Radiangames pulled from French app store ?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Jean pierre, May 8, 2017.

  1. gamingaficionado

    gamingaficionado Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2017
    that's why i laugh so hard when people on here claim that mobile (and ios in particular) is the future of gaming.


    i like gaming on my iipad but let's face it: it has transformed games into pop corn/fast food kinda business.

    that's why dedicated consoles will NEVER go away. the core gaming consumers are still here and are going to last. yes i nab ios games when they're released, how i am smart enough to encourage the devs on the dedicated platforms.

    whoever plays solely on ios should download all their games on their pc, backup cracked files, and leave an older device up and running.

    how many good games have we lost because of the nature of mobile gaming? too many to count. so it's best not to cream yourselves over mobile and whine about dedicated consoles dying. cuz they won't :)

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