Got a PM back from K?! Thanks for trying. It is France app store only for some reason. Sorry about that. If anyone knows anyone with a French app store account, I don't want it to expire and go to waste... EDIT: Gave it to vbxz47 via PM request.
I'll definitely participate, great idea. I already have a slogan: give and give again, that's what the TA crew do. Or something along the lines of that. That I'd copyrighted and trademarked btw, so if you take it you die. I swear I'll kill you lol.
No! Seriously put apps you want in your sig and I for one will personally be sure never to gift to you. Quit being so arrogant. Basically putting your wish list in your signature so people will gift you is "requesting games," see above or page 1.
Umm, actually Paradiso said he didn't have a problem with putting your Wishlist in your sig. Folks have been doing that long before this thread was created. It helps me - when I see that someone has a "hidden gem" in their Wishlist, I send it to them.
I have no power in this thread, so anyone can do whatever they want I guess. The group is coming along nicely though people are still making creative offers, and we have the contest going now, so make sure to check it out if you haven't yet. If I had known so many people would be interested in the idea I would have only made the group, instead of this thread. It's much easier to deal with arguments and such before they even happen. Luckily the members now are all respectful and I haven't had to remove anyone yet.
I got some promo codes from the Kisslsland contest a while ago that I haven't used. KissIsland E33NY66WXW63 - taken Zepi:Classic update AYKX9YT6AY46 49X39AMYM74L Zepi: Pirates update HMFHWWE6MLYH - taken H9M96X4LK7LT
These kind of threads are never quite smooth-sailing, as not everyone is nice. dalbertson, I redeemed the KissIsland code. Many thanks.
I have extras so here: Doodle Rain SD - RRYF43AXLKP7 Doodle Rain HD - K93NMHRK6PKT Word Solitaire: Aurora - 773YY4FELNKM
Whoa whoa whoa man, calm down, I was just asking a question, the whole "sig" thing was even talked about earlier in the thread. I'm not begging for an app, I was just asking a question. A nice "No I don't think that's allowed" would have been more professional....