Nope I'm hoping for an update from BF. i lol'led as i was hoping to do the big D(ominotoer) but no way if I lose the phone for a few days. Come on BF do an update. I haven;t read but i just hope multi tasking != taskswitching where the app does not actually run in the background. That would be, as my 6 yo would say, FAIL.
Well, I'm not 100% on this, but as far as I know it's not true "multitasking." I believe the OS "pauses" the background apps to save resources. This doesn't bode well for Dominoter... Time to buy an iPad!
Urgh!! Well there is a chance I'll be back stateside in a couple of weeks - I might do it then as its seriously cheaper (as usual) in the states. That or i might seriously stop trying to shave anymore dolls
No -- its true Multitasking -- BUT -- the app has to make use of very specific API calls to enable it -- and it only multitasks for the calls / types of operations it needs ... (Think Having Skype in the background listening for new IM's etc) I don't think / see why BF would enable muilti-tasking or how in RB2 .. At least not for level solving - things like score updating and other things, sure.. Sorry ...
multitasking I dont think RB2 can use the true multitasking feature (which is more for playing audio, checking GPS location, upload pictures, etc), but it could use the Fast App Switching to save exactly what you were doing when you switch to another application to simulate the effect of multitasking (if you want to check email 50 hours into Dominoter). However, Fast App Switching requires an update from BFS.
Since Plus doesn't show or count Veridian where were the scores stored. I'm thinking I must have a file on my Ipod with some Ragdoll data in it that I need to delete.
After all of the above i did a restore from a backup as well. Shouldn;t have ommitted that snippet of information.
Don't be so sure that plus+ doesn't know about V scores -- just because its not part of the score -- could still save them?
I've got a question for those of you who have gotten Breakthrough. Is the idea to shoot straight up, or a little to the right? I've gotten heads to pop through temporarily when I shoot to the right a bit, but never after the target has fallen over.
Steve, where is today's clue (or was it cleverly hidden in any of your previous messages today)? Maybe yesterday's clue was so obvious to everyone but me that there is no need for another clue? I'm kind of lost if the clues are not math related (or in Swedish)...
Was sort of wondering if anyone even cared -- not much response of the first one. Since someone asked -- hold on BTW -- Tomorrow's clue WILL be math related -- but not in Swedish
CoTD -- Iron Room Here is today's clue : "A Duke, dressed in squalid ivory threads, singing somewhat in a slightly dazed way"
Iron Room clues together forever Now now Steve, you know that we care, it's just that we are all so perplexed or busily poking at our screens with our freshly filed to a point fingertips for max precision that it hurts too bad to type!! I for one, follow in the former... but I hear that X's village of children are in the latter and use volcanic pumice, purely for their sweat shop comfort! On another note, happy to report that iOS4 is up, running and smooth. I think it's safe to say that it works just fine, although I have 3G, so no multitasking for me
To me this smells like opera. For example The Barber of Seville followed by the continuation The Marriage of Figaro. Count Almaviva is in both of them. Count/Duke is like tomato/potato! I remember that there is a scene where they play some sort of weird game (the reference to Texas Holdem in the first clue). The singing in a dazed way is also in there. However, I cannot explain the bird (Sandpiper). Also, and most importantly, I have no idea what this has to do with any of the levels in the iron room
I will explain all -- in time! However, CoTD 1 and 2 do not have anything to do with each other (i.e. they aren't a sequence, but rather independent) If "enough" people ask -- I will give a hint to CoTD 1 (which gives some insight into my rather odd logic)