Any tips on last level? I can't pass the first few waves without blades and fall behind in terms of building towers.
Wow, this game really rocks. I've managed to get to level 6 with just brute force and then got right totally stuck. So off I went and actually read the help screen. And boy am I glad I did. Previously I was making just enough cash to upgrade or build a new tower. But once I discovered recuperators, Tesla, Tachyon and spotlight towers ... well I was making enough for all the special weapons and then some! Boy is that last monster at the end of level 6 a toughie. I had it lost in a green fog from 6 biocide towers before it went on a trail blades. Awesome game!!
This is a beautiful and complex (a good thing) game, but it's just too difficult. I know the point is to make it hard enough that you have to buy the IAPs (reasonable, since it's free) but it stops being fun after a while, even after investing in them. When you finish a level, you should be eager to dive into the next challenge. I just find myself dreading it. Based on some of the comments, there are some really good gamers who are thriving on the challenge. For the rest of us, however... Just to be super clear, I don't object to the IAPs at all in this game. I just wish the difficulty scaled down far enough for casual gamers like myself to enjoy it.
I consider myself pretty good at most tower defense ames. I completed kingdom rush, was #2 for awhile on unstoppable gorg, and usually beat about any tower defense game I put my mind to. This one, I loathe to admit, I'm giving up on. I'm on last level and after playing it every which way to Sunday, I cannot build enough of an economy to stay afloat past wave's not even fun. I quit.
Made it all the way to the final boss at the end of Mission 9. Can someone tell me which weapons work best on him? I can seem to bring him down. tia
Nevermind. I just used the slowing towers and directed his path to take more sustained damage. Finally beat him! Great game, Hexage! Looking forward to more levels.
I'm on mission 5, wave 31 freakin' gets me all the time, I'm trying to change my route, it's definitely a challenge, but totally worth it.
Haven't bought any of the Upgradepacks. Finished mission 1-6 with 3 stars. But the Level 7 Endboss seems to be impossible to beat. i'll keep trying, but i'm running out of ideas to improve the strategy.
Just beat mission 5 with no iap's (well, I bought one, but I haven't used anything from it to win the missions) mission 6 is proving to be difficult.
managed to finish mission 7 without iaps. Now stuck at level 45/50 in mission 8 and not even close to finishing it. edit: now at level 50/50. But thats just insane. No es possible
I was having a bad day. Everybody has those. But of course I didn't quit. I managed to finish level 9 with 3 stars and a $2000 cash surplus. Surprisingly, once you figure out the trick to level 9, it's the easiest of all of them! Good game, just a tad too challenging at times.
Anyone care to share a screen of how they managed to beat the final wave in Mission 8? I think I've tried every angle possible but I can't figure out how to beat it... So frustrating !
For those who are interested, I've managed to finish M8 with loads of money. Here is a screen of my setup : The key is to quickly build your $$$ above $500 with a single recuperator and upgrade the missile launchers. Then as soon as you can build all three big boys (Terrorshock, Megablast and Ω-cannon). Once these are built you should be fine.
I'm loving this game and have happily bought all the IAPs. It's been really challenging to play through but not so difficult that it isn't fun. For the most part it has just the right amount of difficulty so that it takes time, thought and work to win and victory is all the more satisfying for it. That said... Could you possibly give me a hint as to what the trick is? Perserverance and occasional swearing has seen me through the previous levels but 9 is kicking my arse. I've played with different routes and setups for days and I can't get through more than 10-12 waves and I usually have to resort to mine and blade spamming to get that far. That said, I'm really looking forward to new levels! I got Robotek on the strength of this and it's great too. Also, question for Hexage if they're still monitoring this thread (or anyone else who knows): is there a stacking effect for multiple bright mark searchlights?
I fully understand your frustration. I just about gave up, did for a couple days...and I was just chatting with another TD fan friend of mine who had just started this....without even hearing of my woes I asked him what he thought so far...he said he was at level six and had decided that was the last one he was gonna play.....I asked why and he said, "it's just not any fun anymore...I've come to the same point in this game every time and I feel like I'm beating my head against a brick's not just that it's challenging, it's just too unforgiving." I don't have a screen but I can tell you what I used....right up front three recoups, 1 weakening tower and 1 slow down both maxed....right above that we're my three main guns that I bought at the beginning, plus another weakening tower - they were 1 poison, 1 fire, and 1 regular gun turret, all maxed. That was the basic lineup with a couple more slow down towers at 1/3 and 1/2 way through...... ....The only other thing were the seven fully upgraded missile seraphim towers in triangle formation who didn't let a single thing thru. The real trick at the beginning is figuring out your layout, that is what was key for me. Good luck!
The main thing as quantics stated is to get yr money to $500 and build missiles...I started and stayed with 1 recoup, 1 poison, 1 fire and 1 regular gun turret. I didn't get anything else for a long time and just worked on upgrading those....I also only got 1 of the big guns and it worked fine that way. The secret is in the turnaround...there is a way to make walls meet at the corners so that creeps are coming thru on both sides of the passage....several smartly placed bombs on top of yr recoup in either of those corners will kill everything on both sides of the wall! And I think I read somewhere that there isn't a stacking effect on the lights, they just confuse each other if they target the same thing, so space em!