Universal Radiation Island (By Atypical Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    Can anybody tell me where I can find a new home on the first Island (with a bed)?
  2. Draven2222

    Draven2222 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    Open your map, you will see house icons on the map, this is the location of homes(with a bed) set a marker on the map by tapping near the house icon, now go back into game an follow the direction arrow unit you find the house.
  3. J3RKFAC3

    J3RKFAC3 Member

    Nov 4, 2009
    some people call these feline versions of wolves "lions." at certain times, they're also called "tigers."
  4. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    Wow that's great! I didn't know I could do that!
  5. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    could anybody make and post a video on how to get started from the basics until you move off that beach etc? Like the terraria / minecraft videos : you will need to build this this and this. This is done by ... and .. and ...

    I start playing this game, but always what i seem to do is gather wood, and fruits, make an axe and chop trees, while the night falls, i fight off some wolves and then i have to chop more trees and find more fruits.. (yeah probably i suck :D )
  6. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    This game is like rust,exploration is what makes it fun.A lot of information will ruin the gaming experience for you.I cannot wait for the developers to add new weapons/items/locations,it will be so fun to find them/explore them.Just explore,craft,kill and you'll figure everything out.
  7. Orderhere

    Orderhere Active Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    This game has grand ambitions but due to likely budget and technical limitations it's not very executed very well:
    - Lots of framerate issues even on iPhone 5. For some reason lots of devs overlook fps issues on purpose, if it stutters every few seconds then why even list this device as compatible? To get more sales? Most people aren't happy with stuttering and will ask for a refund. No it's not because this game is too graphically intensive. It's very poorly optimized because I've played games with way better 3D graphics than this at butter smooth framerates. The graphics on this is rather low quality compared to most 2014 titles
    - Very awkward cam controls. It's not smooth at all and way too sensitive. It took me 3 tries to even walk up a ramp because I keep walking off the side due to how sensitive the cam is
    - Very newbie-unfriendly. I'm a Skyrim veteran yet died within 2min of playing this game due to a combination of poor controls, lag, very little instructions, and ultra-realism this game aims for which is definitely a bad thing. I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do other than walk around and pick up random objects on the ground, then a dog just popped out from nowhere and killed my character in 2 hits. Yes in real life you might die from a 2 dog bites but does that mean you should die that quick in a game?
  8. Ghostdog1

    Ghostdog1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2015
    - this game is graphicaly intense because the range of view is really very high for an ios game. Many games have better graphics, but in radiation island you can see an enemy miles away from you. Other games play in buildings or use the fog technique to make it look better. But for ios this is damn good graphics.
    - You can set cam sensitivity in the settings. So this is not a problem.
    - this game is a survival game. So most important in this game is to survive. You can't compare this with an action adventure like skyrim where you just run around and kill hordes of monsters or dragons. In a survival game you learn mostly by getting killed or doing the wrong first steps how to survive. The more you learn, the better you will survive.

    Just restart and try better.
  9. Joeschmoe

    Joeschmoe Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    So I've asked a few questions that you kind dudes have answered. Now I just want to comment on the amazing details that the devs have put into this game. As mentioned above, you can see animals/enemies from a long way off, like on the side of a mountain.

    Love the stars at night that rotate across the sky, although the moon is missing, that might be a solution to the overly dark night issue. If the sun can travel across the sky, with clouds that provide varying light, seems they could do that also with the moon.

    But yeah, the skies... Clouds, birds, butterflies. Weather... Fog, rain, sunshine.

    The ground textures are wonderfully realistic so you can tell pretty well where you can climb and where you're likely to slip and fall off the side of a mountain. The climates are right for the altitudes, as are the plant and animal life. The water is Caribbean gorgeous.

    The motion of the animals is pretty correct. Wolves run like wolves, rabbits move like rabbits, bears charge and lions stalk and pounce. Love watching wolves chase the bunnies. I saw a zombie kill a sheep.

