Eh at some point, you gotta put the Ragdoll down and have fun at the Tiki bar. No sense spending more hours on those 2 levels than I already have. I'll give em 10 minutes each everyday. If it happens, it happens.
Tiger versus Phil? So does that make me the Phil Michelson of RB? Hmm... Not sure I agree on that! I have 2 majors (BD and SO) -- and X has one (WD) .. not sure how that compares?
Yes, but you're committed to your relationship and not having affairs with every little ragdoll that comes your way.
nice find, Bill! makes ya wanna go find some more new dolls. got me to sub260... my ultimate goal these last weeks. now I can play so & bd even more casually
Speaking of SO, can we all make a pact that if anyone actually gets SO aside from Steve, a screenshot with crosshairs will be posted with a description of what happened when it went down? BD is another story, I don't think a screenshot is of any use.
I am going to save Jumping Around for a rainy day. I also bought this game having scored maximum points on the lite version. There are two bogus scores at the top of the leader board on it so it looks like Clement is no.1 with Phantom pretty close behind. I've just started to trim having been through all the levels now. Different experience to RB and RB2 as far as the physics goes and as you can see very similar to RB1 in feel. A good game while I wait for next update to RB2 - or maybe even RB3?
Ragdoll Cannon My high score in the Level Select screen does not match my high score for the Leaderboard. Anyone else playing that one seeing the same thing? Thanks.
Ragdoll Cannon OK, enough Ragdoll Cannon talk here!! This is a RB2 thread! I know some of you are playing though If you're interested in firing some different dolls, I'm starting a new thread dedicated to RC only: Catch me if you can
Dominooo + 1 Device = Nightmares So I've totally put this shave off because I only play on my phone. I came up with a solution that worked for me this wkend. Turned call forwarding on, to my partner's phone. Didn't miss any calls and game wasn't interrupted, other than texting. Texting also turned out to be a useful tool for pausing the game. My timing was a bit off I guess, because I was to be at work when the shot was lined up. I quick text paused the crawl, until I had time to take it. The last 12hrs of this shave were a bit rough, because I was sure I would sleep through it this morning. Wound up being a spotty night of sleep with, yes, nightmares about everything from phone being stolen -- to -- partner accidentally touching screen. However, for all the anxiety this shave offers... the actual setup and shot were pretty clean'n'easy. Practice, practice, practice that aim-spot! Glad it went as expected first time, cuz don't think I could've managed a second go.
Well done on Dom Sage. Don't think I will ever get around to trying that one. However I did just decide to play for 10 mins and cut two dolls. Best return for effort in many weeks. I might even try SoF at this rate.