Haha. Had that one already and am at 58. Just thought I was at 59 too, as X has 1500 more points than me with 59.
Ok, burning bridges for 5 done (missed a penny). Just need exploding magnets in 3. Still think there is more change to be had on a couple levels.
Took a break from banging my head against the wall on Burning Bridges, Bipolar (I still have 9 and 11) and a few others and picked up a shave not mentioned yet. I was pretty sure I knew how to get those but I've started looking at solutions alternative to the ones I had been trying. Anyone want to help out via pm in exchange for a help on another level or the new shave? Or I could just post it here. At 244,911 on iphone (non-deluxe) so still a ways to go.
Ok, most of you guys probably figured it was possible but Tunnels is definitely a 2. Damn, nice Phantom!
Level 1: 2 Dolls, but best score so far with 3...11,489 Level 2: 1 Doll...14,588 Edit: 14,594 Level 3: 15, 398
I'm on 15362. I'm curious about Stress Test. I've got 13167 with 3 dolls. And I swear I shot a firedoll straight through the stone door an hour ago, with the door not opening or even moving. I mean, not getting wedged in the door, we've all seen that happen millions of times. Really shooting right thru! Anybody else had that happen, or was I just hallucinating And not through the hinge either, straight through the middle...
Could you send me the spot? There was a level in the fire doll level, non deluxe where we shot a doll all the way through.