With two wait levels, playing on one device is making these new ones a bit maddening. Got it last night and am still waiting on HVAC. What's the longest anyone's waited on this one? Mine immediately wiggled right, and has only threatened to move left for moments. Anyone else notice that when you exit, come back to game and then click Continue... seems to pick up at level without reseting. Haven't tried to see if this would work for waits, without keeping phone on, but that's pretty awesome.
Reset Hvac till you get one that jiggles left at first. It still plays around going back and forth but eventually gets there in a few hours. Yeah.. I posted about the switching. Love it.
Ohh... suppose it'd be helpful to actually read through the posts since update Sooo... does this mean it continues running in background when you leave a level? For example, Dominoo could be done without tying up your phone for a week...
I doubt it will run in the background unless you have jailbroken and install backgrounder. Afaik apple only allows state preservation and push notifications rather than real background processing.
Vayduh's right. But it's still an epic improvement for dollin. Domino can be done if it's onscreen and you can still switch to pick up a call or text without losing your place in the game. Last night I watched hvac run while using the phone at the same time.I picked up the call and while talking switched the game back onscreen and it kept going without a prob. So yes, no more tying up your phone!
Sheesh Oh yeah I left that part out. iPad does not run on OS4 yet (annoying) so no switching. The game has to be reopened like previously on pod and phone. It crashes on my pad too, also previously posted. Cmon you guys don't you read ANYTHING I say? Lol
It crashes on my iPad when it opens in full screen. If you close it in the small size it won't crash when it opens. After it opens switch to 2x and when you close go back to 1x before you do. On my iPod Touch I tried to take screen captures on Teleblocks and it took the screenshot but crashed the game. It happened 4 times in a row. I have been able to take some captures without crashing.
Yep. Given that previous releases from BF are rock solid you really notice the couple of bugs. Maybe we rushed them.
Hee, yeah that has to be it. I took a look at the end credits, yeah ALL the way to the end-- The Final Countdown level/scene (per Frizz' post). The corner has a shot counter and trophy. Does seem it has a purpose. Another hidden award? I shot over 100 dolls but nuthin. Maybe one has to watch xx# of times. Eek, I hope not!
Do you consider that Sticky Bomb is a waiting level or should I go and see if something interesting happens with Rafting?
ok for teleblocks, i get the block at the top right to below the target, but then theree's no way of getting the ragdoll to go through a warp into the one directly below! help??
You get the top right block under the target just like you did. Then shoot hard left at the warp on the left. It will knock the portal that is above the cannon down. When it's bottom edge lands on the cannon it will start to lean over to the right. When it does shoot a hard shot up and a little to the left and the block will flip over so the warp is facing the cannon. Shoot into the warp and it will exit through the one that is below the target.
Hey! Ok -- Just noticed the update -- as usual -- a little late to the game, but I'm now on target! Cheers!
You may also find that when the portals are opposite one another, above & below, the doll actually speeds up rapidly as it continuously passes through them. Interesting, but not really helpful It would be cool if the dolls could actually reenter a portal once they've left it... that would make for an easy 3 on this one. Also, an SR5 seems a little far fetched... has anyone managed to get through the second "run" with only 2 shots? maybe with some miracle lucky bounce forward off a ball?... EDiT: Except for Vayduh :~P (Sorry.. I choose to believe it highly unlikely... as I value my sleep too much)