Tatty Dragon Girl Nope haven't seen the movie either. When a good book gets great reviews I like to read it first. I read Lord of the Rings trilogy twice before they made the movies. Shame Larsson died but what a great legacy to leave behind?
The Millennium Trilogy As you know Stieg Larsson is Swedish so I read all three books when they came out a couple of years ago in Sweden. All three books are extremely good! I could not put them down! I just watched "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", since it came out on Netflix this week (even as Instant Play). It is actually a very good movie! The second movie "The Girl Who Played with Fire" has US premier in theaters today, July 9. I have all three movies on DVD if anyone wants to borrow, but without English subtitles... There is also a TV series of 6 episodes (slightly longer than the three movies). I can really recommend all three books and movies! If you want to watch another Swedish movie you should watch the vampire movie "Let the Right One In". It is also available on Netflix (even as Instant Play).
Hi Q, I understand there is an original movie in Swedish with English subtitles and another remake made in USA in English? Which did you see? The reviews I have read said that the original was much better? Either way I' ll probably read all the book first anyway.
Movie Ragdoll Looks interesting Q but no way can I download a movie tonight. I'm just connected via satellite at dial-up speed. Thus... I brought the Larsson books.
There is no remake yet. The are planning to make an American version (maybe with Brad Pitt or Daniel Craig), but that will not have premier until 2012. I have watched the original one in Swedish. There is one version that has no English subtitles and another one with optional English subtitles and even dubbed in English (by the same actors). Maybe that is the one you have read the reviews from? I would recommend the original one in Swedish with English subtitles (or whatever language you prefer). I never want to watch a dubbed movie! Of course I recommend you to read the books first!
Yeah, a shave, fur sure. No worries, it'll grow back before any of the next 5 require more tail. So enjoying the book and movie recommendations! Oh and can't wait to see Ragdoll. lol Ok,, so tell me, how does this one not fall??
I produced and adult film using Ragdolls in a compromising position complete with music. I'll be happy to PM a link to it if anyone is interested. It's set on the Gearbox of Horrors spring mattress.
RB Film An Adult Film with Ragdolls??? Bill you must be a sick puppy....but after my own down-under ragdoll heart! OK... PM me the link...
Yeah, it's good. Bill's up for an Oscar in best animated porn short. Oh, excuse me, Animated Adult Film short category involving bits of fluff.
Be careful that the English subtitles are the original theatrical ones. When Let the Right One In first came out on DVD, they used some atrocious budget subtitles that really ruined the tone of the film. They released another version later with the theatrical subtitles.
Good choice mumbly! I'm reading that one now as well. Found it for the iPad after Q gave me some glowing reviews
Let the Right One In is based on the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist - if you prefer reading it instead of watching the movie. The book is much better than the movie! However, I have only read it in Swedish, so I don't know how the book translation is, but I'm sure it's good!
I can add my recommendations for the Stieg Larrson Trilogy. Read the first one on recommendation from a french friend. Pre-ordered it a few years ago when I knew it was getting translated into English. Advanced ordered the other two before even completing Dragon Tattoo. The original Swedish film with subtitles is an excellent film too. I doubt Holywood will do it justice. Don't hesitate, read them all.