I'm with you, Rich. All I've been shooting is GL and I can't get the freakin target to roll over the hump. Really hope when it goes it's with all 3 coins so I don't havta go back... grrrr.
Damn it Frizz!!! I thought I was done (aside from a few scattered hours here and there of course). So how's about a hint?
New Shave in Aerial Armada This is one of those that may take weeks and weeks of shooting and resetting or you may get it in a few minutes depending on how lucky you are.
Hi Bill, You've got the magic touch (as usual)! Great shave Bill. About 50 times harder than it looks for sure. Gotta give it a try, Even though I'm still working on your last shave to no avail.lol! Good Stuff! WendyKingston
With the new OSx, Mountain Lion, and addition of GameCenter for Mac.. you think Backflip will issue another RB3 for this platform? Maybe they're busy doing it now? I'm still hopeful for updates... sigh.
Rb2update? Bug fixes? At any rate if they're even bothering with rb2 at this point, perhaps we still have a shot with rb3.
Aerial Armada One month on top of Aerial Armada. I think the longest I've been on top in a level is about 2 hours.