Universal Radiation Island (By Atypical Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    Do you use a jailbreak on your device?
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Only played for a bit over an hour so far working on my backpack mainly. How many of each item can I hold in a stack? I love hoarding!

    Also how do I know when there's radiation? Unsure how I save too or if it's automatic.

    Not doing too great yet I died twice but interested to see more. Although night is a big pain as I have no idea when it's coming and can't see a thing even when I teleport home I can't see a thing to get inside the place!!
  3. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Wait you can teleport back to places?!?! How?
  4. Paps Shenanigan

    Paps Shenanigan Active Member

    Apr 10, 2011
    I don't know if you were responding to my post, but if you come up on a house on the map - which always has the same structure and includes a chest and a bed. It will say something like "discovered new waypoint". Then if you look on the first page of your map, tap the map to zoom in on it. You will see a target, or multiple ones if you have discovered more than your first. You can then tap on the target, then you I'll jump to that location. Hope that helps.
  5. Frumius

    Frumius Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Starship Science Officer
    Beta Antares IV
    I made a document at the Fan Club that explains quite a lot to help one get started on this. I'd post it here, but on the next page someone will just ask again. So go to the Fan Club and read the document Radiation Island: Early Success:
  6. AzeTheGreat

    AzeTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    You're actually not committed to firing at that point. While holding the button, slide your finger to the left a ways and then release. You should unzoom without firing.
  7. Frumius

    Frumius Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Starship Science Officer
    Beta Antares IV
    Nice! Thanks for the tip :)
  8. Frumius

    Frumius Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Starship Science Officer
    Beta Antares IV
    Radiation Island: Early Success

    This is a permanent doc on the Fan Club page. (here it's just going to slide away, and folks will ask on the very next page questions that were answered here.

    Early success on Radiation Island is a matter of figuring out which things to craft first. If you go to the crafting panel, you can tap on a given item there to see what materials you need to possess in order to make that item.

    You're going to need some tools and supplies to survive. Some you will make (craft), some you will find, and some you'll take from bad guys. You can't craft everything immediately; you'll have to craft some basic tools in order to get the materials to craft more advanced tools.

    Let's say you are going to make the Iron Ax, because eventually you will. You'll need to have Wood (4), Iron (3) and String (2):

    Wood - chopped from trees (you need to make the Stone Ax first, see below)
    Iron - Use the Furnace to smelt Iron Ore found in rocks that you break with a Pick, which requires 2 flint and 2 wood. To make the furnace you'll need Stone and something -- the Furnace is great for cooking meat to make it go MUCH farther, and for smelting some ores, making glass from sand, and, as a byproduct, the Furnace produces Charcoal as you burn wood to do these things. You can then use charcoal as fuel to smelt and cook, and later you can use it to make ammo.
    String - made from Fiber from the bushes and large plants (plants between grass size and tree size). To harvest the fibers, go beat on the bushes with bare hands or with a Machete or other blade that you make or find. You can also find fiber on some zombies.

    Here's how to go about Crafting it.
    To harvest the wood that you'll need for the Iron Ax, you'll need to use a Stone Ax on a tree. Tap on the Stone Ax in the Crafting Panel to see what it takes to make that -- not much, I think only some twigs and some flint. You can find twigs and flint lying on the ground, and you can also get twigs from hitting trees with your bare hands.

    You can use bare hands to get twigs from trees and fiber from the big plants.

    How do I use bare hands if I am already holding something? In the quick slots or in the backpack, tap on the item you are carrying in order to free your hands of it.

    You see that there is a progression of things that you need to do or make as you advance in your tool technology. Some things you may not end up making because you either found them or found some other way to do things; I never made a bow, I found it in a crate over at the cement ruins by the first cabin.

    The wolves that are getting you now will be easier to handle with an Iron Ax, easier still with a Titanium weapon, and best of all with a ranged weapon like the boomerang, a bow or a gun. The Iron Ax can also be used to mine some ores.

    Once you get to a certain level of advancement, you tend to find more loot and need to craft less, because you're going into strongholds, pillaging the crates you find there, and taking from the dead bodies of the undead you've slain. You end up making ammo from time to time. You find a lot of food -- fish and meat that you can cook in your furnace to make the meats go about 3-4 times as far.

    So How do figure out how to craft anything?
    By way of example, say you want to cook your meats. To cook, you must build the Furnace. To find out how, open your Crafting Panel and find the Furnace. Tap on the Furnace, and it will show you what you have to collect in order to make it. Tap on any item you see in the crafting area to find out how to make that item.

    The Furnace
    Not only does it cook meats, but it creates Iron and Lead from iron and lead ores, and glass from sand. Using wood or twigs in the furnace creates Coal as a by-product. You can use coal to make ammunition, and as a source of fuel for the furnace.

    I like to upgrade my backpack as soon as possible so I can carry more stuff. Upgrading the backpack requires hides and rope. You get hides from killing wolves and lions; these hides are different from wool you get from sheep or bear skins from bears. You can upgrade the backpack a few times, each time gaining another row of storage slots for your items.

    When do I leave the beach?
    That's a question we each must face! I didn't want to move out until I had medicine, bandaids, splint, bow, arrows, cooked meat (it goes 3-4 times farther)... in other words, you just have to make a break for it when you think you can.

    Cooked meat goes 3-4 times farther -- especially fish. Build the Furnace (as mentioned above) to cook meat. When you cook a piece of meat, it produces two "hamburger patties". Hamberger patties fill your stomach much more than raw meat. And since you get TWO patties for a piece of meat, it's a very significant gain in efficiency. Fish yield Three patties! So definitely cook your meats.

