I seem to be in a rut.... I've been going back and forth between Jail Guard, Fast Ball, Big Wheel (25 -> 24), Grinder 2 (7 -> 6) and Breakthrough for a couple of days. I feel like I must be doing them all wrong, somehow. haha ... actually, I've been working on Jail Guard for at least a month. ='-C
I would go with Breakthrough. You'll pick up 2 dolls and it's the easiest of the ones you listed. Give Jail Guard 100 shots every day. It will come eventually. I was stunned when the doll finally hit the target.
Sooooooo close Im at RIP 250 finally!!! just 1 more shave away from the 240's club. any help on my remaining levels from some friendly ivy league doll masters would be really appreciated remote control(2) jail guard(2) dominoter(3) WD(19) BW(25) space oddity(2) big dipper(2) SoF(11) Quintesson(3)
As a community college doll master (RIP 265), I can say that the only score lower than you I have is SoF in 10. That might be your best bet, or maybe I'm just luckier than you on that level.
I'd take this approach... WD18 (see recent posts to get touch in 8), SoF10, then BW24. You may find luck with others, but they're more time consuming, imho. good luck!
ok I'm looking for inspiration now too I am RIP:245 now, having had a little purple patch last night The ones I have still to get are (number of dolls to shave are listed): Remote Control - 1 Dominoter -1 WD -2 Space Oddity -1 Big Dipper -1 SoF -1 Quint -1 and RoF -1 I think BW can be done in 23 - been close using the strat everyone uses I guess and have been trying a few alternate things to getting stopped in 8 on 2nd level. Anyone ever managed to stop in 8? I am sooooooo close but just can't manage it yet. Any thoughts on what to aim for first from the above list?
I can't believe it! Whatever curse I had with Supermax Penitentiary, aka JG has been lifted!!! I can't even believe it myself, but after a very long night of playing that stupid level over and over again it has finally succumbed to my will! I must say it is a huge relief that I will never have to look at it again! Rhyno RIP 245
Levels -- From a humble dolla' with a little bit of experience -- here is my take on the remaining levels in order of "difficulty" .. WD -1 (yeah, shave 1 for now... ) RC - 1 BW to 24 (I know you have it, but some don't) RoF Q SoF all seem like the same level of effort to me <shrug> Domino -- just cuz it takes 3 freakin' days or so to setup -- but if you have a spare device I'd have one on in the background all the time ala Foxy WD - 2 BD and SO ... tied for bottom of things to try
From my limited sub-terrainian, under-side of the earth point-of-view, I'd go for The Dom next! But I think you need a second device to wait it out if like me your primary device also sometimes acts as your mobile...um...sorry, cell phone?
I don't think I'll be doing Dominoter anytime soon. I only have 1 device and the maximum time before autolock is 5 mins. Thankyou iOS4. It's mobile here - at least for me anyway.
WD subbed by 1 was going to be the one I look at next time I have anytime to give this game. Thanks for confirming. RC - in my limited time on it - I have not even been close to getting it. Pretty sure I know what to do but so far no luck whatsoever.
Thank you indeed. I've been messing around in Quint. I've had the block go right three times thus far, but none had the speed it needed. Beyond that, I seem to jump around from each to the other so as not to get burned out. Problem with Remote Control is none of my methods are panning out and I don't want to waste time there if I'm going for it the wrong way, same goes for Space Oddity, whereas all the other levels I know how to do, it's just a matter of them cooperating with me! Rhyno
RC in 1 So this mean RC is the 2nd easiest huh, hmmm...little Rhyno wanna play with his RC toys! I guess at some point I should probably get around to doing Viridian since it's going to be on the list soon. I've only just completed those levels. Edit: Any CotD on RC or SO methodology coming our way!
I am obviously missing something if you have RC in 1 as easier than BW 24!!!! As far as i can see here are the RC possibilities: 1) hit lever and richet up and get caught on trap door 2) hit button AND pop through ceiling 3) pop through ceiling and vibrate right 4) wait and something interesting happens I've tried everything bar 4 and not got anywhere but then that means nothing. I'm pretty sure I pointed things in the right direction (at least on the forum) regarding Turnabout and only got it myself last night All this said I'm obviously missing something, or need to try harder given you have it as easier than BW - lol
Hi V 5) is to pop the doll through the flap and wait for the target to move left! 6) I tried is to get the doll through the hinge of the flap and wait..it happens.... Neither of those have worked for me yet but Hey....I'm an optimist! Mumbles...