Nope. Still seeking the 8, still narry a stalk fallage, not even a righty. SoF sucketh ..big time. Grrrr ..oh stalk.. if I weren't a girl.
Ok SoF in 9 for those who want it. ( I haven't even tried in 8 - well not much anyway) 1 right, I think about 4/5 up but not sure it matters Hit block 1 left. (I did bottom lhs corner) Then a timed 6 dolls making sure the 6th is when the cannon is in the air having hit the little lip where two pieces of floor join. I had good success with getting to the target with this method, the money shot is up to you to practice, not sure I even have a screenshot of mine. Good luck and if anyone wants to post the strat for 8 please feel free. I,ve been toying with this though: 1 right Hit block Cannon rolls slowly right off cannon Timed 6 shots with 6th one in air as above. This would give a money shot for 8 but so far have not had the stalk fall.
Sub 400 FINALLY Just want to thank everyone out there for all the great ideas, doll shots and Cocktails. Finally got under 400 but still have a long way to go.
Here I come! 241! I finally got my 9 on SoF. On to Quintesson now. Then WD and back for the 8 in SoF. I practiced that shot until I found a spot that would work 4 out of 5 times. I've missed it 15 times in 2 days.
Here's something to try before you waste your time going for the 8 and missing the shot. Make the stalk fall in 20 or so and then let the cannon go back and forth between the bales and fallen stalk. I think it will go back and forth forever. I'm not sure. I think those bales will fall by themselves if you give them long enough. I've had them already fallen partially when I arrived and when I let it go back and forth twice they fell a little more. It still didn't leave me an open shot but maybe it would if you let it go back and forth overnight. If that works then I wouldn't risk the heartache and possible broken phone if you got it to fall in 7 and missed. I aimed between the menu and reset button. The top of the crosshair was even with the top of the lettering. The vertical top crosshair was 1/16th of an inch to the left of menu button. If you shoot the moment it touches the bale the doll knocks the top ones out of the way and it goes straight up and back down on the target. Try it and see if you like it. In practice I would get it almost everytime. When it counted I nutted up and missed most of the time.
Sorry my 241 got above your 241 on the leaderboard. I guess that means if I get to 240 before Foxy gets the stalk to fall I'll leapfrog to the front of the 240's too.
Maybe. Not sure why some rank higher than others, seems there's a set order in the names on any score. This has been brought up before, but first to get there should stay on top.
SO Oddity have waited 10+ hours on this shot. the fact that this formation has remained intact isn't the only odd thing about this setup... btw... nice work of late, Bill. you've been on a real tear!
Thanks. I've gotten 4 dolls in the last couple of weeks. I found the 3 on Jump Around, then I got RC while waiting at the doctor's office, then Dominoter on my second iPod touch, and yesterday I got the 9 on SoF. I guess that could be considered a tear at this point in the game with nothing left but super time consuming levels. I think I like it better when I was trimming 10-20 dolls a day.
I actually lost my patience, because the cannon showed no sign of moving so I could get a peak at the doll. The other odd thing about this setup, other than the long wait, was the position of the doll. It was the first time I had it setup this way (hundreds of times other ways), so I wasn't sure if it'd behave differently. Guess I should have waited awhile longer. You can see the conclusion of my impatience in my SO album
SO Yeah I had the same sort of setup one time. I waited 12+ hours. Didn't work out for me either. Obviously. But that doesn't mean it wouldn't have gone thru for you. It is SO random.
I somehow managed to setup back-to-back marathon waits on SO. This time the doll is in view, but it's yet another new (to me) doll position. Setup shot around 330pm my time yesterday... so goin' on 13+hrs now. Gonna add progress in album... I've been working this level almost exclusively the past couple weeks. Normally my setups conclude in less than an hour. So not really sure if setting up super long waits is progress. UPDATE: Okay so am a little annoyed at this point. Shots been setup for over 24hrs now and I didn't think to use my call forwarding trick... so am missing too many calls. Balls haven't made any progress since about the 3rd hour, even though the doll is still making subtle movements. Opinions?? What would You do? bag it?... Only thing is I haven't had doll in this position before. Still a little curious, even though my gut says its a no-go.
Isn't it crazy that after thousands and thousands of resets, you still get new doll positions even when aiming in the same spot? And it's quite daunting to think that with all of our combined efforts, only ONE person has actually achieved SO in 1. I personally say if you have to wait more than 10 minutes, I'd reset. I've been a pixel away with waiting and a pixel away without waiting. Correct me if I'm wrong Steve, but I don't think the wait was more than 10 or 15 minutes...
Have you ever set the ring of balls up at the entrance and fired 5 dolls in random positions around it? When they get sucked in, none of them touch the target. I just don't see it working from that set up. The dolls and balls always take the same path into the vortex and are never close enough to the target. Here's what I'm trying. I've come the closest when the doll lays down on either side of the entrance and doesn't move or gets delayed until the some of the balls get sucked in. If I can get the balls out leaving only a roaming target maybe the target will eventually find the doll. I just got this set up. The balls haven't moved in 15 minutes. It looks like they should.
SO snoozer I don't think the vortex effects anything other than the doll. So unless you clear the edges of the entrance before the doll flips around the corner, the balls will not continue to move. At least that's my experience. I think the closest I came with this method was sort of popping the target out of the ring after one ball was absorbed. It was one of those pixels away moments. I won't be at all surprised if the silver medal goes to an entirely different method than Steve's... and equally improbable to duplicate. As for my setup, I'll leave it till morning and call it good. Can't afford to miss any more calls. I figure 44hrs is a fair shake at an unlikely outcome... UPDATE: Concluded setup in 40th hour. Not sure if I learned anything, other than perfectly balancing the doll-balls-target against the vortex is possible. Doll actually somewhat appears to be meditating. Guess he didn't get to reach enlightenment.
Mine didn't budge either. It bugs me that usually one ball over there is a gap that looks like the doll should fit through. Why doesn't the ball next to you doll move over to that gap to open the one your in?