    Use the Houses marked on the Map
    The houses marked on the map are the ones to use as bases while you explore, because they have have beds that allow you to sleep through the night, and which then act as new spawn points.

    The "X" marks on the map are sites with buried chests. Craft a shovel to dig those sites and discover useful items.

    (Is someone writing all this down?)

    Build storage cases out of wood to store things that you don't have room to carry. Build them at houses or Transit stations, which you can use as bases.

    Transit Stations
    Transit Stations are special houses you discover along the way that allow you to "fast travel" to them at any time (unless an enemy is threatening you). Use them by accessing your map, tap the map to zoom in, and then tap a Transit station. When you discover them, transit stations become marked on the map by the icons looking like an old ship's steering wheel.
  9. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    It's great to have such an active fan page on Facebook but to be honest not everyone uses Facebook or wants to setup an account tiger to tips on this or any game. My suggestion is to not refer to Facebook and instead just provide tips here although the forum grows and becomes unwieldy.

    I personally hate when games force gamers to use Facebook and hope the new trend is not that tips and game guides are behind the world of Facebook pages.
  10. Frumius

    Frumius Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Starship Science Officer
    Beta Antares IV
    I can totally see that. But i can't read every page here and answer the same questions repeatedly page after page. The doc is posted there, as others will be, always accessible. This thread will die long before that page does, too. Its a fan pag, not the developer page, though they do participate there.
  11. paulkolin86

    paulkolin86 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    Nobody forces you to join the FB fan club. I joined it and I think that's a better and easier way to get usefull tips from fans of this game.
  12. ugdvnr

    ugdvnr Active Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Please send us details (device, OS, crash log would be great, what exactly did you do - like steps we can use for reproducing the bug) - really interested how this can happen. Didn't encounter lost progress in the past development months. The game should save progress each time you pick something, sleep and similar actions (so quite often).
  13. Kotovsky

    Kotovsky Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    So, if my shooter/action skill is low, this game will ne to hard for me?
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I'm getting a bug at the moment where trees show in the distance but vanish as I get closer and are completely invisible I only noticed they were still there by bumping into them and being able to hit randomly to harvest but very hard to find no trees showing anywhere.

    Finding the game very tough though wolves and zombies ect are all hard to kill with my terrible weapons and decent weapons seem to take a lot of work. Also a lot of clipping with items.

    Mainly I would love indicators for when night is coming as sometimes it gets really dark but is still day and others by the time you can see its night your surrounded by enemies.
  15. sinagog

    sinagog Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    #435 sinagog, Feb 1, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    If you're not up to the point of furnacing ores and making your own bullets, boomerangs are a surprisingly great weapon, and you can make them out of pretty basic stuff like flint and wood. Cook up about ten of them, and just rattle them off whenever you see an enemy. It only takes two hits to kill a wolf, five to kill a crocodile, and about the same for an average zombie. Just make sure you collect your boomerangs afterwards so you can reuse them. Ranging in general makes enemies so much more bearable.

    I think it first gets dark halfway through the day, as I guess the devs wanted to repeat the day cycle twice for every night cycle. If you watch out for the first bit of dimness, you should clock on to when night's coming from the second darkening.

    I've actually managed to navigate around a bit in almost complete darkness. Developing a mental map is a sign that an open-world game really has some great physics and feel to it. If your brain didn't buy the game's world, it wouldn't bother to learn directions.
  16. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    #436 EightRooks, Feb 1, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    Still haven't killed a zombie yet, though I've got to a second jump point. Hopefully bows/spears/tesla club do something to them... probably not. :eek: But wolves? Hard to kill? I dunno, I whack them once with a machete and they usually start running away, so... :shrug: They go down from one arrow, bears/cougars etc. only take three, and arrows are easy enough to craft.

    EDIT: Okay, so zombies go down fairly quickly to just the bow as well... but it's still not that easy to survive against three of them and a tiger that decided to join in. Ow. >_<
  17. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Wish there was a sneak mode .
  18. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011

    Basically you don't have to worry about anything. If the device gets to really high temperatures (enough to damage the device), iOS will automatically stop everything and show a message that says that the device needs to cool down before you can use it.

    Also, a case would only make the matter worse.
  19. Azi

    Azi Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2014
    So there's 3 identical islands. I've deactivated all the towers on the first one and I'm guessing I have to do the same on the 2nd and 3rd?

    After a certain point when you know what you're doing it doesn't take very long to setup a new safe house with all the trimmings I guess.

    I'm only crafting bullets at the moment as I've got tons and tons of 'spares' of everything else.

    To be honest it's become a little repetitive however I still see my self finishing the game to find out what happens.

    The challenge is gone though. I'm not worried about survival at all.

    I'd love for these guys to make a RPG or something. It's been fun mostly and the world is huge even if there's isn't much to do!
  20. Joeschmoe

    Joeschmoe Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    #440 Joeschmoe, Feb 1, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    My biggest issue is the hunger rate. I haven't had time to play long enough to craft much but just got myself into one of the old houses for the night. There's no bed in here so I'm just standing around waiting for daylight. I don't think it should be possible to starve to death in one night, but here I am, star gazing and eating all my food. I would have starved to death a handful of times already if I wasn't stuffing my face, but the nights not over. If I run out of food before morning it will be respawn time for me. Devs please adjust the hunger burn down rate, ok?

    Btw, a note of appreciation: not only Re there stars, but the night sky ROTATES just like in real life. That makes it ok to not find a bed because I could watch that for hours! Lol!

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