    This game is amazing!
  10. Xexist

    Xexist Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2010
    It could be so much more than it is, but dont get me wrong, it is pretty amazing as is, too :)
  11. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    They were not expecting it to be that successful,give them some time and we will get new weapons/locations/items and stuff like this.
  12. matrixhunter

    matrixhunter Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Hey guys really job well done i just have a few questions.

    1) what does the icon with the skull and bones mean im still on the first island?

    2) i gathered up material to make bullets found a revolver and an old rifle? Which one is stronger and which ammo should i make revolver ammo which gives me 16 bullets or rifle ammo which gives me 4. I just wanna know which is stronger so i make bullets for that weapon only.

    3) if i make a bed in one of those empty houses that i come across will that become a house i can teleport too? Or is it just a temporary bed i make just to save there?

    4) I see there is this armour you can make its strong armour but you make it with the crocodile skin and bear fur and even crocodile spine but the armour says for use in non radiated armour, if i go into a radiated area with that on will it affect that armour? Because the basic armour the one you make wih leather doesnt say for use in non raidated area only.

    5) can you only get infected tissue from zombies? I really wanna make medicine but i cant unless i have that tissue.
  13. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    1)Icon with the skull on the map means the location where you died so you can come back and pick up your dropped stuff if you're playing on survival mode.

    2)Old rifle is stronger but revolver has a faster firing speed,it's your choice.

    3)If you'll sleep in one of these houses,you automatically respawn there when you die.So it is not about placing beds but it is about sleeping in a certain house.

    4)Not sure about this but I am using the strong armor with some military armor and the radiated zones deal a lot of damage to both military and strong armor of mine.

    5)Yes you can,zombies with gas masks and radiation suits drop them most of the times but it's not worth it cause if you'll go on a killing spree of zombies,you'll end up having a lot of medicine and even medkits.
  14. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    Amazing! I finally started understanding everything, I am still on the first island but now the game became much more interesting, I was wondering, how long does it take to finish the game?
  15. Killerluffy246

    Killerluffy246 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
    Haha , imagine their expression when this game is in the top 10 chart . :D
  16. Draven2222

    Draven2222 Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
    What Ken Said,

    Might Add to Number 5:
    You can also get medicine from "Crystal Converters" there's one on top right transit point on island 1, it's in the Military Compound on the beach which you can see from your straw hut.
  17. Fastbridge

    Fastbridge Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Service advisor for Honda
    NYC, New York. USA
    Ok so after first purchasing it I played for about a hour or so and gave up because it's not my kind of game. After seeing all the positive remarks I downloaded it again and I'm about a hour in. I upgraded back pack, got a fire, furnace, cross bow, arrows, a bunch of food including chicken patties and fish. I'm still at the beach and have 4 crates next to my bed filled. Should I venture out yet? I loated all the nearby buildings along the water and up the hill. I don't have a shovel and have not dug anything up. Any bodies help on what to do next would be great. Should I run around for some more time and gather more stuff??
  18. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I'm in the same boat as you, i'm getting everything i can close by before 'venturing' out. Theres a couple of good 'things to do as a beginner' posts on this thread (i know its a massive one !)

    I've bookmarked page 60 of this thread as it had a lot of helpful tips for newbies. I'm loving the openess of it all
  19. sinagog

    sinagog Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    If I were you two I'd set a waypoint to the nearest hut on the map and make a run for it. If you've got a few arrows or boomerangs you should be fine. Once you reach the next hut you'll be able to teleport back and forth. Remember, getting that backpack nice and roomy is the most important thing this early on. I pretty much spent my first couple of hours making leather and boomerangs.
  20. Today's Posts

    Today's Posts Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Take some Bumerangs with you. They come back to you when you miss your target and you can reuse them after hitting something.

    Leave your cabin on first light and keep an eye on the sun. Don't start fights in the late afternoon, otherwise you cannot teleport back to our cabin before nightfall.

    As a clock replacement I count the number of burger I eat. One cooked food (a burger pan) gives you 3/4 full stomach. So after three burgers the day tends to be close to finish.

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