Universal Radiation Island (By Atypical Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. sakara

    sakara Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Exceptional game!!!!! I am amazed!
  2. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    They have said that they will start making bigger updates with new content if the game will be succesful.So we will definitely see new updates,but give them some time.
  3. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Agree that the "hands" should not be shown if behind walls , no LoS
  4. adam3333

    adam3333 New Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    I can't find an option to invert the Y axis, does it exist? I find it really hard to use the controls in the 'standard' way and this would be an easy to add feature (I think).
  5. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    Iron pick axe is not needed, the iron axe can mine and chop wood, that's how I have gotten sulfer and all veins above stone.
  6. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    they already fixed the gliding issue! Glad to see devs like that, and dont regret buying this game at all! Good job, keep it up and i hope the game will bring you more success!
  7. dannythefool

    dannythefool Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    You can use them through walls as well. A minor thing as far as I'm concerned, but yeah.

    Another thing I'm beginning to notice, if you stack a bunch of crates it becomes harder to actually touch the right icon for some reason. Also not a big deal but if you have a room full of stacks of crates it can become mildly irritating if you don't pay close attention which crate actually opens...
  8. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    #368 EightRooks, Jan 31, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
    Still really enjoying this. Slow going, but it's a hell of a lot of fun nonetheless, and I'm gradually moving inland and making my way through the tech tree, bit by bit. I am amazed any studio could manage to cram this much game into something as ancient/outdated as my li'l iPod - sure, it has glitches and odd design decisions I think could be fixed or tweaked, but it's much more solid and functional than a lot of survival games I've played on "proper" hardware. And again, even with the low detail levels it's still really playable and terrifically atmospheric (love that ambient music, seriously). I'm very glad to see it's moving up the paid charts, and Atypical; if you can bring this to Android as well as Sky Gamblers I'm pretty sure I'll be double-dipping sooner rather than later.

    I can understand getting annoyed at all the icons, though I think finding your way back to whatever house you last stuck a bed in can be a bit more frustrating than it should be - currently I frequently rely on the floating hands to tell me I made it home when it's pitch dark. If the icons get "fixed" I'd like to be able to build something a bit more reliable than the fire pit.

    Storing items can occasionally bug out and you end up dropping them through the floor, putting them down on the roof etc. - nearly lost my first Tesla club that way. I actually woke up after death stuck in the roof of the house once, unable to move - had to teleport back to the beach then run back home again. >_< But again, none of this stuff is a gamebreaker for me, just things that could stand to be tweaked, maybe.
  9. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    This sentence cracked me up, I am making room on my Air for this one!
  10. Fastbridge

    Fastbridge Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Service advisor for Honda
    NYC, New York. USA
    I just downloaded the games. So I ask my fellow TAers how is this game and what should I expect. Also how is the multiplayer
  11. somedumbgamer

    somedumbgamer Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2013
    ^^^ Maybe You could start by reading the previous posts on this thread? ^^^
  12. rookie

    rookie Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    This game has good potential but sadly it falters too much technically,The framerate is all over the place on 5s and the graphics are quite average(texture pop in,No shadows),any time zombies are on screen the game becomes unplayable with 5-7fps.What's surprising it Battle supermacy not only looks better but runs better too,which is puzzling since both the games are made by atypical.

    My question is should I wait for a fix or get a refund,Is there a update planned to fix the fps shortly?I suppose the devs can answer it.
  13. [SAB] Olek Impek

    [SAB] Olek Impek New Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Radiation Island trailer

    Hi there !
    here is a short movie showing in-game capture of Radiation Island, as captured on a non-metal device for those who may wonder how it looks on low-end devices.

    I hope you enjoy the game, the guys at Revo and us minions Beta testers have worked a lot on this (well...rather say 'played' :D )


  14. rookie

    rookie Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Is that a video or a slideshow?It runs horribly.How did this game pass appstore review process?
  15. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Uh. I think something's wrong with that video, because the game doesn't run like that on my iPod. Doesn't look quite like that either, maybe? It's hard to tell on a tiny screen. But it's definitely much smoother.
  16. eksaint

    eksaint Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2015
    #376 eksaint, Jan 31, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
    Really enjoying the game, I have an air 2 and it runs super smooth.

    Did just find a bug though, while sleeping I wipped my screen and multi touch switched apps. When I game back a day night cycle passes in about 15 seconds. Really annoying. Just shut it down and will restart to see if it's fixed.mi really hope so.
    Smelting is pretty sweet though, full stack of lead in 5 seconds

    Update: restart fixed it
  17. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    #377 EightRooks, Jan 31, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
    Interesting; I took a few screenshots on the iPod and I admit they certainly look pretty rough blown up to full size or larger (it is not in fact running at retina resolution, as far as I can tell). But I'd still say they look pretty good shrunk down, and the game does not play remotely as jerky as that video was going. I dunno: I'm not trying to pretend the iPod's hardware isn't horribly outdated, blah, blah, blah, I'd buy an iPhone 6 or an Air 2 or something like it if I could. But hey, I'm still having fun. If I'd spent $60 or whatever on a game which ran like this on my PC I'd be frustrated, but I'm willing to compromise when the game's this good, it's on an iOS device that slips into my pocket and it cost me the price of a sandwich.

    EDIT: What the hell, let's embarrass myself :D

    This is the game running on an iPod Touch (mods, by all means edit if three pictures like this is too much?):



  18. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Runs great on ip6 and get shadows
  19. Frumius

    Frumius Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Starship Science Officer
    Beta Antares IV
    I hope you get a refund so you can go away. Seriously, 2 posts in total on TA, both negative and in this thread? If you've read the thread, you'd see you're an anomaly. Perhaps you should reboot, then refund.

    You have a 5s and you think it doesn't work. I have an iPad 3 (far weaker) and it works well. I suspect there's something going on at your end.
  20. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Something is wrong with your phone... No chance in hell is game goes down to 5-7 fps hahaha

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