iPad Quitting my design job at Apple to release my App

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Rock Soft, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. Rock Soft

    Rock Soft Member

    Oct 10, 2012
    #1 Rock Soft, Dec 3, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017

    I really do love my job as an art director at Apple. I work on some really cool stuff, get to see all the new products before release, and get some of it free.

    But... Ya know what? I'm obsessed with making games. I didn't draw new computer products when I was a kid. I drew new levels for Mario, Zelda, Lolo,etc. I designed new world maps for Phantasy Star and spent most of my time day dreaming up new consoles, not iPhones. I love my iPhone but I'm at the tipping point in my life where I'm getting married soon, settling down and picking a final career path. And corporate life scares the shit out of me.

    I don't even have a cubical or anything rough but this corporate life suffocates me. I sit in behind a printer and all day think about beating the crap out of it. So, because publishing an iPhone App while I'm currently employed at Apple would mean my job, I'm giving up the job, not the passion. Not sure when my end date is, but it's coming soon. Sooner than my fiancee would like. ;)

    So, to kick things off, here's the game I'm been working on, on and off, for years now. Introducing: Keynect

    Pressing the magnets will pull the key. Get the key in the keyhole to free Bbot from his god awful day job. The sooner he's done working in the Lab, the sooner he can get to the beach with a margarita in his stumpy robo-hand. The game features over 100 levels and over 50 super-hard "Dark Souls / Pangea Mario Maker" levels. Also, there's boss / middle manager / district manager levels to beat as well. I'm also spending a lot of time making the game feel fresh so there's many types of interactive elements such as gravity pushers, lasers, conveyor belts, etc. etc. super fun stuff etc. yada yada please play it.

    I'd love to get some beta-testers (please?) if you're interested (seriously, please help me!) but gonna keep it cool if you're not (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I'M QUITTING MY JOB, WHY WON'T YOU HELP!!?). [cue Sarah Mclachlan’s “I will remember you”]

    Thanks to everyone for taking a look and not PMing me "don't quit your day job!" cause I am, and it’s final.

    Attached Files:

  2. _mean.13

    _mean.13 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2014
    Woah dude# thats awesome. Also the game looks really good and I'll be proud to beta test#. I love games like this
  3. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Looks real nice! Im excited to see more!

    Hopefully you still got some connects with apple to get featured because the app store is not a friendly place these days no matter how well designed or fun your game is haha.
  4. IOSgamer1980

    IOSgamer1980 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Good luck man. Passion may not lead to as much money, but it always leads to true happiness.

    And you can't buy that, even with Apple money.
  5. bbegirl

    bbegirl Member

    Feb 7, 2012
    Good luck, wish I had your courage!
  6. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #6 Nullzone, Dec 4, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
    You, my good sir, need a serious reality check.
    You love your job, and I suspect you aren't exactly making minimum wage there.
    Which is more than most people can say.
    The printer behind you annoys you? That's it? Get it moved away, especially if it actively hurts your ears (I have tinnitus, so I know how bad things can be).

    If you are only responsible for yourself, I'm the last one stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    But: You're getting married? Kids underway or planned?
    If that's the case you have responsibility now, unless your fiancee brings in the money and lets you follow your hobby/dream.

    I would prefer to do something else as well, as much as I like my job. But I have responsibility towards my kid and partner, so quitting and doing something like releasing yet another app most people won't even notice is completely out of the question.

    Sure, raining on your parade here. But think about it.

    And if your contract forbids you to release an app of your own while working at Apple:
    Check with HR and Legal what's possible. E.g. can you go via a publisher, or is that disallowed by contract, too? Have someone else (your fiancee, say) put their name on the Apple Dev account and release?
  7. dwincelowicz

    dwincelowicz Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2015
    Sarasota, FL
    Bro. This. All damn day.
  8. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Almost forgot I also have something positive to say ;)

    If you really absolutely cannot stand the idea of spending another minute at your current job, AND want to do something with games:
    Why don't you look for a job with a games company? You write you're an Art Director, and I'll assume you don't hold that position since yesterday only.

