okay, i did it 3 stars without iaps. hard work tho screencapture of first and last wave setup is attached
My screencap for 9, completed without having to sell anything. Everything's masters except for the upper left gauss. Also, my previous setup worked but was near impossible with the selling I had to do at the end and slow towers at every turn to make it work, so that is why I went for more gauss rays on my second attempt, focussing mostly building lots of low powered units until I upgraded them for the last level boss. After level 8, it gets much easier to save.
Not easily, but by selecting build module, click on the square above where you want to place it, and slide down.
I have the same problem; I can't arrived to build near the border. I tried to arrived to the square and slide down but i think the resolution of the screen can be a problem. Can you please add some picture on how you arrived to do that. I'm playing on Iphone (maybe the probleme is coming from here)
It takes a bit of patience. Make sure it says build on the menu bar after you click on module then build. With the cursor on the spot immediately above where you want to build, roll down with your finger from the middle of the cursor down. It might take a few tries, and sometimes it builds next to where you want, but it works.
Thanks, worked eventually. For anyone still having trouble, enter the module building mode, select the row above the bottom, and keep dragging it slightly as if you're trying to push the selection square down. Eventually it will build one below, so be careful not to keep tapping quickly as you might erase it. Finished mission 11 today, which means I beat every level without IAPs. Very difficult yet well-designed tower defense game.
I'm like you, I want this new level ... But for the moment it's seems that they aren't disponible on Iphone.... just android... Somebody know when is it arrived on Iphone ????
Yea sorry, I was playing the Android version. Couldn't find any better discussions of this game. I sent @hexage a tweet asking about the iOS levels, so maybe they'll respond. edit: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/radiant-defense/id512204619?mt=12 According to itunes you already have the new version with level 10+11?
module placement for mission 10 w/o IAPS? Without any IAPs, I seem to be stuck at mission 10 (operation triola), level 6 (best I can do is 3/20, which is pretty terrible). Can't really build any long routes, as otherwise they start diverting to the other side. Anybody have any hints about how best to do this one? (p.s. I'm on android)
yeah, just beaten Mission 11 without iaps. wonder what route you guys took. i merged both routes, despite the hint at the beginning. they changed the tower aiming behaviour tho, prioritizing on targets nearest to the exit. edit: Screenshot of how i beat Mission 10 and 11 without iaps and all lives left.
Thanks, I'll give that a try. I was using the LHS route, starting with 2 guns (I knew level 1 was too easy to be true!). 2 dispensors, a tesla and 2 gauss got me to level 6, and then it was all downhill. I added two canon to get 3/20 lives, and I've been fiddling with module placement ever since to see if it was my route setup, or my weapon choice, that was the problem.
here's a better screenshot of how i started. First level was a 3-level upgraded tesla + basic bio. Second level i added the tachyon if i remember correctly.
Thanks for that, I finally managed to get through mission 10. I went tesla, bio, canons, then tachyon. Will give mission 11 a try over the weekend. Looks like a doozy already, got to about 12th level, then died a horrible death. I built a long route for the RHS and a short route for the LHS, both to the top spiral, but got overwhelmed again like I did in mission ten. Need to evaluate my opening (as usual I built two guns... must wean myself off that!)
I'll upload mine shortly. Much different, didn't even need to fire the neutron core at the last level on mission 11. Also, the new maps are available on the HP touchpad.
yeah, the last boss is quite easy. He still had quite a long way to go when i finished him (on the provided screencap i used another route, which wasnt as efficient) xarope, try merging the routes. Doing that a 3-level tesla was all i needed to finish the first 2 waves, leaving me with lots of cash to continue.