249!! Bill, BIG congratulations on making it to the still elite 40's club!! For what its worth, your messed up score thing, makes me sad/mad. Really unfair. Hope plus or Bflip can help ya out. So, have you considered buying a new computer next, a Mac? JK
Thank you all. I'm sorry I turned the place into a help desk for a few days. Backflip sent me an email saying that the leaderboard was all Plus. I guess I'll have to wait for them. The good news is the new Ipod connects to my wifi. My old Ipod stopped connecting to the wifi in my house about six months ago. I had to be a few feet away from the router to get a signal. Last night I was so close to a 24 in BW a few times I think it may be next.
sub 250 Returned to the game and finally joined the sub 250's. Lots of dolls still to shave. Doll on everybody! RIP 248
Ummphh...I just joined the 50's club with RIP 259..... only to find that there is no 50's club left to report!
Certainly not me. Ive been trying a few different methods on RC with no luck. And I'm still at a frustrating 20 on WD. I've gotten help on WD from a few of you guys I just can't execute it properly for some reason. If I do ever get it I'll finally be in the 40's club RIP 251
Yippee! I finally got Jail Guard in 1! I FINALLY got Jail Guard in one. The feeling you get when that doll touches the target after firing over 2,000 shots for over a month is something you can't describe. However, Plus+ updated my Brass Room to 17 but it left my total score at 250. So far I've gotten Fast Ball to make be 249 and Jail Guard for 248 and neither have changed my total on Plus.
That truly has to be the ultimate scream out loud with joy level! Way to go Bill! On another note, I'm currently setup for a 9 of SoF, anyone have advice for my $$$ shot? Many thanks, Rhyno
Nope. I still have a 10. I did 100 practice shots using different spots and none of them were better than 50-50.
I just got through for the 9 first time last night. Got it first attempt. Go figure Ps I took a pic just before I set the sights
I had a 10 and was shooting for the 8 and missed and hit reset forgetting about the 9. While I had been going for the 9 it was announced about the 8. I got the set up shot for the 8 in about 5 tries. I'm having a hard time getting set up for a 9 now. It just won't fall the right way.
Ha! Way to go Bill! I hate to say, but JG fell easily for me. I was the second dolla to get it, after puujee, so I don't think I appreciated it enough at the time. Must be why I had to do Grinder 6 two times and now I'm cursed again with Dominooo (6 or 7x?) Those vengeful Ragdoll gods again. Sigh.
Seeking Quintesson in 2 Q: Anyone have ideas/thoughts on how to leave a doll in the target zone after a bomb blast? Must be a way to improve the chances of one staying in the area prior to targie's arrival? Or maybe not. Lol.