Can anyone post a screenshot of where to shoot for Geared Up? For the life of me, I can't get the small wheel to remain by the doll. Whenever the doll flips over to get his feet in there, the wheel gets pushed away. A PM would be appreciated if you'd rather not post it on the boards. Also, thanks for all the discussion about WD... I'm down to 18, now. I just need to wait for the ramp to magically form itself one of these times. RIP: 265
BW in 24 Oh the sweet sound of cheers and the sight of fireworks, by golly Big Wheel has finally given in to my persistence! 24 is the magic number! Rhyno RIP 248
Gentility Rhyno's can be gentle too you know! Many thanks for the encouragement. I had to step back from it and rethink my timing strategy and the way I held the iPhone, once I did that I had it within 3 tries. And now on to the bad news, this means I'm going back to JG. I swear I have more resets on that one alone than all other levels combined! Lastly, congrats Steve on Space Oddity. It'll be interesting to see which level X has. In some ways I too believe that it might be big wheel. One less off the first level to stop it is all it takes. Just a matter of putting that theory into practice, I have faith in you my fellow dollers! Go get em! Rhyno
rhyno toes JG: A sharpened finger/toe tip definitely helps. And zoom in a bit, if you can. This level has some alternate nicknames/cursenames. Can you think of any? Ha!
you tube maybe this is common knowledge, but I just came across these video tutorials for some pretty nice shaves (think there's one of actually getting JG!). if I were rip260++, I'd probably study these for a push in the right direction. full of spoilers if you're into that.... here's the first in a series:
Well, you really don't need one anymore... There is only one possible level left, once you figure out the first clue. Someone must have gotten it by now? Bill? Q? SJM?
Ok now tell me it's not WD. I'll accept that as CoTD. Lol Asteroid 2312=WD? I think Bill made the connection.
I think it's the opposite of the clue that "it WASN'T BW or WD." Since he just said he doesn't have a 23 on BW then it must be WD.
although WD16 seems possible, I doubt I'd consider trading it for another level (SO or BD)... seems like it'd be an easier shave, but what do I know...
Actually, the number of the asteroid was 2132 which was the post about it NOT being either BW or WD. If he said it's the opposite of post 2132 that would be it IS BW or WD. Since he just said he doesn't have a 23 on BW it must be WD. The funny thing is, if you take it to mean the opposite of 2132 is 2312 it ends up being a post about WD. He was either lucky with the clue or a genius.
Oh Ha! All this "NOT this and that, Opposite of" blah blah blah, confused a little bushy tail (I was busy grooming) heehee. At least I came to the correct conclusion! And check it out.. post 2312 also has WD in title. Oh yeah, you said that too.. X, ARE you a genius? C'mon man out with your IQ.
Are you kidding me, that's frickin hilarious Foxy!!! I literally broke out laughing. Must be because I was feeling the exact same way but didn't know how to put my utterances into words! Two more hours logged on the friends iPad fully zoomed on JG and no luck...yet! Rhyno
Success! I can't tell ya'll how much I wanted to get to sub-250 before the update adds Viridian to the total score. I am way more excited about this than any grown man should be.
A huge congratulations doc! It is certainly no easy feat and a long road. Can you imagine there are 12 more shaves!?!? Rhyno RIP !!?247?!! = WD17