for every match to count for your competitive rank, but would be nice to see matches made among similar skilled players instead of the random scene it is now.
Let me point you the Ravenmark forums, specifically the "Brigade & Tactics" section. The information is spread somewhat across several threads there at the moment, though. If I find the time I want to write up a list of good topics, and condense the information more. But that is at least a week away, I'd say.
Los Quenados. Just checked, I still have them. Did you lose yours, or can't you see them on the shoplist anymore?
Thank you. No worries, I did look but did not see any "Beginner's Guide" to start me off, as you say more a collection of brigade guides that still looked a bit specific. Even a rudimentary Beginner's Guide, mainly "take-home helpful hints" and a few pics to illustrate... I think that would be a very cool addition for Ravenmark. I'm still enjoying learning by trial and error, but sometimes I wonder why one brigade suddenly is only moving a few squares and I need "break for it - you fools!" time! <3 this game.
You can start with the "Tips & Tricks" here: http://forum.ravenmark-saga.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=39 I just stickied that thread. Beginner's Guide: Added to my evergrowing list Think I need to sit down, write a brief scope and put the tasks up on there. @WHS: Another player asked for more illustrations / graphics in the Codex, for easier demonstration of concepts like "Zone of Control". How about adding that information to the Wiki first? And after a few draft cycles, check if the version is good enough to be added to the Codex.
Initiative denotes who gets to move first in a round. Higher is better in the codex. On the battlefield, 1 goes first, and so on. Mastering Init is mastering the game. =)
Thank you once again. I will start hanging out in the Ravenmark forums more (though this is adding to an already bad habit!). I had my first AI victory last night and can only so it was so much fun. I'll be prepping for multiplayer next.
if you need more wins, you can hit me up for a challenge. Ian has nominated me as the official dev to beat (because it's that easy)