Any chance we might see a Campaign local Hall of Fame in the future? I just attempted my first run at it, crashing in 3 of my first 4 races, so far from a pro, but then on that third crash I'm told I can't maintain the team and given the big loser screen. I appreciate that the game can have an appropriate harsh ending and save scumming isn't possible, but, garsh, I sort of wish there was some sort of record of my previous attempts to reflect on later. I know I'm enjoying it so far. While no fan of racing sims, I'm enjoying the strategy board game feel to it. Sort of that just a small cog in a big world like one gets in Football Manager, but since you really only need to focus on the one chariot each race, I find it a lot easier to grasp the fundamentals than in FM. I also love how they've added so much depth to a seemingly simple concept of racing around a track a few times. You need to factor in the experience of your driver, the quality and speed of your horses, the type of chariot you're using (is it made light for speed or more durable for ramming opponents), and finally which faction you wish to join (which will entitle you to their own unique set of perks).
Don't know if I made the right decision but the concept fascinated me so I bought it! Love strategy games so I hope I'll like this.
Yeah, I have been enjoying it for very similar reasons. I have been learning the basics and trying different strategies in the single race mode before I try to take on the campaign mode.
Instabuy! FIRST - dev please fix the crashing. My very first single game I came 3rd then when I tried to go back to the menu CRASH to springboard! IPad Air. Not good enough. Must fix this please. NEXT - how the bloody hell am I supposed to read sign language while I'm trying to win a chariot race? No idea what they stand for. No idea what I'm doing. How am I supposed to use tactics when I don't know what the signs mean? Please FIX urgently otherwise the game is unplayable! What? Am I expected to memorise all these symbols? So far I love the idea of the game but not knowing what I'm doing is a major blight that must be fixed. I'll give it 4/5 trusting that the dev will act on these things very soon.
After a couple of races you'll remember the icons. There are not that many options. On the crash its not something we've had happen at all. Where exactly does it happen and how often. It was rock solid in our testing.
Just saying its up to us to remember doesn't give me much confidence in support. Never mind about the crash. You've already said it doesn't crash so I guess that must be my fault too. Oh well. Thanks very much for the great support - the Clayton's support! It would really help if buttons and menus could be enlarged as I've had to tap dozens of times to change the difficulty and its so annoying when I just want to get on with the game. A lot of the buttons are just too tiny.
I know I'm going to get addicted to this game. I love it but I keep falling off my chariot or its collapsing I don't know which so I can never finish a race as I just get dragged along the ground till I die!! What am I doing wrong. Most of my opponents seem to finish. I'm only doing single races so far but it's very hard knowing what's what as the fine print is hardly legible and the menus are extremely unintuitive. The gameplay is AWESOME but the instructions aren't too helpful. In the instructions it says you can buy upgrades but where and how? Even in map mode the icons are so tiny and miniscule that they are unresponsive. Again great game if you can get the menus to respond. Is this a PC port? Looks like it was meant more for mouse and hasn't been properly adapted for touchscreen. Pity.
I had it crash after my second game (explained in an earlier post here; exiting to the main menu after a game). And I also found the lack of any kind of 'in game' popup explaining the icons. Why not just have a 'Quick Guide' available from the pause menu that shows what each icon does? Surely this is a far better user experience than "Oh just keep trying and you'll get it eventually"... Your games are all incredible from the gameplay perspective but seem to lack any real care and attention in the UI; that can really make or break a game, unfortunately, since only the hardcore few will stick with a UI that fights them every step of the way!
Is there a way in-race I can see the health of my driver, horses, and cart? I mean I would think if one of my horses was severely injured I could see it other than trying to remember I saw a little burst of blood over horse #2 a lap ago.
Very glad you spoke out. I can't help but feel we've been dudded here by a lazy PC port without any consideration of the ios gamer whatsoever. Look at the size of the fonts almost unreadable! The icons don't respond unless tapped many times. I'm struggling so much with menus and trying to figure out what button means what that it's ruining my interest in the game. The upgrade page is so confusing. I can't recommend this after fighting with the tiny buttons, the menus the tiny icons and unreadable fonts. I can't believe that this passed any sort of quality control or even beta tested by real gamers. There's two courses of action they can take. Listen and make changes or not bother as this is only for some extra pocket money not worth fixing. If you look at their response you can see that they've washed their hands with it already saying its up to us to learn and that they had no crashes. They don't seem to want to support it beyond the initial release and maybe one update. I get the impression from their disinterested reply that this game is not a priority and and we've bought an unplayable dud that will never have its problems fixed. You think they're blind and can't see that the UI is terrible? I do hope I'm wrong and they really fix this up completely but it's just such a mess the UI will they put the time in to fix it? I very much doubt it. Changed my rating to 1 star as the game is ruined by bad menus and design.
Yep, this could be a real great game but it seems, that the developer has no good beta testers ... it is really a shame: I have purchased every game from Slitherine so far ... and I tried three times to be a beta tester, but I never even get an answer ... and if I see then ports like this I really ask myself what kind of tester they are looking for ... It is the same with their PC titles. Problems and no Solutions. Here is an example where I solved a Problem myself ... and no reaction from them: I spent more than 300,- Euros for their games so far (PC & iPad) but the Support is in some points a shame ... Maybe I will not buy the next games before the iOS ports are getting a better testing / support.
I wish the problem here was as easy as Norton. Only Sliterine can fix the GUI and menus and fine print fonts.
And we are not the only unhappy ones at all:
I think one of the comments in that link nailed it; Slitherine built a great game and then decided to try to make some easy $$$ by porting it to IOS... but invested the minimum of effort into doing this. And some of the design choices such as the black text on those textured background for the game help are just mystifying. Still, Slitherine have apparently put significant effort into Da Vinci now so maybe they'll do the same here and make this the success it has the potential to be.
No I'm saying we don't know how to repeat it and have not had this happen so without more information we can't do a lot. It is one of the most stable games I've ever seen so if you can tell us more we might be able to find out what he issue is but right now haven't got a clue where to start looking. If you know anything about us you'll know our support is second to none! If you are still having trouble with the icons after a couple of races let us know. Having a full tutorial would be great but we found people picked it up naturally after a couple of races and puttee effort in to other areas instead.
Check your spam filter. Everyone gets a reply even if they don't get selected and its almost certain you were if you tried 3 times. Also please note you did get a reply to your support query the next day so I'm not sure why you would suggest otherwise? You can see it in the thread.
Hi guys on the UI issues these were not raised by the beta team and possibly too many people who knew the game well enough already wanted to beta on tablets and they didn't need the initial hand holding. The iOS version has been complete for a couple of weeks so its not that it was rushed, its that nobody raised these issues. The team are going to review all the feedback and see what can be done to make it easier to play. Before each race we added a pop up showing all the controls and what they do as a reminder. Are you not seeing this? There are only really accelerate, change lane, whip and crash as commands. Everything else is a variation on this and you can tell what it means by the icon placement so there isn't too much to remember but clearly people are struggling so we'll look at what we can do. Cheers Iain