    What I want to say is:
    It sounds like you have experience and are good at what you do, and people/companies are on the lookout for that. Not an easy job market for sure, but then which one is?
    Go job hunting on the side, see what's available in your area (or even outside, if you can move) .

    And if you want to do something different, say level design: Check those jobs as well; if you bring related skills to the table - plus your existing job experience - , you might not even have to start in the trenches as a junior programmer/designer/whatever.

    Hell, if you have money saved up to get you through a year or two:
    See if you can take a Sabbatical, and if you are then allowed to release a game during that "downtime".
  9. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Oh god don't quit your day job please.
  10. Rock Soft

    Rock Soft Member

    Oct 10, 2012
    I am not insane


    Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement one way or the other.

    So I moved to the Bay Area from the Tri-State area without a job. Jumped in the car and drove here with my girlfriend. I've been working in advertising for a long time before I got where I am now and done the freelance thing that way. My plan to release this game is to not quit working the rest of my life (I do wish that though). I'm not going to quit Apple then live under a bridge with my fiancee stealing power for my laptop to run Unity. I'll find other freelance work if need be (and yes I realize that's probably going to be what I need to do). But I'm taking the opportunity to push myself in the right direction and follow a dream while I still have the chance because WHEN I do have kids and a house, this sort of career move is just plain dumb, right?

    And yes I've spoken to HR about this sort of thing and they've made it clear that it's not something I'm allowed to do. Using a publisher is not allowed either. I don't know the repercussions for releasing the App exactly, they made that vague but people have been fired for less.

    I need to finish this game before I can move on with my life. I've been working on it for like 4 years in spurts. If it's a success, even just mildly cool to people and not financially successful, I'll continue making games and pursuing my passion in a career/company that allows and encourages it. Some place less corporate. Many other gaming companies also won't allow you to release games yourself. Not all of them but most I've interviewed with. I turned down a job with DeNA for a similar reason, although they seem to accept employee's ideas for new games which is cool.

    I just strongly believe the worst thing in life is regret. I will regret not trying to follow my passion, not missing out on the next yearly bonus.
    Keep the advice coming though!

    Also, screw that piece of shit printer... I hate it!
  11. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    Ha! The printer!

    Best of luck in whatever your next job is, and with your games passion as well!

    I'd love to quit or greatly reduce my day job and just make games one day, but if not... luckily I do LIKE my day job (freelance interactive designer) as well! And my printer doesn't work, so it's nice and silent.
  12. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Well, I'd tell you not to quit your day job, but I left medical school to start an RPG company (which is why they call me Misguided). And while that project didn't set the world on fire, I meant a great deal to me on a personal level and I learned a great deal about myself in the process, so I can very much relate to where you are coming from.

    Anyway, it looks like an intriguing concept. My personal hope would be for something more thinky/logic-based versus twitchy, but hope that at a bare minimum it is a personal success for you.
  13. applicattura

    applicattura Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2015
    I keep my fingers crossed that you will gain a success with your game.
  14. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Looks like fun, I will play this as soon as it hits, good luck with everything.
  15. emdash

    emdash Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    artist / Art Director
    Oakland, CA
    Well, I am certainly not going to be the poster to tell you not to quit your day job and follow your passion. I recently also quit an Art Director job at a big-name mobile game company and am hoping to do something smaller and more independent. But to answer what you were actually looking for in your original post (which wasn't career advice) sure, I'd be happy to beta test your game! Drop me a PM if you still need people.
  16. RTAMGames

    RTAMGames Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Looks great. Did you have any insight into what happens to the app review process at Apple? Any internal strings you can pull?
  17. iamcartez

    iamcartez Well-Known Member

    As a developer. This! Lol...

    But congrats on taking that step and your title looks amazing. I'll definitely download it and I'm willing to beta test it over the holidays as I'm taking a break from my work.
  18. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 17, 2009
    Dinosaur hunter
    Los Angeles
    Looks like a cool idea. I'll buy it!
  19. Xexist

    Xexist Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2010
  20. Rock Soft

    Rock Soft Member

    Oct 10, 2012
    Hahaha. I think about this scene like every day!

    The printer behind me looks like it's on steroids. If I took a bat to it, I think it would actually kick my ass....


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