This is one of those games that I absolutely love even though I absolutely suck at it! I think my love for it is mostly due to nostalgia really, Super R-Type was maybe the 4th or 5th game I got for the Super Nintendo. Currently #2 on the leaderboards, that sure as hell won't last long. Edit: Forgot to mention, this runs a bit choppy on a 4th gen touch.
Playing this game reminded me how much better the music was in super r-type for the snes. Better music than any other r-type. Any chances super r-type could ever be ported?
Great stuff, DotEmu does it again. This one is new to me, I had only played the original R-Type back in the day (and more recently on iOS) so I am glad to see this on iOS and get the chance to play it.
Prepping for trip, no time to play it with iCade. Try touch control, good enough but this is much harder than R-Type. Bam, I am dead. BTW, any chance to "slow down" the original R-Type? It is much faster than the EA version!
Idk why but I have a hard time playing horizontal shooters. It feels weird moving the ship with my left hand. So weird that I have to turn my phone vertical and play with my right hand lol. I'm enjoying the game though = ).
Just bought this. It's terrible. For some reason your ship can't die. Even tried driving through the scenery- same results. Deleted, re-installed, tried again... same thing. Totally pointless. Sure, you can finish the game on one life if you really want now, because it's impossible to lose a life.
Strange. For any relative touch games I always control games on the left and shoot with the right. Most shoot em ups and platformers seem to be this way
There's an update out now which fixes that invincible bug. That was so weird. I knew something was wrong with the last version. I kept thinking I had toggled a cheat or something by accident but I couldn't find anything in the options.
What's stopping you from using your right hand normally? Usually there's an option for swapping any buttons to the other side. Usually.
R-Type I & II are updated to iOS 11 64bit compatibility! DotEmu have come through and saved these true arcade classics (and excellent ports) from 32bit oblivion! If you haven't yet played these ports, they are near perfect ports of the original arcade versions and are hard to beat in the best tradition of classic shmups # With their survival assured (at least for another generation of iOS) I can't recommend these highly enough #